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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1. Highlights / New Features

  • 56655 - DR9263- Parameter 271 (Should filters made through grids be remembered?) has been added to the BSID module. When the parameter value is no, the searches made in the filters will not be memorized.

  • 56654 - DR9272- When defining a new management system in the SID->BSID-> Definitions ->Management systems menu, the '/' character is allowed in the code field.

  • 55038 - DR9066- ORACLE -> IMS-> Risk Assessment -> Defining the Form -> Details page, the problem that the user cannot create an action in the precautions tab on the form definition screen although the user has authorization has been fixed.

  • 53484 - DR8858- ORACLE -> IMS - > Event Notification -> Reports -> General Event List and the slowness problem encountered while downloading Form Based reports has been fixed..

  • 53177 - System Infrastructure Definitions-> BSID->Reports- Approval transfer information was also displayed on the Task Transfer Report.

  • 52172 - It was ensured that parameter descriptions are organized according to the prepared format in first time installations.

  • 54006 - It was seen that the user-based edits made in my pending jobs grids were stored in the database and the user-based edits made in a browser-independent manner were stored.

  • 53679 - DR8888-Parameters and reports in CAPA and Customer complaints modules in English installations content has been improved to be in English.

2. Improvements

  • No Improvements.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 59828 - DR9339- In the QDMS product, the UNVAN_KOD column of our KDYS352K table has been edited to accept 50 character data.

  • 56138 - DR9186- The error of clicking the save button more than once while creating a finding on the IMS -> Audit Activity -> Pending Audits - > Perform Audits page has been resolved.

  • 56076 - DR9172- IMS -> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment Form Identification -> In the report downloaded by excel transfer on the Details page, it has been ensured that the trend column on the grid is combined on a single column.

  • 55254 - Fixed the error that the document transferred from System Infrastructure Definitions->Document Activities->Document system transfer menu could not be viewed from the Integrated Management System- >Document Activities->Document viewing menu.

  • 54982 - Language equivalents have been added for fields that do not have language equivalents in the CAPA module.

  • 54349 - IMS-> Action Management -> Action Approval -> Action Approval - The error of the page falling to error page when the action is performed with the reject button on the Opening Approval page has been fixed.

  • 54345 - IMS -> Action Management -> Reports -> Action Item Report Error received during export to Excel has been eliminated.

  • 54325 - DR8977- Fixed the bug where JS files in the application directory could not be read after the version update.

  • 54302 - ORACLE ->IMS -> Audit Activity -> Reports -> Audit Finding report page, the problem of locking the environment when you want to export to Excel after searching has been solved.

  • 54217 - The 'Clear User Settings' button has been removed on the IMS -> Document Activities -> Document Change Request page.

  • 54164 - IMS -> Call Center -> Reports -> Calls Closed without Complaint, Resolution Time and IMS -> Call Center - > Calls pages are opened as error pages has been fixed.

  • 54008 - Fixed an error where the password change field in the account settings menu was hidden according to parameter 5 (Use Active Directory for password confirmation (Y:[Yes] / N:[No] / C:[Common])). If the parameter value is Y, the password change field is not displayed. If C, if the user's AD information is defined, it is hidden, if not, it appears as open.

  • 53490 - DR8860- On the IMS-> OHSAS Risk Assessment -> Details page, the value of the text-type field defined by field definition is added to the "Fields to be automatically added to the Action Definition when opening an action" numbered 150. The values written for this field have been added to the "Definition" field when opening a new action in precaution definition.

  • 53470 - On the IMS-> Suggestion System -> Reports - Evaluation Pending Suggestions Report and Preliminary Evaluation Report page, the error of the Add Date and Add Date fields disappearing when searching in the filter tab has been fixed.

  • 53343 - When "(999) 000-0000" is used for example in parameter 125 (Mask to be used for all phone fields) on SID -> BSID -> Configuration Settings -> Parameters page SID -> BSID -> Definitions -> Personnel identification page, the error of not checking the formatting in the mobile phone field has been resolved.

  • 53340 - On Dashboard -> Action Management, it has been enabled to download individually for all graphics.

  • 53339 - Fields with column type numeric are centered.

  • 53107 - The error received while downloading additional files on the SID-> Call Center -> Letter List page has been fixed. In cases where the file is not found, the "File Not Found." warning has been provided.

  • 52793 - DR8776- When a query type field was used in the document, it was writing the code when the document was in the draft stage and the description after it was published. The <QALAN1> tag should only write the code information. If you want to display the description information, you need to use the <QALAN1_ACK> tag. An arrangement has been made in this direction.

  • 52596 - When we add a decision in the Board Meeting module and then want this decision to go to the next meeting, the error of not assigning it to the next meeting has been resolved.

  • 52958 - IMS -> Training Planning - > Training Plan -> Training Plan -> Training detail plan creation page, the error of the 'Clear User Settings' button appearing in the Training requests tab has been resolved.

  • 52962 - IMS -> Work and Periodic Inspection -> Examination Tracking -> Blood Pressure Tracking, Reports -> Test Report, Reports -> Nursing Services Report, External Examination -> New -> Resume, My Examinations, Physical/Psychological Examination Identification, SID-> Work and Periodic Inspection -> Workplace Physician Identification, Test Identification, Examination Type, Medication Identification, Favorite Medication Identification pages did not display the default information text above the grids. Fixed.

  • 60040 - DR9383- The error received when 'Status' filtering is requested on the IMS -> Audit Activity -> Audit Plans page has been resolved.

  • 60540 - The error of broken screenshots in QDMS error messages has been resolved.

  • 60551 - My Pending Jobs -> Document Activities - > Approval Pending Documents task, the 'Process Authorization error' received when we approve documents with processes in them has been solved.

  • 60605 - The error due to the QPARAM multi-tree structure in the document module has been resolved.

  • 60647 - System Infrastructure Definitions-> BSID-> Reports-> Task Transfer report, the error of not being able to filter by start and end date has been fixed.

  • 60772 - When we try to enter the questions page of a question category on the SID -> Survey Operations -> Question Pool page, the error received was given as a popup.

  • 60792 - On the QDMS errorpage page, display errors that occurred on the pages for filling in questions or answers from the Survey module have been resolved.

  • 60839 - ORACLE -> IMS-> Risk Assessment -> Reports -> General Risk List The error received when pressing the search button has been fixed.

4. Mobile Updates

4.1. Android

  • No Android Updates

4.2. IOS

  • No IOS Updates

5. Breaking Changes

  • Web version should be updated with package
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