eBA Document Management File Transfer Document
1. Document Management File Transfer Operations
The excel file to be used for file transfer is prepared as in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The Connection Properties screen
Fields marked in red are mandatory fields and must be in Excel. The field marked with yellow is not a mandatory field and can be added if desired. The field marked with green is the fields in the profile form and if data is to be added to the fields of the profile form, the relevant field is filled in by typing. ProfileForm: If the document to be added will be connected to a profile form, the profile form is written in this field as ProjectName.FormNameName.
Local File System Path: The path of the file to be transferred is written.
DM Folder Path: The path of the file to be transferred to the document management is written.
RelatedDocumentCategory: If the Enable file-profile relation option is clicked, enter this field in the profile form The category of the associated documents object on is written. The document is also added to the profile form.
Description: If the Include Description is checked, this part is set as a description in the document.
Text1: Contains the name of the object found in the porfil form. As many fields can be added as desired.
For bulk file transfer to Document Management.exe eBADocumentImporter is run. In Figure 2, the eBADocumentImporter.exe application is copied to directory 1. To run the application, Run as Administrator is selected by clicking the right button on the application.

Figure 2: The eBADocumentImporter.exe Screen
In Figure 3, applications are opened by clicking the OK button on the application login screen.

Figure 3: The Application Login Screen

Figure 4: The File Transfer Screen
In Figure 4, the excel file prepared by clicking the button number 1 is selected. Once the file is selected, field 2 contains the number of records in the file and the page name. Click on button number 3 to start the file transfer.

Figure 5: File Transfer Result Screen
In Figure 5, the message success is written that the files have been transferred.

Figure 6: The Document Management Screen
The files were transferred to the folder path specified in the document management as shown in Figure 6.