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Organization Information Transfer Structures


• It is the table where the users in the system are kept.


• It is the table where the titles are kept.


• It is the table in which the departments are kept


• It is the table where the positions are kept.


• It is the table where the upper user (supervisor) keys are kept. Eba comes with the "default" key, this key is to identify the default parent users. In general, this is sufficient to administratively assign top users, but if we want to find a technical top user outside the administrative structure, for example, we need a second "technical" manager key. In this case, a user's administratively parent user can be defined as another technically parent user.


• It is the table where the upper users (supervisors) are kept. It should be noted here that different parent users of a user can be defined with different manager keys.


• It is the table where user groups are kept.


• It is the table where the users in the groups are kept.


• It is the table where the features are defined. These features are generally data that does not come with eba, but that the customer wants to connect to each user, position, title or department that he needs later. For example, if we think that we want to store the models of the computers used by the users in the database, what we need to do is to define a computer model property of type string in this table and bind it to the users.


• This table is used to link properties defined in the OSPROPERTYTYPES table to users, titles, departments, positions, or groups of positions.


• This table is used to link properties defined in the OSPROPERTYTYPES table to users, titles, departments, positions, or groups of positions.