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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features Contents

  • No New Features.


  • No Improvements.


3.1.Web Interface

  • 49171 - DR7847- IMS ->Document Activities-> Reports - System Document Reference List title is now updated as Document Management System List. IMS->Document Activities -> Reports -> Reference Document List title was kept the same and no changes were made. This change was made to more accurately reflect the relationship between the management system and standard clause number of the documents.

  • 49208 - DR7865- Language problems on the SID -> Board Meeting -> Meeting Source Identification page and in the meeting decision phase have been fixed.

  • 49210 - DR7861- It has been ensured that the user who receives power of attorney can get the menu authorization of the pages that only the user who gives power of attorney is authorized.

  • 49263 - When the 317th (Quick Document Search by revision reason?) parameter value in the Document Module is 'Yes', when we enter the Revision reason in the Pending Task -> Search box, the error of not finding the document we want to search for is resolved.

  • 49271 - DR7874- On the Review Postponement Approval page, it was detected and corrected that the postponed review date did not change during the postponement approval phase. When calculating the future review date mentioned in the report, the approval date or the date of conformity of the document is taken into consideration. Therefore, the relevant field in the report will change in these cases.

  • 49409 - DR7894- The suggestion was assigned to a different person during the expert evaluation phase. The assigned person requests Detail. The error of sending expert evaluation to the first expert after the detail phase is completed has been solved.

  • 49424 - DR7911- A tree list type field is defined on the SID -> Risk Assessment -> Field Definition page. A definition is made in this field. When the save button is pressed without filling in the "Connected Field" information for the second definition, it did not create the second field, this situation has been corrected.

  • 49427 - DR7910- The error of not sending mail after the planned training was canceled in the training module has been resolved.

  • 49495 - DR7926- 154 - 154 - In cases where the "Do you have a confirmation note when you approve a CAPA?" parameter is "No", a confirmation note requirement was required on the CAPA approval screens. It is ensured that the system behaves according to the parameter value.

  • 49547 - Formula in the scoring phase in a Suggestion on the IMS -> Suggestion -> Reports -> Suggestion Status page if used, the data multiplexing error in the export to excel has been resolved

  • 49628 - DR7972- During the preparation of a new document, when people other than those who were sent to the opinion opened the link in the task e-mails sent to the users added to the opinion tab, their access to the relevant document was blocked and they received an error.

  • 49651 - DR7997- On the IMS-> Waste Management -> Waste Tops Analysis page, a data other than the x and y axis selections was being printed. Incorrect data on the graph has been corrected.

  • 49719 - The problem that the value specified in the 372. (Tag to be Used in Postponed Review) parameter is displayed on the document as a watermark has been fixed, although the new revision of the document, which was subject to the translation process in the old revisions, does not have the revision process.

  • 49733 - The error of displaying the value of parameter 372. (Tag to be Used in Postponed Review) as watermark in draft documents has been fixed.

  • 49741 - DR8031- The problem of displaying the buttons on the top right when the document view menu is opened It was realized that the 327th parameter (parametric field to be listed in the Document View table) and some of the columns of the grid were caused by entering the width settings. Scroll was added to the grid to solve the error. However, if the customer is using parameter 327, we recommend the ability to empty the column widths of the grid. This will result in a more organized display.

  • 49745 - When trying to define Transaction Types on the category on the SID ->Device Management System -> Device Categories page, if parameter 35 (Use authorization based on device location? (Y/N)) is active and the user is not the module admin, an error was received. Fixed.

  • 49906 - DR8077- When the parameter value of 17. (Do you currently using, confirmation of participation in the curriculum? (Y / N)) is 'No' in the Education module, the problem of not sending the access link in the mails sent when the <LINK> tag is added in case of using custom mail in the message body because the MailGonder function on the Education detail -> Participants page is fed from the MSG.17.04 coded message body has been solved.

  • 50203 - DR8133- With a change made on the IMS->Device Management ->Device Identification ->Transaction Types page, the certificate number field has been made mandatory when adding certificates to related devices.

  • 50604 - DR8236- IMS-> Action Management -> Reports -> Filtering results on the status analysis report has been fixed due to the multiplexing error on the report.

  • 50618 - DR8253- The error of not reflecting the action number we opened on the findings in the audit report when Audit realization operations are performed via the mobile application has been resolved.

  • 50756 - DR8269- When Turkish characters were used in parameters 10 and 11 of the document parameters, these characters were not reflected in Turkish in the pdf. Parameter 396 (Characters to replace in watermark text) has been added to the document module. In this parameter, we defined the characters that we normally replace in watermark texts as default. Now it performs the replace operations through this parameter. For example, if you want to replace 'A' as 'B', you need to write (A:B) separated by two dots. If you want to use more than one, it should be separated by commas.

  • 50757 - DR8258-IMS -> Risk Assessment ->Risk Assessment Form Definition - Details It has been ensured that passive documents cannot be selected as reference information when a precaution type document is selected in the precaution tab in the detail form definition screen made here.

  • 50758 - DR8261- On the IMS -> Training Planning -> Training Plan - Training Detail Planning page, it has been ensured that the participant's participation date is checked according to the last postponement date and the end date in trainings whose status is 'Postponed'.

  • 50890 - DR8299- While preparing the quality record, people other than those authorized in the authorization matrix could not see the record; On the IMS -> Document Activities -> Quality Records -> Quality Records -> Quality Records Report page, people could view the quality records even if they were not authorized. It was ensured that people without authorization also received an authorization error on the report page.

  • 50999 - DR8315- There was an error when the document was displayed. The related error has been fixed.

  • 51000 - DR8322- The problem of incorrect display of Risk assessment forms defined on QDMS on Ensemble program has been fixed.

  • 51134 - DR8348- On the IMS -> Device Management -> Process Execution -> Calibration Report page, in the Measurement Values tab and on the SID-> Device Management -> Device Identification -> Measurement Constants page, when values such as standard and reference in the table were null, '()' characters were coming empty next to the column. Fixed.

  • 51135 - DR8349- When we change the reviewer in the folder in the document module and revise it again, the error of bringing the reviewer in the folder has been solved.

  • 51192 - DR8361- When the Revision Number Change option is checked as Manual from the folder settings tab on the folder from the IMS -> Document Activities-> Folder Definition page and saved; When entering a document in the folder from the document viewing menu and clicking the Review List tab, an error was displayed. Fixed.

  • 51304 - DR8386- It is ensured that it does not enter the result status in cases where the result report is not used in the CAPA module and the "222 - Results tab appearance requirement" parameter value is empty.

  • 51332 - DR8314- SID-> Risk Assessment -> Function designer - In a change made on the assessment, the cacheleme problem was solved by increasing the version number by one in the BSAT025B table.

  • 51679 - Pending Task -> Elaboration When we want to elaborate a suggestion in the Pending Suggestions task, an error has been resolved.

  • 50325 - DR8180- In the survey module, the error of not calculating the survey score of matrix type questions has been solved.

  • 51747 - IMS ->Survey Operations -> The error of showing zero in the Survey average score, score percentage fields in matrix type questions on the pages in Survey Results has been resolved.

  • 51943 - IMS -> Document Activities->Document View page, 'Review List' tab, the error of listing the listing process in the wrong order has been resolved.

  • 51979 - The error of not downloading additional files added during the scoring phase after viewing the suggestion with the status 'Closed Suggestion (Accepted)' on the IMS-> Suggestion System -> Suggestion Tracking page has been resolved.

  • 51982 - The error received when we want to view the suggestions that are in the 'Closing Approval' status on the IMS -> Suggestion System ->Suggestion Expert operations page has been resolved.

  • 52056 - The error received when we want to update a training detail from the Pending Task ->Trainings I Will Give Open Approval task has been resolved.

  • 52123 - The error that the 'Details' tab was empty when we came to the detail page from Pending Task-> Detailing Pending Suggestions has been resolved.

  • 51685 - DR8490- SID -> Document Activities ->Document Record Maintenance page, the process was taking too long and locking the system when the save button was pressed while performing record maintenance. Acceleration work was done

4.Mobile Updates

  • 32972 - DR2091-Android - Fixed the 'Earning Category' field selected in the suggestion module to appear as a flat list on IOS devices.


  • No Android Updates


  • No IOS Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • Web version should be updated with package.
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