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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 32970 - DR2092- In the document module, when the parameter value 13 (Will the document go to the controller in the cancellation process? (Y/N)) is set to Yes, when there is control in the document and the controller and the person in the document approval matrix are not the same, it was ensured that the cancellation reason field is changed when the document cancellation reason falls to the controller.

  • 34057 - DR1993- IMS - > Emergency Situations-> Reports - >By adding a personnel type field to the Emergency Team List filter screen, it has been enabled to view the teams to which the personnel are connected.

  • 34550 - DR2434- For the filtering on IMS -> Risk Modules -> Asset/Activity Identification pages, it has been enabled to select sub-breaks in the Asset/Activity Group selection and to make multiple selections.

  • 35081 - DR3384- On the SID -> Audit Activity -> Question Pool page, 'Do not open CAPA' and 'Do not open Action' options have been added if the question options are set to 'Only one can be selected'.

  • 35649 - DR3529- On the IMS -> External Customer Complaints -> External Customer Complaints Activities page, module administrators could not see the draft records of other users. With the development made, it has been ensured that the module administrator can see all draft records. The related development is also reflected in the Internal Customer Complaints and Corrective and Preventive Actions modules.

  • 35650 - DR3234- IMS -> Corrective and Preventive Actions -> CAPA Activities- On the screen opened with View, the "History" field has been added to keep the logs of approval steps. The related development is also reflected in Internal Customer Complaints and Customer Complaints modules.

  • 35653 - DR3152- "Rejection Explanation" column has been added in the list where the suggestions waiting for expert rejection approval are displayed in the suggestion module.

  • 35654 - DR3129- <GER_BIL_TAR> tag has been added to IMS -> Suggestion System -> Reports -> Suggestion Status Report Excel.

  • 35900 - DR3276- When we want to perform an audit from IMS -> Audit Activity -> My Pending Audits page, multiple additional files can be added.

  • 35904 - DR3295- IMS -> Document Activities -> Reports -> Document Cancellation Approval Times Report page has been added. On this page, the calculation of the time spent in cancel approval has been provided.

  • 35906 - DR3296- Activity group has been added to the x-axis on IMS - >Process Risk Assessment -> Graphics -> The Most Occured Analysis page. If the activity is selected in the risk record, the process of drawing a graph according to the group of the selected activity has been provided.

  • 36183 - DR2730- In the suggestion module, 2 44th (Notification that your suggestion expert evaluation rejection is approved) and 45th (Notification that your suggestion expert evaluation rejection is rejected) e-mail settings have been added for rejection and approval transactions for suggestions waiting for expert evaluation rejection approval.

  • 36441 - DR3508- On the SID -> BSID -> Definitions -> Conclusion on Job Examination screen, since there may be personnel with the same name and surname in the personnel list opened with the Select from registered personnel button, an alert message (alert) has been provided when the TC ID numbers do not match in order to prevent confusion. 'OK and Cancel' buttons have been added in the alert. When OK is pressed, it is accepted and saved. When the Cancel button is pressed, the selected user is cleared and saving is not done.

  • 36453 - DR3527- The character limit of the "Finding Summary" field on the IMS -> Audit Activity -> My Pending Audits -> Performing an Audit -> Define Finding page has been increased from 250 to 1000.

  • 36455 - DR3585- Select All checkbox has been added to SID- >BSID -> Configuration Settings -> E-Mails Awating in Quarantine page. All records can be selected with the added checkbox.

  • 36458 - DR3601- For the reports received from IMS-> Field Detection Management-> Reports -> Finding Report page, it was requested to reflect the user data that entered the finding into the system. Accordingly, "<BULGU_SISTEME_ENTER>" tag has been added to the report.

  • 36762 - DR3482- A new audit plan on the IMS -> Audit Activity -> Audit Plans page enhancement has been made to add additional files when creating.

  • 36764 - DR3607-We have added tags containing the 'Workplace of the person printing the document' and 'Department of the person printing the document' information to be printed on the document. Now, during the print process, the <P_ISYERI> tag works to print the workplace name of the person printing the document and the <P_DEPARTMENT> tag works to print the department name of the person printing the document.

  • 36773 - DR3656- In the Corrective and Preventive Actions and Customer Complaints Modules, it was ensured that the opening, closing and approval dates, as well as the time information, were provided correctly.

  • 36829 - DR3728- During the Document Viewing process, 'Document Type' information has been added between Revision Number and Document Owner in the Document Information tab. In this way, Document Type information can also be displayed in the document information tab.

  • 36841 - DR3751- IMS -> Audit Activity - > Audit Plans -> Audit Schedule page In the Filter tab, month and year filtering has been added for start and end dates.

  • 37131 - DR3779- SID -> BSID - >Definitions -> Personnel Identification page to bring the mobile phone field on the personnel identification page in the personnel information report that comes with Export to Excel <ANA_TELEFON>, the <TELEFON> tag can be used to fetch the cell phone field in the additional information page.

  • 37134 - DR3791- In case of cancellation of proxies, the feature of sending a proxy cancellation notification mail to users who have received a proxy has been added. Now, when the powers of attorney listed on the "VekaletGoruntuleyici.aspx" page are canceled until one day before the end date, a notification mail is automatically sent that the power of attorney has been canceled. Thus, users can be informed in a timely manner that the power of attorney has been canceled. In addition, if an Authorized Module is given in the proxies received, the notification mails sent by the system also contain information about which modules have been authorized. In this way, users can see more clearly which modules they are authorized to access in their powers of attorney. If there is no Authorized Module in the proxies received, authorized module information is not sent in the notification mails sent by the system. In this case, users are only informed that the power of attorney has been canceled. Finally, the "MSG.1.219" coded message body has been added to the system for messages with the title of Power of Attorney Revocation Notification. In this way, the content of the mails sent to end users is sent through the message body coded "MSG.1.219". With this update, power of attorney revocation notification mails are delivered to users in a more consistent manner.

  • 37146 - DR3809- When the message body custom mail is used in the document module, it has been enabled to bring the position definition of the last approver with the "<FINAL_APPROVER>" tag. 'MSG.2.06','MSG.2.07', 'MSG.2.50','MSG.2.11','MSG.2.12'

  • 37366 - DR3851- IMS-> Work and Periodic Inspection -> Reports - >Rest Report page<ISYERI>, <UNVAN>, <POZISYON>, <USTAMIR>, to the report ISTIRAH_RAPORU.xlsx,<USTAMIR_POZISYON> and <USTAMIR_UNVAN> tags have been added.

  • 37367 - DR3852- When a new manual work order is to be opened on the IMS -> Device Management System -> Transaction Execution page, With three new parameters added, 70 (Default transaction manager role when opening a manual work order.) 71 (Default internal trading location role when opening manual work orders.(KOD)) 72 (Default transaction location role when opening a manual work order (KAL_YERI_KODU)): It has been ensured that the process responsible, internal and external process location comes automatically when opening an automatic work order, as well as in the manual work order. In addition, in order for the related internal and external process location parameters to work, Calibration Type must be selected as default from SID - >BSID -> Configuration Settings - >Constants page and parameter 9 (Default Internal Calibration Location Code) must be edited for parameter 71 to be active.

  • 37409 - DR3838- Forgot password function has been revised. When the SID parameter 255 "When Forgot Password is selected, will a temporary password be sent to the user?" is "No", an e-mail is generated and sent to the end user to reset the password. When the end user clicks on the link, the password reset screen welcomes the end user and they can reset their password according to the specified password policy. If the relevant parameter is "Yes", the end user receives a temporary password as before and can revise their password according to the password policy by entering the application with the temporary password.

  • 37409 - DR3884- CAPA and Customer Complaints modules did not have multiple text fields that can be used in the result and closure tabs. It has been enabled to add 3 multi-text type fields that can be used in the relevant tabs in both modules via BSID -> Configuration Settings - >Language Settings.

  • 37657 - DR2519- Two new methods have been added to our web service to get staff inspection status information;GetStaffStatusDescription method is used to retrieve the defined staff status from the system (SID-> Work and Periodic Inspection -> Staff Status Description)GetStaffStatusInformation method is used to retrieve the staff status information defined for the staff.Metot tercihe ba�l� olarak 3 adet parametre al�r; statusID; It expresses the status ID information defined for the personnel. Optional method parameter or it can be assigned as null. startDate; It expresses the information about when the status of the personnel started. It can be sent as a parameter to the optional method or can be assigned empty. endDate; It expresses the information about when the status of the personnel will end, It can be sent as a parameter to the optional method or it can be assigned empty. In addition, a new column named BASLANGIC_TARIHI has been added to the BSAT091A table. This column will store the data on which date the definition was made in the database when the status definition was made to the personnel and the 'startDate' filtering in the GetStaffStatusInformation method will also be performed through this column.

  • 37671 - DR4015- On the SID -> CAPA -> Root Cause Identification page, the number of characters in the root cause field has been increased to 250 characters.

  • 37672 - DR4017- When documents were displayed in different languages, the document name was not replaced properly. For different languages on the document, <DOC_ADI_LANGKODU> (LANGKODU : LANG_KODU column value in BSAT024) tag has been added. The tags added in this format for all language codes in the system have been replaced in Excel and Word documents.

  • 37967 - DR3563- IMS-> Work and Periodic Inspection -> Reports -> Recruitment Inspection Report has been added.

  • 38370 - DR4104- In the Customer Complaint module, the ""lblSikayetMaliyeti" field has been defined from the language settings. This field is displayed in the closing tab. The relevant field is displayed on the screen while viewing the complaint.

  • 38722 - DR4780- SID -> Audit Activity -> Function Designer -> Audit Identification parametric fields It has been added to the mails sent from the e-mail settings. Related tags <DENETIM_ALAN(no)>, <DENETIM_ALAN(no)_ACK>, <DENETIM_ALAN(no) VALUE>

  • 38729 - DR4108- Added parameter 388 ("Background location for canceled documents (0:Top, 7:Bottom, 4:Middle") to the Document module. By leaving parameter 72 (when parameters 92 and 93 are yes and full), the position of the text printed on canceled documents is improved to face parameter 388.

  • 38734 - DR4225- In the reports received on IMS-> Document Management -> Reports -> Controlled Copy Request Report, the control copy request description could not be displayed due to the lack of the relevant tag. Related tags have been added so that the description can also be displayed. "TESLIM_ACIKLAMA, TALEP_ACIKLAMA"

  • 38739 - DR4272- IMS -> Action Management -> Action Planning -> Items -> View -> Get link button was added on the page opened with View and the shortcut of the page opened was created by the system.

  • 39070 - DR4295- SID-> BSID -> Configuration Settings -> Transfers -> Field Detection Question Transfer menu has been added to add bulk questions.

  • 39071 - DR4320- On the IMS -> Device Management System -> Transaction History page, the certificate number is listed in the grid as it is on the device identification page and downloading is performed by clicking on the certificate number. Parameter 28 (Default Transaction Type Code) must be edited with the relevant transaction type code.

  • 39116 - DR4320- Parameter 94 (Is it possible to copy between training plans?) has been added to the training module. When the parameter value is 'Yes', when we want to copy a training detail plan on the IMS -> Training Planning -> Training Plan -> Training Details page, it is copied to another main training plan.

  • 39121 - DR4858- IMS -> Training Planning -> Reports -> Trainer Evaluation Survey Report and IMS -> Survey Name, Number of Participants, Participation Rate and Participant Percentage fields have been added to Training Planning -> Reports -> Training Based Activity Evaluation Reports.

  • 39827 - DR4707- On SID-> Risk Assessment -> Field Definition "Input type = Calculated and Field type= Text", the trend option could be selected and used. However, this trend has more than one was not used in the field. It has been enabled to define trends for more than one.

  • 39870 - DR1206- With the update made for the list-type parametric field added via the Document Management Module, language settings menu, it was ensured that the related field is empty when the revision is started.Within the scope of this update, a new list-type parameter named '393.Default field values to be assigned in revision' was defined passively. Now, when the revision is started, default values can be assigned to parametric fields. When Label id information is entered in the code field and the value field is saved as empty, no data will be selected in the related field. Likewise, when the value is entered according to the related list type field, that value will come as default. - NOT: With this development, it has been ensured that the value field can be left blank on the list-type parametric fields page. (This feature is specific to the parameter and the necessity check continues for other list-type parameters).

  • 39871 - DR2320- Related Workplaces field was created for audit questions.

  • 39874 - DR2394- Since the parameter "7 - Can Progress Payment Report Preparation Periods be Changed? (Y/N)" in the CAPA and Customer Complaints modules was a common parameter for all reports in the CAPA and Customer Complaints modules, it was not possible to make changes only for the final report duration. With the newly added parameter "192 - Can Final Report Preparation Times be Changed (Y/N)", the final report time can be set independently.

  • 39877 - DR1174- When we view a postponed training on the IMS -> Training Planning -> Training Plan -> Training Detail page, "Postponement Information" has been added. In the postponement information; information about the number of postponements, postponement dates and the reason for postponement can be viewed from the relevant field.

  • 39886 - DR3942- For questions answered on a single page in the audit module, the answer to the question has been made mandatory.

  • 39894 - DR4355- On IMS -> Action Management -> Reports -> Action Status Analysis Graphic, actions in closed status are shown in blue color and actions in open status are shown in red color.

  • 39895 - DR4374- SID -> Risk module -> Function Designer -> Risk Assessment Detail, click on the statuses button on the top right. On the page that opens, click on the fields button. Here, it can be determined in which status the fields should be active, visible and mandatory. On this page, it is provided that the relevant fields can be selected in bulk.

  • 39908 - For the cases where the values of the text fields on the pending tasks are too large to fit on the screen, the information icon has been added and all data is displayed with the pop-up. In addition, the data is displayed when the mouse cursor is hovered over it.

  • 39913 - DR4452-Delay operation on actions in the Action Management module could be done in all cases. For the cases where it is not desired to use this function, parameter 155 "Should action items be delayed?" has been added.

  • 39919 - DR4501- SID -> Device Management System -> Operation Types Definition -> Field Definition page has been developed so that the parametric fields defined from the Field Definition page can be required to be filled in the transaction execution page. In any defined parametric field on the page If 'Yes' is selected, the end user is expected to fill in the Message fields below. If 'Yes' is selected, the Message field is mandatory. If the Message field is left blank, the end user will receive an error message that the Message field must be filled. In addition to all these, the end user must enter error messages for all languages used in QDMS from the Field Definition page. All parametric fields selected in 'Mandatory?' 'Yes' IMS - Device Management System - Transaction Execution- On the Calibration Report page, it appears as a mandatory field to be filled in for the end user. Mandatory fields are preceded by a * sign. If the end user does not fill in any of the mandatory fields, the warning entered as a message on the parametric field definition page is received on this page. Note: If 'Is it mandatory?' is selected as 'No', the filling of parametric fields is left to the end user's preference as before.

  • 39920 - DR4528- On the IMS-> Document Activities -> Folder Definition page, the 'Review Period' field has been set to be hidden when the 'Will Review' option in the 'Folder Settings' tab is selected as 'Will Not Review'.

  • 39937 - DR4159- In the survey module, the options in the predefined add selection option at the stage of adding questions have been improved as "Only one can be selected" and "More than one can be selected".

  • 39940 - DR4621- In the Training module, parameters 92 (Will there be a date check for the Trainer?) and 93 (Will there be a date check for the Training Responsible?) have been added. During Training Detail Planning, date checks of the Trainer and Training Responsible people on training basis are linked to the parameter. After this process, it will be sufficient to update the parameter to No when you want to define more than one training detail for the same dates / same training responsible.

  • 39946 - DR4345- In the SID- >Device Management System - >Reports - >Work order Report, only the names of the Process Supervisor and Device Supervisor were previously included in the report, but now they are also included for the Calibration Supervisor. <KAL_SORUMLUSU> tag has been added to the report. Also, if the Work Order was sent for closure approval, the name of the user who sent the work order for approval, approval start date and approving person data has been made printable in the report. To add this data to the report, the tags <ONAY_BASLATAN>, <ONAY_BASLANGIC_TARIHI> and <ONAYCILAR> tags can be used. (Tags can be added to the KAL_ISEMRI_RAP_DETAY.xls report template must be added).

  • 39947 - DR4677- When we want to download documents in bulk, the pdf download error has been solved even though the viewing format of the documents is "Using PDF".


  • 39969 - DR4771- SID - > Risk Assessment -> The copy feature has been added to the field definition page so that the defined fields can be quickly recreated.

  • 39972 - DR4812-IMS -> Action Management -> Action Planning -> Items - When defining a Periodic Action, a field has been defined where we can specify the date after which the action will no longer be periodically derived. (lblPBitisTarihi) It has been made visible when periodicity is selected.

  • 39973 - DR4831- On the SID - >Field Detection Management -> E-mail Settings page, the options "should it be processed to the calendar" have been added on the screen opened by pressing the change button.

  • 39977 - DR4866- "lblMuayeneUnvan" and ""lblMuayeneIsyeri" fields have been added to the language settings in order to use the title and workplace information in the main tab when creating an inspection record in the Work and Periodic Inspection module.

  • 39983 - DR4886- In IMS -> Education Planning - > Reports -> Detailed Report on the basis of staff page, filtering for gender selection has been added in the filter tab.

  • 39985 - DR4919 - <FULL_PATH> tag has been added to IMS-> Document Management - >Reports -> Document Summary List report. Thanks to this tag, the folder where the document is located is displayed in a hierarchical order from the main folder to subfolders.

  • 39989 - DR4946- Custom mail has been prepared for the actions opened to the training supervisor through the document. It was provided by adding <EK_BILGI> tag as document code, name information and link.

  • 39991 - DR4955- SID-> Survey Operations -> External Participants page has been added. From this page, a new external participant can be added and updated. Also, if an external participant has not completed a survey or has not been added as a participant in a survey, they will be deleted from the list.

  • 39994 - DR5031- In case of opening an action through the audit module, the number of list-type fields was displayed in the mails sent. It was ensured that the values of query, personnel and list-type fields used in main action and action item mails were replaced.

  • 39995 - DR5052- While preparing the document, while checking for undefined codes in the authorization, distribution, approval and opinion matrices, it was checked whether there is a personnel associated with the position, whether the status of the personnel is active and whether the existing name and surname is full. In addition, it was ensured that an error is given with the pop-up 'approval matrix contains undefined code information' when there is a position leaving the job. Thus, the system will give a warning before sending the document to the inactive user for approval in cases where the position of the person leaving the job is not vacated.

  • 39998 - DR5057- For the reports received on IMS->Field Detection Management-> Reports -> Field Audit / Finding Report pages, the information of the Action / CAPA responsible and the person who will do the work has been added to the report.

  • 40207 - DR5264- New functions have been added to copy periodic action attachment files. Accordingly to the action module parameters; 156 "Copy main actions additional files to periodic actions?" and 157 "Copy additional files of first action to periodic actions?" parameters have been added. For parameter 157, parameter 92 "Action deriving additional files are not copied in periodic actions" It should be yes.

  • 40210 - DR5259- Let's call one of the 2 tree list multiple selection fields defined via SID -> Risk Assessment - > Field Identification "A" and the other field "B". With the development made, it is ensured that the A list, which is not displayed initially, can be displayed dynamically according to the selection of a value in the B list.

  • 40243 - DR5262- The icon and name of the Confirm button on the IMS -> Action Management -> Action Confirmation page has been changed. The ToopType of the newly defined button has been set as "View Approval Action Detail".

  • 40245 - DR5276- In single reports of CAPA and Customer Complaints modules, <RES�M1> prints the first picture added < RES�M2> used to print the 2nd image added. With the development made, at which stage the added images if it is added, it is printed in that way. Related tags :CAPA :<DOSYALAR_AKS>, <DOSYALAR_GR>, <DOSYALAR_IPL> <DOSYALAR_IZLEME>, <DOSYALAR_KAP>, <DOSYALAR_KOK>, <DOSYALAR_SR>, <DOSYALAR_DOF> , <DOSYALAR_YOR> Customer Complaints modules: <DOSYALAR_AKS>, <DOSYALAR_GR> , DOSYALAR_IPL>, <DOSYALAR_IZLEME>, <DOSYALAR_MS>,<DOSYALAR_SR>

  • 40256 - DR4589- Parametric field support has been added to the Audit Plan Definition screen. Related fields It can be retrieved in the Joint Audit Report and with Export to Excel on the relevant page.

  • 40268 - DR4585- It has been enabled to optionally hide the tabs on the document view page. Customers will now be able to choose to display only the document view tab when they click on the relevant document. In order to use this new feature, the parameter '395. Should the other tabs be hidden on the document viewing page? When the value of this parameter is set to "Yes", the tabs other than the first tab are automatically hidden on the DokumanGoruntuleme.aspx (Document Viewing) page.

  • 40325 - DR4752- In the Document Management module, in order to get document links in bulk; - GetDocumentsLink (returns the document links of authorized users in datatable format), - GetDocumentsLinkUnAuthorized (returns document links belonging to unauthorized users in datatable format), - GetDocumentsLinkJson (returns the document links of authorized users in JSON format), - GetDocumentsLinkUnAuthorizedJson (returns document links belonging to unauthorized users in JSON format) web methods have been added. The methods return DOC_KODU,LINK information in datatable or json format. The fields to be filtered can be filled with the 'GetDocumentFilterTable' method and the parameter obtained can be used by giving it to the newly added methods (in json or datatable format).

  • 40336 - DR3760- RowFilter feature has been added to SID -> BSID -> Definitions -> Location Definition page to filter column fields. With this update, users can access columns on the workplace description page with more specific filtering options. Also, case sensitivity has been removed in the filtering of the fields in the Filter tab.

  • 40337 - DR3820- With a change to the Posts section, users will now be given a clear indication of the number of posts when a message is received. Also, a red notification dot will no longer be displayed when there are no messages. Users will no longer have to look at notifications when there are no messages.

  • 40339 - DR3076- IMS -> Device Management System -> Reports - >Work Orders Detail Report page, when the column type on the grid was numeric, the value was not centered on the column. Fixed.

  • 40340 - DR4198- The change of data in table type fields could not be displayed. It has been enabled to show the changes in these fields in the revision change page.

  • 40341 - DR4587- IMS -> Audit Activity -> My Pending Audits -> Perform Audit -> Audit When we want to get an audit report in the Report tab, we can find the finding in the audit report."<BULGU_SISTEME_GIREN>" tag has been added so that the "Name and Surname" of the person entering the system can be seen.

  • 40343 - DR4760- A new menu named SID-> BSID -> Configuration Settings - >Transfers - >Send Trainings for Signature has been created. In the related menu, it is ensured that the training details that are in the finished status but not ready for submission to the ministry are made ready for submission to the ministry and the sent records can be seen in the "Training Records" menu.

  • 40517 - 'Announcement Authorization Matrix' and 'Announcements' pages have been added. Users will now be able to make announcements in authorized areas and manage their own announcements. When an announcement is created, an automatic e-mail will be sent to the relevant people and users will be able to see new announcements when opened.

  • 40988 - DR555 1 - Parametric fields defined for parametric precautions are displayed on the precaution page to be taken and the show grid feature has been enabled.

  • 41137 - DR5640 - The 'GetMyDocumentsRead' method in ...QDMSNET/DocumentsWS/DWS.asmx service has been updated to get information about whether the documents of the registry have been read or not. 'ONEMLI', 'OKUDU'' and 'OKUMATAR' fields have been added among the information returned in the response section of the method.

  • 43730 - "Open Multiple Training" button has been added to IMS -> Training Planning -> Training Plan -> Training Detail Planning page. Multiple training creation can be done via the added button.

  • 44029 - DR6412- It was ensured that the query type fields defined through language settings can be displayed in the grid on the IMS - >Action Management -> Planning page.

  • 44453 - DR1452- In CAPA and Customer Complaints modules, Approval note field has been added in the rejection process.

  • 44630 - DR6560- On the IMS-> Document Activities -> Reports -> Document Revision List page, a link has been added to the Document Code field for easy access according to the revision number of the relevant document.

  • 44844 - In the Document - Training module link, it was ensured that HIMS was used in the training definition used in parameter 384 (Training definition code to be opened to training supervisor. 3 parameters have been added to the document module. These parameters are 390 (Type of training place to be opened to the training officer (External: D, Internal: I)), 391 (Training type code for training to be opened to the training officer), 392 (Document type code for training to be opened to the training officer)

  • 45489 - DR6786- IMS -> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment Form Identification -> Details -> Detail Form Identification All tabs on the screen can be sorted on the screen as desired. For example: The Precaution tab can be set as the first tab and the Assessment tab as the second tab. related parameter : "224 - Risk Detail tabs priority order"

  • 46435 - DR7028-'Transaction Source' field has been added to SID- > Audit Activity -> Audit Type Identification page. 101 (Establish transaction source relationship in the audit type screen? (Y / N)) When the parameter value is yes, the transaction source will be assigned to the CAPA opened with the selected transaction source. If the transaction source is defined empty in the audit type, it has been enabled to be linked with the parameter value 54 (CAPA no processing resources to be used when opening)

  • 46479 - DR7017- In IMS -> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment Form Identification -> Details -> Detail Form Identification screen, it has been ensured that the precautions type is positioned first on the page in the precautions tab.

  • 46864 - To make data management in grids easier and more flexible, a field editor has been added, so users can add and remove columns as they wish and personalize the data viewing experience. Grouping by columns is also now available, so users can view data in more organized and meaningful groups and access the information they want faster. In addition, a 'Clear Filter' button has been added for data filtering, allowing users to easily clear filters and switch to new filtering. Finally, the 'Clear User Settings' button has been added to reset users' personal preferences, column sorting and filtering history.

  • 38369 - DR4044- In single report, list report and general risk list on risk modules <SUREC_AGACI> tag has been enabled. With this tag, the entire tree of the processes used in the form of "Main Process-Sub Process-Detail Process" has been brought.

  • 38728 - DR4107- According to the parameter value 389 Who should receive the email training responsible approval? (Document prepared:1, Revised by:2, Training responsible:3)(Separate with comma)) added to the document module, it is ensured that an approval mail is sent to the training responsible.

  • 43727 - The training officer selected on the document had the action task for training planning. It was not possible for more than one trainer to perform this action for a document because a single trainer could be defined. With the development made, it has been enabled to select more than one training responsible and create separate actions.

  • 45486 - DR6788- The processes and precautions to be taken tabs on the Risk Detail Form screen are dynamically set to be active (available) depending on the following parameters. 218 - Status codes for which the Processes tab will be active (Write with a comma) 219 - Status codes for which the Measures to be Taken tab will be active (Write with a comma) In which cases the indicators, controls, processes and precautions to be taken tabs on the Risk Detail Form screen will be visible on the form are dynamically adjusted by linking to the following parameters. 220 Statuses where indicators can be seen (Write with a comma) 221 Statuses where controls can be seen (Write with a comma) 222 Statuses where processes can be seen (Write with a comma) 223 Statuses where the measures to be taken can be seen (Write with a comma)

  • 47231 - DR7293- IMS -> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment Form -> Details -> New On this page, precautions are added when defining a detail form. When these added precautions are added, an information pop-up appears. If the page is closed completely without closing this pop-up, the precaution was not saved. But if Action-CAPA was opened, they were opened. To prevent this situation "225- Do not show precautionary information messages." parameter has been added.

  • 47525 - DR7403- IMS -> Document Activities -> Reports -> Document Review List page, the Responsible Section of the Document and Revision Number fields have been added to the grid. RevNO and SOR_KISIM_DEPT fields of the grid must be filled in from the language settings page in order to display the related fields

  • 47527 - DR7412- <Status> tag has been added to replace the status information in the External Customer Complaints module single report.

  • 47528 - DR7419- The default masking of the Phone and Fax No fields on the Company Identification page was insufficient for the phone number entry of some countries. If desired, the masking type (parameter value) can be left blank on the "The mask used for all phone fields" parameter number 125 in the SID parameters, allowing data entry up to 20 characters.

  • 47529 - DR7421- IMS - >Document Activities -> Reports - >Document Review List page "Transfer Review History" (DOK_GOZDEN_GECIRME.xls) "<SOR_KISIM_DEPT>" tag has been added in order to be able to use the responsible section / related section field in Excel.

  • 51371 - IMS -> Board Meeting -> Meetings -> Meetings -> When we create a new meeting item, the option "Should the agenda be transferred to the next meeting?" has been enabled in the agendas coming from the meeting template in the agendas tab.

  • 52271 - DR8655- For the bulk document transfer tool, the field of What was done in Revision was added to the document template and it was enabled to transfer via the tool.

  • 46234 - DR6953- In the Action -> Action Item Planning page in the mobile application, the main action number is also displayed next to the Description field.

  • 51937 - DR8534- Parameter 269 "Provide Active Directory control only in Logon Displayname field?" has been added to SID parameters. When the parameter value is "Yes", it is enabled to log in to the application only through the Active Directory Logon Displayname field on the Staff Identification page. When the parameter is "No", both Active Directory Username and Active Directory Logon Displayname fields can be used. NOTE: In order to use this login method, Active Directory must be used in the application.

  • 40522 - A new menu named SID -> BSID - > Configuration Settings -> Dashboard Configuration has been created. At the top of our page, the information of Total Action, Open Action (Not Delayed), Open Action (Delayed), On Time Closing and Delayed Closing action items can be seen. A new chart can be added with the Chart Settings button. The filtering screen for the relevant charts has been defined and set as downloadable.

  • 40250 - DR5126- In line with the parameters added through the CAPA and Customer Complaints modules, it has been enabled to send reminder e-mails to the desired people and roles from the e-mail settings. With this development, it can be dynamically provided with the following parameters how long before the plan date for the actions pending in the realization process of the relevant modules. To CAPA module 231 - Action 1. How many days before the reminder notification should be sent? 232 - Action 2. How many days before the reminder notification should be sent? parameters have been added. One-time sending is provided according to the number in these parameters. Customer Complaints module 193 - How many days before the action reminder notification should be sent? (since the parameter takes hours, care should be taken when calculating the day of the mail) 194 Action 1. How many days before the reminder notification should be sent? 195 - Action 2. How many days before the reminder notification should be sent? 196 - Send action reminder notification continuously? Parameters have been added. The same CAPA logic Added Emails AKSIYONHATIRLATMA_BILDIRIMI, AKSIYON_HATIRLATMA_BILDIRIMI, AKSIYONHATIRLATMA_BILDIRIMI

2. Improvements

  • 36763 - DR3605- On IMS-> Training Planning -> Training definition page, module administrators can perform multiple deletions.

  • 37147 - DR4139- When the document is requested to be transferred in the bulk transfer tool, the Document Code, Document Name, Document Type, Document Type, Document Owner, Revision Reason, Revision Number, Preparation Date, Prepared Person fields were checked and error messages were provided.

  • 38363 - DR4500- When a shortcut is created from the SID -> Document Activities -> Document Shortcut Definition page, the icon has been changed for the shortcut documents in the document list in the IMS - > Document Activities - >Document View menu.

  • 38736 - DR4256- IMS-> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment Form Identification ->Details -> View details -> The width of the precaution area was insufficient on the screen opened with the View details button. The problem was solved by increasing the width.

  • 42213 - DR6001- On the IMS-> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment Form Identification pages, the date order was not paid attention to in the approval date fields on the screen opened with view. This situation has been corrected and the dates have been brought in the correct order (Order By).

  • 43340 - DR6279- In the Audit module, the length of parameter 8 (How many days can Lead auditor change audit day?) has been increased to 4 characters.

  • 44578 - In SID -> BSID -> Configuration Settings, the titles of the Select OHS Specialist and Select Physician pages on the Training Records page, the Status field on the Health Records page, the language equivalents of the BSID tab on the Task Transfer page and the successful transfer message on the Transfer pages have been added.

  • 47831 - DR7506- The parametric fields defined through the language settings can be sorted on the grid with the sequence number as desired.

  • 49533 - The problem of late loading of the data on the IliskiliRiskler, GeneralRiskList, RiskDagilim, RiskDegerlendirme_Details pages on the Risk module has been resolved as a result of the work done.

  • 51295 - In SID -> Configuration Settings -> Language Settings, it was seen that the "Sequence No" field was present in table type fields but could not be used. Since the Sequence No field is only used in labels and menus, it has been corrected by displaying it in tabular fields.

  • 51477 - When we search on the SID -> Reports -> Recording Log Report page, the error of not receiving the logs of the hours before that day due to the search by calculating the current time to the start and end date has been resolved.

  • 52053 - On the User Panel - >User Settings page, although we made the QDMS language English and there were equivalents in the language settings, it remained Turkish. Fixed.

  • 45802 - DR6869- The icon of the 'Make Read for Everyone' button on the SID -> Document Activities -> Document Read Maker page has been changed.

  • 52679 - IMS -> Survey Operations -> External Survey Form Preparation - Removed the "Add Predefined Selection" button on the Questions page.


3.1.Web Interface

  • 15386 - IMS-> Action Management -> Reports -> Reports -> Items Detail report could not be downloaded when a value of 32k and above was entered in a parametric field defined on the Action module when the report was to be received here. This situation has been corrected.

  • 36766 - DR3622- According to the parameter value 135 - "The state code for which the Will Precautions to be Taken" via Risk Modules, the system opens the measures to be taken when the record arrives at the status in the parameter. However, the problem that a precaution defined by user "A" before coming to the parameter behaves as if user "B" defined the precaution when the record comes to the status in the parameter and User "B" has been fixed.

  • 36823 - DR3704- 66 - For cases where "Will the product tab be used in the document module?" (No), the list product and sub-products fields have been hidden from the document view and document reports filter screens.

  • 36824 - DR3706- In the CAPA module, the problem that the opening approver cannot view depending on the parameter 39 - "Only CAPA records that he/she is authorized to see?(Y/N)" has been fixed. It has been ensured that the approver can view at all stages.

  • 39987 - DR4920- IMS -> Risk Assessment -> Reports -> Action report, users could also view the actions of the risk records they were not authorized for. With the development made, the situation has been corrected by introducing authorization control.

  • 49410 - DR7892- When switching to the Calibration Report page on the IMS-> Device Management System - >Process Execution page, the columns in the Measurement Values grid had English equivalents, but when the edit button was pressed, the columns returned to Turkish. Language equivalent problems have been fixed.

  • 47188 - DR7324- When the document was transferred to the system, the letters were reversed. The problem was fixed by upgrading the Aspose version.

  • 47808 - DR7524- It was giving an error when the document was uploaded to the system. Aspose version has been updated problem fixed.

  • 51081 - When we want to print a document after viewing it on the IMS -> Document Activities - >Reports- > Canceled Document List page, the error that the document is canceled is not printed even though the parameter value of 93. (Did you print the hologram on the Canceled Documents during printing?) is "Yes" 92. (Written to Canceled Documents) parameter value is "Document is Canceled" has been solved.

  • 51195 - In the document module, the error of misspelling the information written in parentheses in the parameter definition 390 (Training location type to be opened to the training officer (External:0, Internal:0)) has been solved. The 390th parameter definition has been edited as "Training location type to be opened to the training officer (External:D, Internal:I)".

  • 40696 - DR4863- Aspose error between pages in the document has been resolved.

  • 52649 - When we create or save a passive document type on the SID - >Document Activities -> Document Types page, the error of listing passive records in the quick search tab of the Document View page has been resolved.

  • 52695 - The error of not sending an e-mail to the training supervisor when the parameter 110 (Open action to the training supervisor?) is turned off has been solved.

  • 53334 - When the Registration No was selected in the Selection section in the QDMS Password Reminder field, the Registration No section in the lower selection field was missing. The problem was solved by editing the related field.

4.Mobile Updates


  • No Android Updates


  • No IOS Updates

5.reaking Changes

  • Web version should be updated with package

  • Cache Cleanup: After the update, you may need to take some actions to use the new environment effectively. After the update process is complete, in your Chrome browser For faster loading and correct display of pages, we recommend clearing the browser cache using the shortcut CTRL + F5.

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