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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No Features


  • 42256 - IMS - Document - On the pages where development is requested from the reports pages, the bottom scroll bar that moves the page to the right and left is included in the grid. Improved report pages: Document Summary List, Document List Pending Approval, Document List Pending Cancellation Approval, Suspended Document List, Canceled Document List, Draft Documents List, Document Matrix Report, Document Review List, Document Approval Periods Report, Printed Documents Report, Document Preparation Request List, Task Decreased Documents Report, Task Decreased People Report pages.


3.1.Web Interface

  • 43243 - DR 6259 - 362 According to the document parameter value "Label to be used in documents with expired review date", the label to be printed on documents with expired Review Date was also printed on documents set to "Not Reviewed" in Folder Settings. The bug was fixed and the label was not printed on documents that were set to "Not Reviewed" in Folder Settings.

  • 43289 - DR6255-When a survey is marked as confidential in the survey module, the filler information is kept encrypted. This information is kept in the FILL column in the KDYS301B table. The Populated By column has been increased to 250 characters long.

  • 42653 - When attempting to replace the <REFERANS_AKSIYON_NO> tag added to the DÖF Report Templates in the DR6091-DÖF module, an error would be received when attempting to import an Excel dump with the Export to Excel button on the DÖF Action Report page. Since no errors were encountered in our test environment, it was seen that no errors were received by testing in the customer environment.

  • 42717 - DR6103-SAT - BSAT - Configuration Settings - If the user logging into the Training Records page is an OHS Expert, only the ISG Space is selected and cannot be changed. The same procedure applies to the physician. If the user logging into the page is both an OHS Specialist and a Physician, both of the selections are active.

  • 41841 - Fixed the problem of calculating rest time when the 25th parameter value in the inspection module is yes.

  • 41905 - SAT - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - On the Drug Identification page, the search operation error has been fixed.

  • 42901 - DR6151-EYS - Training Planning - On the training effectiveness evaluation page, the error given when the additional file added when selecting evaluated from the filters and opening a training with the re-evaluate button was wanted to be downloaded, has been fixed.

  • 42936 - IMS - Document Operations - Document Vision - Fixed an issue where N-type parametric (lblRT_NALAN1, lblRT_NALAN2, lblRT_NALAN3) fields defined in the language settings from the Revision Requests tab after entering a document do not appear.

  • 42986 - DR6187-In the survey module, the value of the survey parameter 22 "Can answer surveys on behalf of someone else (Y/N)" is Yes, and the authorization to fill out a survey on behalf of someone else is fixed when the responsible addition field is authorized to fill out the survey.

  • 41655 - On the IMS - Strategic Planning - Operating Expenditure Entry page, when attempting to select from the "Related Performance Target" field in the Filter tab, an error would be received in the console. It is ensured that the error is entered and the search is made with the specified filter field.

  • 41666 - When defining an Activity Task with the New button on the IMS - Strategic Planning - Activity Tasks page, when searching for personnel with a textbox in the Personnel selection fields, the selections were listed at the bottom of the page. The error was minimized and personnel selection was ensured with the textbox.

  • 41667 - Errors were received when filling in the "Budget Type" and "Expenditure Date" fields in the Filter tab on the IMS - Strategic Planning - Budget Revision - Supplementary Appropriations page and performing the search. The bug has been fixed and the search can be made at the same time.

  • 41670 - After creating a new record on the IMS - Strategic Planning - Reports - SP Special Reports and Strategic Plan Preparation pages, the information of the record that was opened when the same record was wanted to be updated with the Edit button seemed to be missing. When the error is eliminated and the newly opened records are wanted to be updated with the Edit button, it is ensured that the data is shown completely.

  • 41950 - IMS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Inspection Follow-up - Blood Pressure Tracking On the page we opened by clicking on the button, the string error was solved when we passed the double (Large Blood Pressure, Small Blood Pressure) fields blank in a blood pressure recording process. EYS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Examination Follow-up - Nursing Services page, "Performed Procedure" medication delivery is selected and the amount is blank when the mandatory field error is given.

  • 41981 - IMS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Inspection Follow-up - Nursing Services combobox selection error fixed.

  • 42053 - My Pending Work - Fixed an error in changing personnel within a personnel inspection from the Pending Medical Examinations task.

  • 42089 - When the value of parameter 226 BSAT "Identify different registration numbers with the same TC identification number?" is no, the control of the TC identification number information is provided on the EYS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Job Application Examination and Guest Patient Registration pages.

  • 41020 - DR5603-Accelerated work on the document display screen. Yes, enter the tags used in parameter 228 [Tags to be used in document replacement], and if necessary; 79. If the parameter [Will Revision History be used in Document Replacer?] value has too many old revisions, we recommend No.

  • 41531 - When a DÖF record opened in the DR5835-DÖF Module was advanced and the Save button was pressed more than once when adding a new comment in the Comment tab, the more it was pressed, the more comments it was pressed and the more e-mails it sent to the user. The bug was fixed and the Comment tab in the DÖF record was pressed once on the Save button when adding a new comment and the user was sent an e-mail each time.

  • 43372 - Fixed incorrect language equivalents in the Function Designer, Job Entry, Inspection, Conclusion, Occupational Group Identification, and Flow Identification menus. The relevant fields can be changed from the language settings menu.

  • 43514 - DR6313-322. parameter (Should External Link be Used in Document Preparation?) Yes, after the external document was transferred to the system, the transferred document would give an error when trying to delete it from the SAT - Document Operations - Delete Document page. Fixed.

  • 43545 - IMS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Inspection Follow-up - Filter error in the select disease area has been fixed.

  • 42575 - DR6076-Suggestion Fixed an issue where logging in with a card number in Kiosk Integration gives an error. The input time can be adjusted by changing the BSAT 118th parameter (Textbox data entry time (ms) in the login process with the card reader). After you add a data entry to the BSAT021B table, the entry is available from the card reader.

  • 43501 - IMS - Action Management - Planning - Pressing the back button on the screen and record maintenance screen opened with the new button on the Items page would drop the page eror page. The issue has been fixed.

  • 43675 - DR6333-EYS - OHS Risk - Risk Assessment Form Received when loading the template with the Load Template button on the Definition page of the "<target>. DESCRIPTION and <source>. Definition have conflicting properties: DataType property mismatch." The template can be loaded without any problems.

  • 41533 - A complaint filed in module DR5837-DMS could press the Save button multiple times after the report was written while in the Progress Report stage. In this case, the number of times the button was pressed, the user was notified. After the progress report was written and the Save button was pressed once, the click feature of the button was disabled.

  • 41669 - IMS - Strategic Planning - Reports - Indicator Reports - Indicator Report page by entering data in the Cost Place field in the Filter tab and pressing the Search button did not filter according to the desired criteria. The problem has been fixed and filtering by the Cost Location field has been provided.

  • 43906 - IMS - DÖF - Reports - On the DÖF Approval Status Report page, a different error was received when clicking the Search button and the Export to Excel button. The errors have been fixed and both the Search operation and the Excel dump have been taken on the report page.

4.Mobile Updates

  • 41638 - My Pending Work - Action Management - Fixed an issue where additional files deleted on entries on the Action List to be performed were not deleted when checked in the next steps.


  • 40183 - Android - Training - Trainings Under My Responsibility - The problem of adding new participants has been solved.

  • 39204 - DÖF Opening - Solution Team tab, Staff-User Group selection tabs had an exclamation point. The problem has been fixed and the necessary icons have been shown in the Staff and User Group tabs.


  • 37430 - There was a lack of User Group in the DÖF Solution team tab. The issue has been fixed so that the User Group appears in the Solution Team tab.

  • 38644 - DR3250-On demand Mobile DÖF Shutdown screen, requested to add mandatory parametric fields from the DÖF shutdown screen on the Web. Mandatory parametric fields on the web are also included in the mobile Döf closure screen.

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version should be updated with the package.