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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 39890 - DR 4248 - Reports - All recommendation statuses in the status report by source were printed in the excel report.


  • No Improvements


3.1.Web Interface

  • 39970 - DR5199-Document Sighting - Appeared the name of the person reviewing the document in the Review list tab.

  • 40006 - DR5212-Fixed the problem by updating the index on the customer side.

  • 40077 - SAT - Device Management System - When updating the transaction type with the Update Transaction Type option from the List tab on the Device Maintenance page, it was ensured that the Next Transaction Date could not be selected before the Last Transaction Date.

  • 40078 - On the Appropriations Transfer and Supplementary appropriations pages, the pop up that popped up when clicking on the Transfer Budget again to delete the Transfer Budget and add another budget was blank. When the problem was fixed and the Actress budget was opened, the pop-up was not empty.

  • 40093 - DR5238-The width measurements of the definition field have been adjusted from the columns of the field whose data entry type is tree list. This resolves the visual issue.

  • 40094 - DR5241-Fixed the error received as a result of adding a document-type field for the risk detail form identification control tab.

  • 40240 - DR5277-Review Task After the review task was performed, the review task continued to stop at the first officer's Pending Jobs task in the time interval until the person in the role was assigned the task. This caused a review task to be performed for the same document again. After the bug is fixed and the review task is submitted for approval, the person who submitted it for approval is removed from the pending jobs task.

  • 40277 - When using the GetUserTaskCount method in the DR5271-DocumentsWS/QDMSTasksWS.asmx service, information from ensemble modules would not be received. In the GetUserTaskCount method, the ensemble modules were disabled.

  • 40426 - DR5320-EYS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - When a new examination was created from the Inspection Tracking page, the examination multiplexing was performed when the Send Prescription button was pressed repeatedly. It was ensured that the send prescription button was not pressed on top of each other and examination multiplexing was prevented.

  • 40461 - DR5325 - Tested using the GetDocumentsByFolder method in the document web service and no error was encountered. On the customer side, the dll was sent to the customer and tested in the customer environment and no errors were encountered.

  • 40505 - DR5350 - When the "default value" selection made when creating relationship risk fields was wanted to be removed, this change did not occur in the data base, although it appeared to be removed in the environment. The related issue has been fixed.

  • 40545 - When the DR5353-Default Process Type parameter was empty, multiplexing occurred on the grid for devices defined on the device identification page and to which many transaction types were added. The error has been fixed and multiplexing has been prevented for the device to which more than one operation type has been added.

  • 40608 - DR5368-Object error with download template button on the risk assessment form definition screen has been fixed.

  • 40664 - GetDocumentFile method in DWS.asmx received an error in Bosnian when parameter 79 was yes. Fixed.

  • 40717 - DR5398-Accelerated the training logs page and made the select all button to select only those on the page.

  • 40718 - Fixed an error where DR5399-Board was rejected by the chairman when voting was not used in the meeting module.

  • 40719 - DR5401 - Ensured that the formula defined for the calculated numeric field cannot be changed.

  • 40726 - DR5406-Document Fixed the issue of assigning a position with a vacant position holder from the system when the revised part was left blank while transferring to the system.

  • 40741 - DR5419-Error received in the "Risk comparison" chart when trading on a field with an input type calculated and a field type of text has been fixed.

  • 40586 - Inspection When importing templates for the export page, formats inserted outside of excel (tiff, png, gif, jpg) would receive an "object reference" error. It is considered natural to receive errors for formats other than the template type that should be used in the system in the relevant field. Check for the correct file type defined in the system is provided.

  • 40877 - DR5516-Board Meeting is formed and the DÖF is formed at the decision stage. When the meeting was closed, the Decision Code of the döf that was opened by pressing the View button was not visible. The error was fixed and the Decision Code of the opened Döf record was shown.

  • 40921 - DR5554-Calculation management visibility requirement under question in the Questions field is provided.

  • 40951 - DR5588 - Object Reference error was received after multi-product selection, i.e. when the UPARAM field was full and approval was given. After the error was eliminated and multiple product selections were made, approvals were given and döf and dms transactions were carried out smoothly.

  • 39734 - DR5115-Fixed an issue where automatic action was not opened to the supervisor of a user who was in the Quit Job status.

  • 39945 - DR5193-EYS - Document Operations - Reports - Data contained on the Document Tracking Report page, Excel dump would result in a row limit error caused by a system-defined template. The bug has been fixed and the new template has been imported from the Edit Report Formats page. Thanks to this imported template, there is no error caused by the row limit.

  • 41221 - DR5712-Fixed an issue where selections in multiple constituencies could be re-elected in the next task.

  • 41321 - DR5743 - When the revision number of the document was entered as a string, an error was received when attempting to create a quality record of the document whose revision number was a string value. The error has been fixed and a quality record has been created for documents with revision number string value.

  • 38628 - DR4766-IMS - Device Management - Reports - Timeline Report page pressing the Previous Month-Next Month buttons would lock the application. The error is fixed and the buttons are working properly.

  • 41614 - Error page error received when pressing the parametric rejection button defined on the main form of risk assessment has been fixed.

  • 41671 - The report could not be downloaded because the Export to Excel button on the Internal Customer Complaints Actions Report-3 page gave an error. It was found that the problem is caused by the fact that the template to be downloaded on the page is not in the system. Therefore, the IMS_AKS_RAPOR.xls report was added to IMS - Report Formats and the template was defined in the system. In this way, by clicking the Export to Excel button, the report download process can be performed smoothly.

  • 41491 - DR5826- Data Entry Risk type Single Select error received due to a field has been fixed. It is ensured that no errors are received in public transport.

4.Mobile Updates


  • 38163 - In the list of checks to be performed in Android-IOS environments, the questions were checked when pressing the HDD button on the tab, and the readonly button was also resolved and the issue of not being passive.


  • 37428 - IOS - Android - Fixed the issue of saving the questions marked from the question in the questions with options from the checklist to perform task.

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version should be updated with the package.