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eBA Form Update

if (!eBAConfigurationHelper.ApplicationConfig.DefaultInstanceEnabled)




eBAConnection con = CreateServerConnection();

This is how I open the connection.

WorkflowDocument docIMP = con. WorkflowManager.CreateDocument("IM", "IMP");

eBAForm frmIMP = new eBAForm(docIMP.DocumentId);

I create a form and capture it from the id

DataTable dtPriority = getExcellData( "select * from [PRIORITIES$]");

I read data from an excell, I write the incoming rows to the detail table object in the form

foreach (DataRow row in dtPriority.Rows)


FormDetailsGridRow oncRow = frmIMP.DetailsGrids["DTONC"]. Rows.Add();

oncRow["ONC"]. AsString = row["PRIORITY"]. ToString();

oncRow["ONCACK"]. AsString = row["DESCRIPTION"]. ToString();


frmIMP.Fields["Text1"]. AsString = "test";

, you can type data into the fields on the form.


Con. Close();