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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No Features


  • No Improvements


3.1.Web Interface

  • 40953 - DR5593-EYS - Document Operations - Reports - On the Document Summary List page, the parameter values SAT - 76 and Document Operations 387 are No" and the "Object reference...." bug has been fixed. When the parameter values are no, the Document Summary List page works fine.

  • 40947 - Failed to realize training detail plans with "Opening Approval Reject" status and failed to fail by the system.

  • 40930 - The error of listing statuses other than the planned status in the training detail plan in the training detail plan for the trainings I will give, the trainings I will receive and the trainings under my responsibility has been resolved.

  • 39817 - IMS - External Customer Complaints - Pending Approval On the External Customer Complaints page, when there was no data in the grid, clicking the "Return to Development" button was treated as if there was data. The error was fixed and when the "Return to Development" button was clicked when there was no data in the grid, the operation could not be done.

  • 40906 - Fixed the bug of displaying trainings from hyperlink in the Trainings I Will Receive task. There was an exclamation point in the DÖF Opening - Solution Team tab and in the Personnel-User Group selection tabs. The problem has been fixed and the necessary icons have been shown in the Staff and User Group tabs.

  • 38949 - When adding Root Cause Analysis, it has become mandatory to fill in the root cause analysis template loaded in the parameter settings, and the root cause analysis template when opening new action in the action planning section.

  • 38965 - SAT - DÖF - In the categories with main and sub-breakdowns defined on the Nonconformance Category Identification Page, the sub-breakdown categories of that category did not go into the passive state when the main category was deactivated. In addition, a sub-breakdown could be added under the passively withdrawn main breakdown. The errors were corrected and the main category that was withdrawn to the passive was made to be inactive in those sub-breakdown categories if there were sub-breakdowns. In addition, the addition of a category as a sub-breakdown under the main category that has been withdrawn to the passive has been prevented. This situation has been tested in both 5.22 and 5.24.3 environments and no bugs have been encountered.

  • 35648 - DR3126 - Internal Work Permit Tracking - When requesting to create a work permit on the Internal Work Permit Request Form Transactions page, the data was multiplied by double-clicking the save button. Fixed.

  • 38659 - DR3593-The tags of these fields have been added so that the data of the departments that will do the work in the actions over the web service and to which the responsible persons are connected can be obtained, and the data has been brought in the relevant report.

  • 41146 - IMS - Document Operations - Reports - Cancellation The error received when we pressed the View Document button on the Pending Document List page has been resolved.

  • 41229 - Plans of training details with approval status (Opening Approval, Closing Approval, Opening Approval Refusal) are prevented from being postponed.

  • 41241 - IMS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Inspection Follow-up - When creating a new inspection record, let's say that we press the send prescription button once in the Prescription tab and then it gives a mandatory field check error, when we want to fill in the mandatory fields and send the prescription again, the button disable error has been fixed.

4.Mobile Updates


  • 40183 - Android - Training - Trainings Under My Responsibility - The problem of adding new participants has been solved.

  • 39204 - DÖF Opening - Solution Team tab, Staff-User Group selection tabs had an exclamation point. The problem has been fixed and the necessary icons have been shown in the Staff and User Group tabs.


  • 37430 - There was a lack of User Group in the DÖF Solution team tab. The issue has been fixed so that the User Group appears in the Solution Team tab.

  • 38644 - DR3250-On demand Mobile DÖF Shutdown screen, requested to add mandatory parametric fields from the DÖF shutdown screen on the Web. Mandatory parametric fields on the web are also included in the mobile Döf closure screen.

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version should be updated with the package.