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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1. Fixes

Document Management Module

  • 122663- DR14973- If the value of the ‘Use Role Based Document Cancellation Approval’ parameter numbered 124 from the Document Management module parameters is ‘Yes’, the error received when the cancellation flow is requested using the approver role has been corrected and the document cancellation approval is sent to the relevant role.
  • 124527- DR15116- The error received when the Integrated Management System -Document Management-Reports- Draft Documents List is requested has been corrected.
  • 124861- DR15159- In order to make the distribution responsible field on the Distribution location definition page in the Document Management module, the ‘lblDAG_SORUMLU’ field was made mandatory from the language settings.

Training Planning Module

  • 122236-DR14943-Category column heading has been added to the Detail Report Based on Training.

Action Management Module

  • 122235-DR14940-The error received when clicking the search button in the FGD module has been fixed.
  • 12223-DR14933-System Infrastructure Definitions- Action- When a percentage defined in the Action- Action Percentage Definition menu is desired to be deleted / updated, if there is an action item in which it is used, a warning message has been provided by the system that it is used. If it is desired to redefine an existing percentage in the system, a warning is provided by the system. It was ensured that zero (0) definition is not allowed in the Action Percentage Definition menu and a warning is given by the system.
  • 124681- DR15153- The error that the action source-based parametric fields do not have English language equivalents in the grid on the action planning page has been corrected.

Device Management System Module

  • 123209- DR15050- It was ensured that the fields on the Device Identification Transaction Type page are updated when the device calibration is completed (when the work order is closed). Corrective and Preventive Actions Module
  • 124616- DR15137- In the Corrective and Preventive Actions module, while the parameter value of the parameter 39 ‘Only see the records that he/she is authorised’ is ‘Yes’, it has been ensured that action approvers who are not authorised on the record do not receive an authorisation error in performing the relevant action task, approving and viewing the record and can perform the relevant operations.

Survey Operations Module

  • 123885- DR15073-Matrix type questions that are selected as mandatory during the survey preparation phase are displayed as ‘*’ on the answering screen and necessity control is provided, and it is not allowed to save the mandatory questions without answering them.

Field Detection Management Module

  • 125141- DR15182- In the Field Detection Management module, a user who is the module administrator was enabled to select and view a control on the Control List page.

Audit Activity Module

  • 122439-DR14958-When an optional question is defined in the question pool in the Audit Activity module, if the options and control points are defined in multiple languages as Russian and Turkish, it has been ensured that the options are displayed in the correct languages when performing an audit based on these questions.
  • 122915-DR14994-When creating audit questions, if the options ‘Do not open CAPA, do not open action’ are selected for the options of the questions with options, the error of displaying the action-compliance creation buttons for the relevant option has been corrected by ensuring that the ‘Create Action, Create CAPA’ buttons are not displayed in the ‘Answers’ tab according to the selected option of the question during the Audit Realisation phase.
  • 122960-DR14882-In case there is an audit closure approval flow in the Audit Activities module, it has been ensured that when an audit record with closure approval status is opened with the ‘Perform Audit’ button, the ‘Approve’ button is displayed and the approval process can be performed.
  • 124920- DR15170- In the Audit Activity module, it was ensured that the ‘Action End Date’ field is displayed after the ‘Create Action’ option is selected from the findings page.

2. Breaking Changes

  • The web version must be updated with the package.