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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features Contents

  • No New Features.


  • No Improvements.


3.1.Web Interface

  • 45297 - The problem of writing the value selected for the "Unit" field in the "Repeat Period" field on the Action Item Planning screen, which is accessed via the left menu, has been fixed.

  • 46692 - DR7103- In the document module, the error of not replacing the data in the textbox in Excel has been solved.

  • 47342 - DR7360- When opening a new External Customer Compliants, in cases where the responsible and department is filled automatically depending on the parameters, "188 - Persons role to be added to the team when the Responsible Department is selected." It is ensured that the defined role in the parameter is automatically brought to the team area.

  • 47355 - DR7367- The problem of not printing the English language equivalents of the Department/Customer/Supplier information in the CAPA module single reports has been resolved by ensuring that the language equivalents of the relevant fields are printed as tags.

  • 47401 - On the IMS>Suggestion>Reports> Suggestion Status Report page, the problem of multiplexing more than once when we want to export the recommendation to excel, where the formula is used in the scoring phase, has been solved.

  • 47485 - DR7411-When document view format: document viewer print format: pdf was selected, the document was downloaded as pdf when the print button was clicked. This situation has been corrected by ensuring that the original format is printed for cases where the 240th parameter is "Make pdf conversion in printing when DocumentViewer is active (yes):".

  • 47596 - DR7446-On the IMS >Audit Activities> Reports> Audit Score report page, the "Score Percentage" field error that comes empty when we transfer to excel has been corrected.

  • 47671 - DR7459- The read authorization controls on the IMS> Document Activities>Document View page have been added to the mobile document view page.

  • 47800 - DR7495-An error was received when there were more than 1000 folders under the selected folder on the SID>Document Activities>Document Matrix Synchronizer page. Fixed.

  • 47803 - DR7522- When logged in from the Cardreader screen and directed to the suggestion entry screen; The error that occurs when you want to define a suggestion entry in the Suggestion module has been resolved.

  • 47804 - DR7523- Although the categories on the Device Management System>Device Categories page had English equivalents, they were displayed in Turkish on the IMS> Device Management System>Device Identification page. Fixed.

  • 47805 - DR7529- When the document type is Form - Document Template; When we try to make a controlled copy in the document, the error of raplece of the tags has been solved.

  • 47807 - DR7530- When exporting to excel is done from the report menu in IMS> Action Management> Reports > Items Detail, the problem of record multiplexing in excel is fixed.

  • 47897 - DR7535- In the report obtained by clicking the "Export to Excel" button on the General Risk List page, there was an issue where the template displayed information in the form of a System.Object error in the tags printed on the 2nd sheet. This issue has been resolved by ensuring that the relevant tags are printed within the 2nd sheet.

  • 48095 - The error of not searching due to deleting trailing zeros after the comma in the location information when creating a quick audit on the SID>Audit Activities>Audit definition page has been resolved.

  • 48373 - It has been ensured that parameter 394 (Can the Preparer be changed on the Document Preparation page?) from the document parameters works in the same fields as parameter 55 and if there is no record maintenance with transfer to the system.

  • 48354 - DR7653- In cases where the survey module is not used, a survey is prepared with the SID>CAPA>Survey question lists menu. After CAPA was closed, the defined activity evaluation questionnaire was not created. The situation has been fixed and the activity evaluation questionnaire has been created after CAPA is closed.

  • 48411 - When we removed the style information in the Quick Document Search field of the Document Activities module from the Power of Attorney page through an unauthorized user, we could access the documents and perform transactions through the user who was given power of attorney. The problem was solved by preventing access to the page with the notification "You are not authorized to access this page

  • 48500 - DR7691- On the SID>Document Activities>Multiple Document Code Changer page, when the folder code was typed in the relevant template instead of the document code, it also changed the folder codes. Fixed.

  • 48545 - The situation where the template was not transferred when the status and source were used on the IMS> Risk Assessment> Assessment Form Definition> Detail page has been corrected.

  • 48710 - In My Pending Jobs>Review Deferral Records to be Approved task, the Deferral Date column on the grid was empty. Fixed.

  • 48716 - After performing a translation operation on the document to be reviewed, when we try to perform a revision operation, 372. The error caused by the parameter (Tag to be Used in the Postponed Review) has been resolved.

  • 48723 - DR7753-When the value of parameter 134 (Should Reference Documents be written underneath?) from the document parameters was yes, the <REFERANS_DOKUMANLAR> tag used in the Excel document was not written underneath. The reference documents are now underlined, but the user needs to expand the cell he/she wants to use for the tag according to his/her request.

  • 48725 - In My Pending Jobs>Review Routing Documents Pending Approval task, the Forwarded column on the grid was empty. Fixed.

  • 48729 - DR7751-387 numbered "Should the parametric fields added in personnel identification be displayed in reports and filters?" When the parameter "No" was "No", the column sizes could not be displayed properly due to the grid sizing not being done automatically. By fixing this situation, the column sizes of the grids were configured even when the parameter was no.

  • 48747 - Document>Review A mandatory warning message was provided if the field to be redirected was not filled in during the redirection process.

  • 48750 - While the Document Review Compliance approval process was being performed on the transmitted page, it was ensured that "Document Review Compliance Approval" was written in the title. If this title is expected to be changed, you can edit the "lblGozdenGecirmeUygunlukOnayi" label from the language settings.

  • 48752 - When we open a document in the My Pending Work>Documents Pending Review Conformity Approval list, the "Description" field has been improved to be readable only.

  • 48755 - Although the review period has arrived after performing the revision process on a document that has been reviewed, the error of not being listed in the "Documents to be Reviewed" task has been resolved.

  • 48761 - DR7766- The error of multiplexing review tasks in My Pending Jobs,>Documents to Review task has been resolved.

  • 48893 - Filtering error of "Personnel" type parametric fields on IMS>Document Activities>Reports>Document Review List page has been solved.

  • 48967 - DR7823- Work orders that are in the process of Closing Approval are displayed in Open status on the Transaction Execution page because they have not been closed yet. If the Closing Approval process is completed, the work orders will be listed in Closed status on the Trade Execution page.

  • 49010 - In the History field in the Canceled Document List report, additional files added during the rejection phase of the document cancellation process were not listed. Fixed.

  • 49018 - DR7833- When you wanted to transfer the device from SID>BSID>Configuration Settings>Transfers>Device Transfer page, the pop-up was displayed in Turkish even though there was an English installation. Fixed by adding English equivalents.

  • 49520 - 188 (Role of people to be added to the team when Responsible Department is selected.) By adding a role to the complaint parameter, the personnel in the user group connected to the selected responsible department were transferred to the team. However, the situation where the parameter does not work when the department is automatically filled depending on the responsible selection has been resolved.

  • 49522 - IMS>Audit Activities> Reports>The error of showing zero data in the Total Score field when we export excel on the Audit Score report page has been resolved.

  • 49597 - The error of being listed in the task again after reviewing a document from the My Pending Jobs>Documents to Review task has been fixed.

  • 49605 - The "sequence contains no elemets" error has been fixed when exported to excel from the IMS>Action Management> Reports>Items Detail report menu. Report download has been enabled.

  • 47923 - DR7559- It was noticed that an error occurred when there was no item number under the system code to which the item numbers were to be added and the controls were moved. The error has been fixed.

  • 48640 - DR7730- When a review was made to a past date from the SID> Document Activities>Reports>Document Review List page, today's date was written in the review date field in the Review List tab on the Document View page. Fixed.

  • 47898 - DR7543- A CAPA is created by selecting a process source that is not defined in the parameter by looking at the parameters specified below. In this case, the parameters were not taken into account by the system and the tasks in my pending jobs for the relevant CAPA were not entered as specified by the parameters. By correcting this situation, it has been ensured that the tabs requested with the parameters are displayed properly and the created CAPA falls into the relevant approval tasks. 219 (Progress report tab display condition) 220(Root causes tab appearance condition) 221(Action tab appearance condition) 222(Result tab appearance condition) Parameter Values : [KAYNAK]=12"+[KAYNAK]=25"+[KAYNAK]=17"

  • 48737 - In the "Review List" tab in a document from IMS> Document Activities>Document View page; The date field is now changed to the review date. "Approval Date" will be printed if a revision is made and "Review Date" will be printed if a review conformity is made. Processor field has been changed to "Reviewer". It has been ensured that if the revision falls into the conformity approval stage and then receives a rejection, it is not printed on the review list.

  • 49455 - DR7922- On the IMS>Risk>Risk Assessment Forum Identification pages, there was already data but no sequence number and an error was received when it was wanted to be identified. This situation has been resolved and sorting has been enabled.

  • 49744 - Select a record from My Pending Jobs>Documents to Review. While routing through the buttons on the top right on the screen that opened, the more times the save button was clicked, the more routing was done. It has been solved by preventing more than one click on the save button.

  • 49911 - When the review operation was performed from the IMS> Document Activities> Reports> Document Review List report page, the review list tab on the Document View screen showed the user who approved the conformity approval task as the reviewer. Fixed.

  • 49913 - When a data was deleted on the IMS>OHS Risk Assessment> Risk Assesment Form Definition page, there was a confusion such as 1- 2 - 3 - 5 - 6 in the sequence numbers. The relevant situation has been resolved and it has been ensured to remain consecutive.

4.Mobile Updates


  • No Android Updates


  • No IOS Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • Web version should be updated with package
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