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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 29520 - YG17296-YA25161 - Favorite drugs menu added. Added favorite medications and favorites ticks on the Select Medication screen. Added parameters Favorite drugs come automatically? and Frequently used drugs come automatically? When the parameters are selected as yes, the tics will come up automatically selected on the select medication screen.

  • 30503 - Adding tag information to the site inspection report of the DÖF and Action Individual Due Dates fields added in the Findings tab. DOF_TERMIN, AKSIYON_TERMIN added.

  • 30739 - Requires preflight and controller tag for revision history tags. X_KONTROL_EDEN, X_ON_KONTROL_EDEN tags have been added.

  • 30748 - Added IZLEME_YAYIN_TARIHLERI,IZLEME_RAPOR_TARIHLERI,IZLEME_KAYIT_TARIHLERI ,IZLEME_YAYIN_TARIHI3,IZLEME_RAPOR_TARIHI5,IZLEME_KAYIT_TARIHI7 tag support to DMS general report. It prints both collective and separate historical reports.

  • 30750 - Added DMS parameter 185. If the parameter is yes, it cannot be closed without turning on the complaint monitoring in the closing phase.

  • 30751 - Added DMS parameter 186. If the parameter value is defined, the writer from the corresponding role assigns the value to the Responsible field when opening a new trace.

  • 30752 - Risk type area support has been added to custom mail.

  • 30798 - Suggestion On the scoring page, comma number entry is allowed when entering formula data if the parameter is 116 no.

  • 30799 - Registration numbers (XXXXX) are written next to the name information of the Suggesters.

  • 31266 - Controlled Copy Collection Delivery Duty is ensured not to fall to the passive user.

  • 31404 - IMS>Audit Activity>Reports>Audit Score Report, workplace selection can be made in the filter, but the received report does not contain workplace information. Workplace information was provided in both the Grid and the Report.

  • 31711 - SAT > Suggestion > Earnings Category Identification menu has been made to display the codes of the defined earning categories.

  • 31999 - Supplier Group has been added to the grid and excel on the Customer - Supplier Identification page.

  • 32256 - For a document whose validity date has been extended, it is appropriate for the phrase VALIDITY EXTENDED to appear in red. the relevant phrase has been printed.

  • 22394 - IMS - Board Meeting - Reports menu The following 3 reports have been added.1. General Report of the Board Meeting 2. Board Meeting Detail Report 3. Board Meeting Participants Report

  • 22499 - Chart created by selecting Filter Type ""General"" on this record so that the X Axis ""age, title, gender"" options appear.

  • 29400 - Parametrically added "Directorate Representative" and "Presidential Officer" fields are exported to excel. The tag of parametric fields has been added to DEPARTMAN_BILGILERI_RAPORU exceline from the report formats.

  • 29781 - DR848-66. Will the tolerance value input be different for each measurement value? and 67. What value will the measurement uncertainty value affect? parameters have been added. When the parameter value 66 is selected as yes, the user will be able to make tolerance input and when the tolerance value is entered, the acceptance will be calculated automatically above and lower.In parameter 67, the measurement uncertainty will affect the values according to the set parameter. The measured value will be checked to be within the range according to the input.

  • 30063 - DR642-Removed the deletion authority from the parameter authorized to act on work orders (parameter 16).Added parameter 68 for the work order deletion authority. The deletion was carried out according to parameters 68 and 35. The logged-in user was not added to the parameter because the module administrator was authorized.

  • 30074 - DR818-Status field added to workplace physician identification page. If the module is adminized in the deletion process and there is no examination of the workplace physician who wants to be deleted, the deletion process is performed, otherwise the deletion process cannot be performed.

  • 30083 - DR849-IMS -> Audit Activities -> On the Audit Plans page, the "Plan - Joint Audit Report" button has added the "<DENETIM_PUANI>" tag for the report.

  • 30087 - DR912 - Added a method that returns the report (with the entity group and the parametric fields on the asset) in the Asset Report menu as a datatable in the web service used for the risk module.

  • 30109 - YG17283-YA25133-Added to training module parameters." How many days ago can past training be created?". When there is a higher number of days than the parameter value based on this parameter value, the user will be warned when creating a Training Detail.

  • When parameter 30384 - 65 (will the label information be used?) is activated, the label push button will be displayed on the device list page. By clicking the button, the type of operation is selected. The report on the last work order for that transaction type is generated and downloaded.

  • 30393 - DR9 65 - According to the result of the recommendation evaluation (we have-->In-Department Recommendation, Extra-Departmental Suggestion, No Action Required) reports and recommendation systems request that pages such as transactions and my suggestions be loaded on the filter screen. This information is brought up on the filter screens in the recommendation status report, my recommendations, and recommendation system operations.

  • 30398 - DR995- Based on the action parameter number 83 "Should the supervisor of the person who will make the action pen identification come automatically to the action pen information list?", a parameter such as "Should the supervisor of the person responsible for defining the action pen come automatically to the action pen information list?" was added and the supervisor of the responsible person was automatically brought to the relevant area.

  • 30403 - DR1016-Suggestion On the scoring page, comma number entry is allowed when entering formula data if parameter 116 is no.

  • 30426 - DR1106-Improved development to provide bulk transfer of Risk Main forms (Risk Assessment Form). As in the detail section, download template, upload template buttons are brought to the Risk Main Forms. It is now visible in the module managers.

  • 30436 - DR1053-Improved the tags that bring the position code in the prepared and revised persons. HAZIRLAYAN_POZISYON_KODU and REVIZE_EDEN_POZISYON_KODU tags have been added to the Document Summary report. (If the corresponding tag is not used, it is not added to the query at all.)

  • 30438 - DR11 12 - 85th place The parameter has been added. If the training is completed, 85. If the parameter value is yes, those who receive training are removed from the list of those who request that training, and if no, those who request the training remain even if they receive training.

  • 30504 - YG17396-YA2520 7 - Control will be provided by adding the format as <Option1> to the Registration Post-Audit Report.

  • 29198 - YG17340-YA25250-Workplace When the document expires and becomes inactive, the description of the action, the duration, the person who will perform the action, the action source is taken from the new parameters added in the automatic action that is opened. Main Action Auto unlocking is provided. These automated actions can be accessed from the action reports so that you can also see information about which document has been deactivated, but the workplace is set to not appear in the "To Do" tab on the document upload screen.

  • 30502 - YG17445-YA24163-Field inspection report was protected and encrypted and when the report was uploaded to the system and received, it would land protected but remove the protection without asking for the password. To prevent this, parameter 38 (Should the audit report be protected?) has been added. The issue of unprotection with this parameter has been fixed.

  • 30395 - Table-type fields added on the Risk Matrix tab are brought to the DÖF Detail Report in Different Sheets. The corresponding tags are <TBL_DKOD> <FIELD> <FIELDX>.

  • 31724 - DR1475-IMS -> Document Operations -> Reports -> On the Draft Documents List page, if the user is not a module administrator, he cannot see the "Change Staff", "Change User Group" and "Delete" buttons.

  • 34120 - DR2635-IMS -> Survey Operations -> Improved a report screen to export data from the grid to the excel report on the Survey Results page.

  • 30071 - DR561-Integrated management system>Document operations>Opening a folder with the modify button on the folder identification menu and adding a new control on the Folder settings tab. A new field has been defined, as in the fields of Authority Matrix Assignment Method in Revision, Distribution Matrix Assignment Method in Revision, etc.

  • 3022 - YG1717 0 - YA24885-1. Addition will be made to the training module parameters."" Roles to be notified for participants who fall below the passing score"" Values AMIR = A , Training Officer = ES, Module Administrator = MA. ( MULTIPLE SELECTIONS CAN BE MADE ). 2. After the score is entered according to the entered values, if the participant's score is below the passing score, an e-mail will be sent to the relevant roles. The education score of the participants whose information is given below is below the required passing score. Progress has been made in the form of take relevant actions.

  • 31724 - DR1475-IMS -> Document Operations -> Reports -> On the Draft Documents List page, if the user is not a module administrator, he cannot see the "Change Staff", "Change User Group" and "Delete" buttons.

  • 34536 - DR2403-IMS -> Survey Procedures -> Entering the Results button on the Survey Results page adds an Export to Excel button on the page.

  • 34338 - SAT -> BSAT -> Configuration Settings -> - Bulk e-signature verification has been improved for records with Submission Status -> 'To Send' on the Health Records - Training Records pages.


  • 32537 - DR1927-SAT -> BSAT -> Configuration Settings -> Parametric Field -> When defining a new field on the Field Definition page, no more than 250 characters of data could be entered in the "Title Note" field. Fixed.

  • 32538 - DR1839-Döf detail report of non-working query-type field tags (QPARAM1_VALUE etc.) was printed.

  • 29198 - YG17340-YA25250-Workplace When the document expires and becomes inactive, the description of the action, the duration, the person who will perform the action, the action source is taken from the new parameters added in the automatic action that is opened. Main Action Auto unlocking is provided. These automated actions can be accessed from the action reports so that you can also see information about which document has been deactivated, but the workplace is set to not appear in the "To Do" tab on the document upload screen.

  • 30426 - DR1106-Improved development to provide bulk transfer of Risk Main forms (Risk Assessment Form). As in the detail section, download template, upload template buttons are brought to the Risk Main Forms. It is now visible in the module managers.

  • 30504 - YG17396-YA25207-IMS -> Audit Activities -> Performing an audit in an audit from Pending Audits page added <SECENEK_1> <SECENEK_2> <SECENEK_3> tags to the audit report. First we need to add the tags BSAT -> Configuration Settings -> to the template without editing the report format.


3.1.Web Interface

  • 34538 - Unable to enter data into the Yapak field When checked after receiving the warning message on the page, the relevant field is active for data entry. After the warning, the problem of being active has been corrected and the selection has been ensured.

  • 34444 - IMS > Document Operations > Reports > Document Status Report page used to give an error when searching. Fixed.

  • 34331 - The main breakdown on the DÖF-Root Cause selection screen was displayed on each search. Only filtered data was listed.

  • 34332 - Oracle... Fixed the error of navigating to the IMS -> Assembly Meeting -> Reports -> Meeting General Report page.

  • 34290 - SAT -> Survey Operations -> Fixed an issue that does not fit on the screen when we try to create a "Matrix" type question on the small screen (laptop) on the pages where we create Question Pool or IMS survey questions.

  • 34291 - SAT -> Survey Operations -> Suppose we were trying to add a "Picture Question" on the Question Pool page, the questioner would select one picture question and delete the image we added to the picture question when we wanted to remove the picture option. Now the problem of removing only the desired picture to be removed has been solved.

  • 34299 - Fixed an issue where clicking on an area other than the button on the DMS-root cause selection screen would result in an "object referance" error.

  • 34196 - IMS -> Training Planning -> Let's assume that we create one training on the Training Plan page and create Training details in it and give the participant points while performing these trainings. The email reads, "The training score of the participant whose information is given below is below the required passing score. Please take the relevant actions." Here it was ensured that those whose score was lower than education were listed.

  • 34117 - EYS -> Board Meeting -> Reports -> Fixed an issue where searching on the Meeting Detail Report page gave an error.

  • 34214 - IMS -> Audit Activities ->\ Audit Code from My Pending Audits: poopop219 Resolved the error of generating audit report on audit.

  • 34236 - IMS -> Survey Operations -> Fixed the issue of recording as if they were marked even if we did not mark the optional questions when we wanted to answer the survey questions on the pages such as Internal Survey Filling, External Participant Filling (mail), Standard Survey Filling, etc.

  • 34245 - EYS -> Training Planning -> When creating a learning plan on the Learning Plan page, we add participants with new demand. Resolved the error of not being listed if attendees were not listed after they were added.

  • 34270 - EYS -> Training Planning -> On the Training Plan page, training details provided for training detail planning at that training time if the training was canceled.

  • 34651 - Fixed an issue where searching the root cause filter screen displays the filter screen instead of the result bracket.

  • 34332 - Oracle-IMS -> Board Meeting -> Reports -> Fixed the error of navigating to the Meeting General Report page.

4.Mobile Updates

  • 34554 - Fixed an issue where the change made to the "Definition" label during the Action Pen Approval phase was not recorded when checked on the next task.

  • 34390 - DR2907-SAT -> Document Operations -> Unauthorized link on the Document Link page could not be accessed by mobile. The link has been made to work for both web and mobile. The document related to the hyperlink added to the document can be displayed.

  • 33613 - Home Page ( My Pending Works ) -> Document Operations -> Important Documents to Read taskinden to see the document with the zip file in the document did not download and gave an error, the error was fixed.

  • 33848 - Parameters(93) Although the Email, SMS and I forgot my password with Registration Number options were active, only sms reset was coming on android. In addition, when it is wanted to make forgot my password by sms on the Android side lbl_PARAM2 mandatory field notification, on the IOS side, an unexpected error occurred when it was wanted to make forgot my password in the open areas. notification was coming out. Fixed.

  • 33840 - Mobile... Home Page ( My Pending Jobs ) -> Audit Activity ->\ List of Checks to Perform When we wanted to open a finding in an audit on the task, it was giving an error when we passed the "Related Documents" field blank, the error was fixed.


  • 34228 - Home (My Pending Jobs) -> Document Operations -> Important Documents to Read task If there is a zip file in the document, the error of downloading twice has been fixed.

  • 33835 - When a document opened from the Document Vision page with a QR Code rotates the phone screen and tries to make it normal again, the application crashes. Fixed.

  • 31704 - Home (My Pending Jobs) -> Training Planning -> When we wanted to perform a training from the Trainings Under My Responsibility task, when we added a new participant, it did not appear on the web, the bug has been fixed.

  • 30512 - Home Page ( My Pending Work ) -> Audit Activity -> When we tried to perform an audit in the List of Checks to Perform and wanted to open the Döf, the "Nonconformance Category" added from the mobile appeared incorrectly on the web. Option bugs fixed.

  • 33597 - Home ( My Pending Jobs ) -> Audit Activity ->\ List of Checks to Perform Suppose we want to open a Döf when we want to perform an audit from the task, this DTF gives an error when removing data from the list in the Nonconformance Category, the bug has been fixed.


  • 33605 - Home (My Pending Works) Training Planning > Training Required to Evaluate, Trainings Under My Responsibility, Trainings I Will Give Points to the tasks did not appear when the approval button did not appear when entering the training bug fixed.

  • 33598 - Home ( My Pending Work ) ->\ Audit Activity ->\ List of Checks to Perform task when we want to create a DÖF in a control from the "Nonconformance Category" field in the "Nonconformance Category" field after the list error has been fixed.

  • 33857 - Home (My Pending Jobs) Audit Activity -> Fixed an issue where it was undone/marked again after entering the question in the questions section of a check from the List of Checks to Perform task, checking "Not Included in the Calculation".

  • 34229 - Home ( My Pending Work ) ->\ Document Operations ->\ Important Documents to Read task solved the download error when we entered the file with the zip file for Document Viewing task.

5.Breaking Changes

  • Web version should be updated with package, mobile (IOS-Android) should be updated with 2.8.1 package.