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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1. Highlights / New Features Contents

  • No New Features.

2. Improvements

OHS Risk Assessment Module

  • 84664- DR12364- On the System Infrastructure Definitions - OHS Risk Assessment - Function Designer page, the readability of the fields that are not active on the basis of status but set as visible has been increased in statuses where they are not active but can be displayed.
  • 91066- DR12682- Improvements have been made to ensure the visibility of the > button, which enables the display of sub-divisions in treelists and grids in the entire application.

System Infrastructure Definitions Module

  • 63696- Development has been provided to prevent the display of temporary registers created in the Work and Periodic Inspection module among the personnel listed on the personnel selection screens throughout the application.
  • 89495-DR6569- When the e-mail information of the user receiving the proxy is included in the quarantine mail parameter, an improvement has been provided so that transaction mails are not sent to the user receiving the proxy.
  • 81357- DR9399- System Infrastructure Definitions - BSID - Definitions - While adding a new announcement on the Announcement Identification page, an improvement has been provided so that the announcement can be approved with the approval announcement selection feature and the announcement can be approved with the approved button after the announcement is published, so that the next announcements can be switched.

Document Activities Module

  • 75438- The document that was reduced to the document stored through the Document Preparation request could be added to a different document from the Additional Documents field even though it was not a document file. This caused an error in the approval flow and the document could not be approved. With the development made, when the document without a document file is added as an Additional document, "Additional document does not have a document file." Warning message has been provided.
  • 89517- DR6896 - Improvement was provided for the parameter value 319 "Control time (day) (for the one who will do the work)" of the Document Management module to be entered with 4 digits.

Process Risk Assessment Module

  • 78367- DR10923- Integrated Management System - Process Risk Assessment - Reports - General risk list report can be downloaded and information about the risk record can be printed on the report.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

Suggestion System Module

  • 83805- Pending Jobs- Suggestion System - Earnings Cost Analysis Pending Suggestions- The problem of opening the file attachment area large in the Additional Files tab has been fixed.
  • 83882- Integrated Management System - Suggestion System - Reports - The problem of not getting a report when filtering on the Person Score List report page and clicking the Export to Excel button has been fixed.

OHS Risk Assessment Module

  • 83396- The problem of having 'ROWNUMBER' and 'LBLADET' columns in the grid on the Integrated Management System - OHS Risk Assessment - Recurring Records Report page has been fixed.
  • 85309- System Infrastructure Definitions - OHS Risk Assessment - The problem that the labels were not displayed in red in the Integrated Management System -OHS Risk Assessment - Risk assessment form of the image list, image, multiple image, file and table type fields marked as mandatory in the Function Designer has been corrected.
  • 83480- Integrated Management System - OHS Risk Assessment - Reports - Corrective and Preventive Actions Report - The error received when filtering and clicking the search button has been corrected.

System Infrastructure Definitions Module

  • 83691- System Infrastructure Definitions-BSID- Definitions - When adding a new record on the Customer Supplier Identification page, the error of using inappropriate characters in the code field when the code field is opened in the corporate customer type has been fixed
  • 86559- On the System Infrastructure Definitions - BSID - Definitions - Position Identification page, if the position does not have a position owner, the error that the position information of the personnel appears empty when opened with an update in personnel identification has been corrected.
  • 85439- System Infrastructure Definitions - BSID - Configuration Settings - Transfers - Control Transfers - The error of falling to the error page when clicking on the Control Transfer menu has been corrected.
  • 86569- DR12507- System Infrastructure Definitions - BSID - Language Settings - In grdRiskDegerlendirmeDetails, the error of not having a language equivalent for the "Last Review Date" column and displaying it in Turkish has been corrected.
  • 85004- The error received when an announcement created from the System Infrastructure Definitions - BSID - Definitions - Announcement Creation menu is wanted to be displayed on the user screen has been corrected.
  • 89471- System Infrastructure Definitions - BSID - Definitions - The error of not being able to make changes in the announcement on the announcement creation page has been corrected.

Survey Operations Module

  • 83993- Integrated Management System - Survey Operations - Additional file added to the survey on the external survey form preparation page, the error of displaying the file information halfway in the additional file grid on the filling page has been corrected.
  • 91481- Integrated Management System - Survey Operations - External Survey Form Preparation - The error that the information of the file listed in the first line of the additional files added to the survey cannot be displayed has been corrected.

Audit Activity Module

  • 88390- The error received when clicking the new button on the "Finding" tab of My Pending Work - Audit Activities - List of Audits to be Performed - Audit Execution page has been corrected.
  • 84187- The error received when clicking the Dashboard - Audit Activities menu has been corrected.
  • 88337-DR12556- Integrated Management System - Audit Activities - Pending Audits -The error of not being able to view all the questions in the question list when selected as "Audit Questions Answered on One Page" has been corrected.
  • 86484- In the Pending Work - List of Audits to be Performed - Findings tab, the warning message given when the finding is created and wants to be closed without creating a CAPA or Action, and the notification message error that appears after the Pending Work - List of Audits Pending Approval - Audit Closure Approval has been corrected.

Action Management Module

  • 87427-When the value of parameter 41 is selected as "Yes", the problem of receiving an error when the action plan is desired to be displayed on the Main Action Planning confirmation screen has been corrected.
  • 87527- During the Main Action Approval process, it is prevented to make changes in the parametric fields based on the action source.
  • 91093- In action item approval, while the approver is not authorised to update, it was prevented to update the query type parametric fields.

Field Detection Management Module

  • 85841-DR12487-System Infrastructure Definitions - Field Detection Management - Field Identification page, when the "Field Inspection Identification" is added under "Field Inspection Identification" on the Function Designer page and the "Show in grid option is selected, the error of not being added to the grid on the Integrated Management System - Field Detection Management - Field Inspection - Inspection List page has been corrected.

Functional Data Collection Module

  • 83715 - During the approval of the Functional Data Collection Form, making changes on the form is prevented.
  • 83705- When a defined form is opened with the view button, it is prevented from making changes to the form.
  • 83728- When a previously created form with precaution attached is deleted and a form with the same measurement place and period is created, the precautions in the deleted form appear as attached in the newly created form error has been corrected.

External Customer Complaint Module

  • 86572 - DR12506 - Integrated Management System - External Customer Complaint - Reports - External Customer Complaint Detail Report page, the error of not receiving data when filtering on the basis of workplace in the filter tab has been corrected.

Document Activities Module

  • 84189- When clicking on the History tab of the document created from the System Infrastructure Definitions-Document Activities-Document Transfer to the System screen, it was falling to the error screen. The error has been corrected.
  • 83430- In the System Infrastructure Definitions - Document Activities - Document Parameters screen, the process code appeared as clickable when the parameter 344 "Should links be used for processes?" was "No". The error has been corrected.
  • 83426- When the parameter 297 "Fields to be displayed in the Processes Grid" in the System Infrastructure Definitions - Document Activities - Document Parameters screen was empty, the processes tab was not opened. The error has been corrected.
  • 85434- The error that the authorisation of the reports named Document Approval Times report and Controlled Copy Request report under the Integrated Management System - Document Activities - Reports menu does not work depending on the authorisation group of this definition menu has been corrected.
  • 90043- It has been ensured that the Pre-Control(lblOnKontGroup, lblOnKontrol, lblOnKontrol,lblOnKontrolRol) and Control(lblDOC_KONT_KISI,lblDOC_KONT_ROL, lblDOC_KONT_GRUP) fields of the document can be turned into mandatory fields from the language settings. Whatever the selection made for the pre-controller and controller, it is necessary to make a mandatory setting for the relevant field from the language settings. For example, if "Group" is used for pre-control, lblOnKontGroup must be set as mandatory.
  • 91516- At the document approval stage, there was an obligation warning for the control and pre-control fields set in the language settings but not used, and the flow could not be advanced. The error has been fixed.
  • 91731-The error of not being able to filter in the Integrated Management System - Document Activities - Reports - Document Cancellation times report has been fixed.
  • 92003- Pending Jobs - Document Activities -Rejected documents The error that the send button does not appear on the description screen after opening a document from the rejected documents task and pressing the send button has been corrected.
  • 92138- The error of not being able to give approval with the enter button in case of using digital signature during document publishing has been corrected.
  • 89278-DR12626- The error in the BeginRevision method in the DWS.asmx service, which occurs when the parameter value of parameter 41 of the Document Management Module parameters is used as "Yes", has been corrected.
  • 92189- When you want to make changes and save a document with an Additional Document from the System Infrastructure Definitions - Document Activities - Document Record Maintenance screen, "The additional document does not have a document file." error was coming. The error has been corrected.

Corrective and Preventive Actions Module

  • 83821-DR12419-** The error of not being sent to closure approval according to the parametric field in the Corrective and Preventive Actions module record has been corrected.
  • 91060- DR12711- The error of not being able to draw a graph with a filter by workplace and date on the Corrective and Preventive Actions dashboard page has been corrected.

Training Planning Module

  • 88728- The error of being able to make changes in a training detail plan opened through the Pending Jobs - Training Pending Closure Approval task has been corrected.
  • 88744- The error of dropping from the Training under my responsibility task when a Training Detail Plan in the Pending Jobs-Trainings under my responsibility task is rejected on close approval has been corrected.
  • 88814- The error of training information not appearing on the page in the Integrated Management System-Training Planning-Training / Title menu has been corrected.

Waste Management Module

  • 89356- Integrated Management System - Waste Management - Hazardous waste form - The error of not being able to select the carrier code even though the waste code is selected on the new registration page has been corrected.

Device Management System Module

  • 89281-DR12622- System Infrastructure Definitions - Device Management System - The error of code template selection appearing in Turkish on the new registration screen in the Device Categories menu has been corrected.
  • 86460- In the Device Management System module, the error of incorrect writing of the status in the mail body sent when the work order is closed for the device whose status is changed during the work order process has been corrected.

Process Risk Assessment Module

  • 91519- System Infrastructure Definitions - Process Risk Assessment - Process Risk Assessment Parameters -The error that a user who is not a module administrator can delete a user who is not a module administrator when the parameter value of the parameter "Delete by Module Administrator" is "Yes" has been corrected.
  • 91118-DR12719- System Infrastructure Definitions - Process Risk Assessment - Field Identification - When the description field is detailed for scored list type fields, the Integrated Management System - Process Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification page structure distortion error has been corrected.

4. Mobile Updates

  • 89333-DR12618- The error where the relevant menu would give an error on mobile if no status is selected and Show on Mobile is selected on the System Infrastructure Definitions - Process Risk Assessment - Status Menu Definition page has been fixed.

4.1. Android

  • 87864- The error in which a user who is not a module administrator but is in the groups responsible for the risk main forms on the Android-Process Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form page, cannot see these main forms on mobile has been fixed.
  • 88116- Opinions entered in the Android-Document Activities-Document View-Opinion tab are now displayed. In addition, during the document publication stages, "There is no data to display" was written in the opinion tab of the documents whose Opinion process was completed. With the development, users who gave Opinions and Opinions were included.
  • 87979- An error was received in the "Cancel" operation in the operations button of the Android-Pending Jobs-Document Activities-Documents to Review task. The error has been corrected
  • 88083- Android - During the document publishing stages (control, opinion, pre-check, approval), the status of additional files added from mobile was displayed as "Approval" in the web interface, regardless of which stage they were added. The error has been corrected.
  • 88109- User information for the Pre-Check, Control, Opinion and Approval transactions performed on Android-Mobile was included in the web interface in the History tab of the document as if there was a power of attorney, even though there was no power of attorney. The error has been corrected.
  • 76812- Android - Process risk assessment form - The error of "Two date type fields added as "Cannot select future date - Past date cannot be selected", allowing future/past date selection to be made in Android has been fixed.

4.2. IOS

  • 88117- The comments entered in the IOS-Document Activities-Document Viewing-Opinion tab have been enabled to be displayed. In addition, during the document publication stages, "There is no data to display" was written in the review tab of the documents whose review process was completed. With the development made, users and their opinions were included.
  • 87978- An error was received in the "Cancel" operation in the operations button of the IOS-Pending Jobs-Document Activities-Documents to Review task. The error has been corrected.
  • 88108- User information for the Pre-Check, Control, Opinion and Approval transactions performed via IOS-Mobile was included in the web interface in the History tab of the document as if there was a power of attorney, even though there was no power of attorney. The error has been corrected.
  • 88082- IOS - The status of additional files added from mobile during the document publishing stages (control, opinion, pre-flight, approval) was displayed as "Preparation/Revision" in the web interface, regardless of which stage they were added. The error has been corrected.

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version must be updated with the package.
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