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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1. Highlights / New Features

Document Management Module

  • In case of an error in the old revisions when the documents are requested to be downloaded from the system in bulk with the bulk document download tool, the error is written as a log and it is enabled to continue from other files.

Corrective and Preventive Actions Module

  • 120655- In DR14590- Corrective and Preventive Actions module, when the value of the parameter ‘101-Should the team leader and the team have the authority to update the record? (E/H)’ is ‘Yes’, the deadline information of the related record is displayed read-only and cannot be changed, and when the value of the parameter ‘118-Should the Team Leader Change the Deadline Date?’ is ‘Yes’, only the team leader can change the deadline date.

Action Management Module

  • 146163- DR16127- The current status of the action item to be updated with the UpdateSubAction method in the action module web service is opening approval refusal, delay approval refusal, closing approval refusal, cancellation, waiting, If the STATUS column in the datatable sent as a parameter in the method of the records with pending and closed status is sent a status different from their current status, the system sends a warning message saying ‘The status of the records with opening approval, delay approval, closing approval, rejection, pending and closed status cannot be updated with a different status. ‘ warning message has been provided. It has been ensured that an action item can be taken to cancellation status with the UpdateSubAction method.

Survey Operations Module

  • 141983- DR15966- In the Survey Management module, the parameter ‘45-Publish survey asynchronously’ has been added to solve the slowness problems experienced during adding participants and publishing surveys.

Supplier Evaluation Module

  • 149138- DR16360- In the Supplier Evaluation module, the ‘Minimum Number to Fill’ field has been added to the Survey Templates page. If ‘0’ is written in this field, all survey participants are expected to complete the survey. If it is desired to level up within the scope of the participants to whom the questionnaire is sent, it is ensured that the questionnaire is closed and the relevant questionnaire filling task is dropped from other users by filling the questionnaire with the number value written in the ‘Minimum Number to Fill’ field. If there is another question list added to the questionnaire templates, it has been enabled to switch to that task.

2. Fixes

Document Management Module

  • 121161- DR14838-The error that a document uploaded in the system cannot be displayed with the use pdf / use pdf options has been fixed.
  • 121794- DR14892- The problem that the check boxes in the original file of the document are displayed as FALSE when uploaded to qdms has been fixed (when the document viewing format is ‘Using PDF’).
  • 128314- DR15373- When a document with filled information boxes in the original word file is desired to be displayed on QDMS by selecting Use PDF / Do Not Use, the problem that the boxes are empty has been fixed and the information boxes have been displayed as full.
  • 140637- DR15914- PDF type document display error has been fixed with aspose update.
  • 147959- DR16274- In the Draft Document List, the error received systematically due to the document name was corrected and the document was displayed.
  • 147960- DR16271- The errors received in Document Viewing (pdf) were fixed and the documents were displayed.
  • 149167- DR16363- It has been ensured that the additional file added to the document in the Document Preparation and Record Maintenance stages is not deleted from the files table when deleted with the delete button, and the additional file completes the stitching process when saved.

Corrective and Preventive Actions Module

  • 145649- DR16106- In the Corrective and Preventive Actions module, it has been enabled to search by definition on the pop-up that opens when adding nonconformity.

Action Management Module

  • 143414- DR16004- It has been ensured that a user who is the system administrator of the action module can view all action plans in the Main Action Report, even if there is a hidden main action plan.
  • 143610- DR16050- When the ‘Save’ button is pressed on the action delay page, it has been ensured that the status of the actions approved for delay is open by preventing the record from being clicked more than once.
  • 143611- DR16048- ‘Should the running time of periodically generated actions be taken from the periodically generated action item?’ parameter has been added to the system. If the value of this parameter is yes, the number of working days is taken from the first periodic action. If the parameter value is no, the number of working days is taken from the periodic derived action with the largest end date.
  • 143841- DR15998- Synchronisation of Timely Completed data in the Items Detail Report and Action Dashboard menus has been enabled.
  • 148444- DR16307- Action items have been added to the Timesheet Report in the following colours according to the status: Light - Blue Opening Confirmation - Yellow Delay Approval - Yellow Closure Confirmation - Yellow Opening Approval Rejection - Red Cancelled - Red Rejection to Do the Job - Red Closure Approval Rejection - Red Waiting - White Suspended - White Closed - Green If painting with different colours is expected depending on the usage, it will be sufficient to change the colour selection from the constants screen.

Management Review Module

  • 145137- DR16125- In the Management Review module, workplace and department based filtering has been enabled to receive reports. Customer Complaint Module
  • 145952- DR16184- In the Customer Complaint module, if the value of the ‘184-Customer complaint action opening approver can edit the action?’ parameter is selected as ‘Yes’, the error that the action approver cannot update the action has been corrected.
  • 148347- DR16292- In the ‘Action Report’ page in the Customer Complaints module, it has been enabled to use AKSKAPATMASURE, AKSACMASURE, AKSACMAONAYTAR ve AKS_ACMAONAY tags in DMS_AKSIYON_RAPOR format.
  • 149449- DR16378- The error received in the Planned works Reports in the Management Review module when the task GERCEKLESME_ONAYINDA_REDDEDILEN_AKSIYONLAR task exists in the Customer Complaints and CAPA modules has been fixed.

Audit Activity Module

  • 144387- DR16085- When performing an audit on a single page in the Audit Activities module, it has been ensured that the data entered in the answer field remains constant if the option is changed after the answer to the question is written and saved.
  • 144390- DR16072- The problem of not displaying the files when more than 15 additional files are added on the Audit Planning page has been fixed.
  • 147057- DR16209- <DOF_DURUMU> tag has been added to the audit finding report template. In the audit finding report, the status of the CAPAs opened from the audit in the form of approval, open, closed has been displayed. Suggestion System Module
  • 147056- DR16207- The error received when filtering in the fields of suggestion no, date given, date closed in the filter field in the Suggestion Status Report has been fixed.

OHS Risk Assessment Module

  • 144394- DR16115- In case there is more than one level approver for a record with approval status in Risk Modules, the problem of delaying the approvals within the scope of the approval task assigned to the first approver has been resolved by ensuring that the date of the first approver's risk approval falls to the other level approver as the task start time. Occupation and Periodic Inspection Module
  • 145600- DR16174- In the Occupation and Periodic Inspection module, it was ensured that the reminder mail sent to the relevant supervisor for a personnel with a full start date and no inspection information is sent according to the periodic period specified in the parameter.

Legal Legislation Tracking Module

  • 147961- DR16267- In the legal legislation module, active documents related to the workplace were displayed on the grid on the workplace identification page.

Board Meeting Module

  • 149060- DR16090- It has been ensured that the pre-notification of the meeting can be made by the agent depending on the ‘Pre-Notification Period’ specified in the ‘Meeting Source’ in the Board Meeting module. KurulToplantiOnBildirim method has been added to our agent application and this method is triggered for pre-notification, the relevant method is automatically triggered when the agent runs daily and pre-notification mail is sent for meetings that need to create pre-notification.

Supplier Evaluation Module

  • 144385- DR16097- In the supplier evaluation module, editing on the survey template was prevented while there are surveys that are already live, so the problem of losing the survey evaluation tasks on the suppliers was solved. For this; In the supplier evaluation surveys, it was ensured that the ‘add, delete, update approver’ buttons are not displayed if there is a record waiting to be filled in the open jobs in the supplier group for the template survey on the survey template page. It has been ensured that the ‘add, delete, update approver’ buttons are displayed if there are no records waiting to be filled in the open jobs in the supplier group for the template survey.
  • 147811- DR16272- When creating a questionnaire in the Supplier Evaluation module, after the related question is added and published, it has been ensured that these related problems are displayed and answered on the answering screen.

3. Breaking Changes

  • The web version must be updated with the package.