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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 39330 - DR5043-MEFAR2- 664 - Added the parameter "Can associated actions opened from risk modules be associated only with actions opened from the same risk?" and added control over the parameter to list the associated actions. And the action listing problem associated with this parameter has been solved.


  • No Improvements


3.1.Web Interface

  • 38714 - DR4800-HTCET2- 13 - SAT - BSAT - Configuration Settings - Transfers - Device Transfer page used to get an error when downloading a template. The error can be fixed and the template download can be done.

  • 38885 - DR4848-LCW2- 945 - Before the work order pending closure confirmation was closed, the unit of measure was defined as text type and the work order was closed, and the unit of measure was converted to a numeric value even though it was text. When the error was fixed and the work order was closed, the text-type unit of measure was not converted to a numeric value.

  • 39001 - DR4892-LCW2- 944 - Default Process Type Code parameter was empty, while the excel file from IMS - Device Management System - Device Identification page did not show the Future Transaction Date field. The error has been fixed and the Next Transaction Date field is shown.

  • 39183 - DR4943-Fixed an issue where a Risk form on the approval task also warns "Reference Type cannot be left blank!" after changes made with the update button in the measures and the reference type is deleted.

  • 39183 - DR4943-Fixed an issue where a Risk form on the approval task also warns "Reference Type cannot be left blank!" after changes made with the update button in the measures and the reference type is deleted.

  • 39184 - DR4941-MEFAR2- 656 - On the My Pending Jobs Page, select an action from the Actions Rejected by Person to Do the Job field and change the person who will do the work by using the Change Person to Do the Job button on that action from the top right. However, according to the person who will do the work, the auto-filling of the responsible field was not working. Related parameter (When opening the action pen, the responsible person is automatically assigned according to what? DS (Department responsible of the person who will do it), DEGER = OR (Supervisor of the person who will do it)) has been corrected and the error has been fixed.

  • 39218 - Parameter DR4968-39 If Yes, only records with their own track record in the process have been improved in reports.

  • 39228 - Increased number of text characters in DR4972-Risk modules of Status codes.

  • 39254 - An error occurred while filtering tasks "during task transfer" when module is deactivated from table DR5011-BSAT025D. Please try again. " error. Fixed.

  • 39285 - DR5037-ABCO2- 156 - SAT - BSAT - Configuration Operations - Training Records page, the error received due to id multiplexing has been fixed.

  • 38038 - DR4650-IMS - Operational Tasks on the Strategic Planning - Activity Tasks page, all users were able to see. The issue has been resolved so that not all users can see the activity tasks.

  • 38075 - DR4647-M5172- 1684 - When the user was given a power of attorney, modules other than the proxy module also appeared on the menu screen. In addition, when the System Infrastructure Definitions were not given as a proxy, the module menu, help and favorite screens did not open. Fixed.

  • 37670 - DR4450-Döf detail report, AKSGERCEKLESMEONAY resolved the issue of AKS_GERCEKLESMEONAYTAR tags not being replaced.

  • 37678 - Suppose we add an X-point question prepared with the "Select from Question Pool" button on the pages where the survey questions are created. Now the error of entering the weight point account in questions from the question pool has been fixed.

  • 37680 - On the IMS - Training Planning - Learning Plan page, let's say we plan one additional file training. Then we want to create another one with the "Copy" button for the training with additional files. One more is creating education. But it removes the additional file from the initial training. Fixed the error of removing additional files in the first tutorial.

  • 37767 - Fixed an issue where options do not appear in "Multiple-Selection Picture Questions" when we open the page to answer external survey questions.

  • 37788 - DR 4492 - PEGA2- 1497 - Mobile Survey related question requirement bug fixed.

  • 37789 - DR4480-Responsible personnel field added to the grid on the main form.

  • 37790 - DR4479-ACCEL2- 170 - The magnifying glass in the Quick Document Search field did not perform the search function. Accordingly, when it was desired to search on mobile devices, it did not provide the process. Fixed.

  • 37841 - SAT - Document Operations - Document Shortcut Identification page would give a primary key error when the selected document was tried to be identified as a shortcut to the same folder again. Fixed.

  • 37865 - DR4538-During the document preparation phase, when the Reviewer was selected in the Revision Information tab in the Document and sent to the control stages, it was empty even though one person was selected in the Revision By section at these stages. When the problem is corrected and the Reviewer is selected during the document preparation stages, the Revision By section appears to be full in all stages of the document until it is approved and published.

  • 37867 - DR4563-Fixed the issue of displaying records through the parameter-based unauthorized user report screen.

  • 37902 - KDYS280L and BSAT030 table mismatched proposals removed from pending jobs.

  • 37948 - DR4580 - Add button visibility at the top right when the user selects a value on a searchable list-type field No. 29 "Define new value on list type selection screen? (Y/N)" parameter.

  • 37974 - DR4103-Error distributions aggregation bug fixed.

  • 38314 - SAT - BSAT - Configuration Settings - Help Menu When I added a sub-breakdown under the main breakdown on the Define page, the corresponding menu was not reflected in the help menu screen. Fixed.

  • 38342 - DR4712-IMS - Document Operations - Reports - When searching by list-type parametric fields on the Filter tab of the Document Status Report page, the excel file was empty when the data was listed in the grid and the Export to Excel button was pressed. The error was fixed and the data listed in the grid after filtering was displayed in the excel file.

  • 38343 - DR4715-When performing a precautionary deletion on the risk record, the 2nd pop-up after the question "Are you sure you want to delete it?" does not appear.

  • 38391 - Addressed issue where records listed by workplace in the approval status report work parameter-independent of the parameter if the dms parameter DR4726-70 is yes.

  • 38433 - DR4728-OTKAR2- 727 - SAT - Device Management Systems - On the Device Maintenance page, on the Filter tab, no spaces could be entered when typing the device name in the Device Name field. The error has been fixed and space sourcing has been done while typing the device name.

  • 38630 - DR4744-My Pending Work - Document Revision Requests task, the request date information was listed in the Revision Date column. Fixed.

  • 39923 - IMS - Training Activities - Reports - Personnel Based Activity Evaluation report has been fixed when there is more than one training detail of an employee in the additional files area when it is received for the relevant training.

  • 39959 - Fixed an issue in pretending to select an option even though we selected options for questions with options during the external survey form answering phase.

  • 39666 - DR5102 - When the document was revised and approved by the mobile, the mail would not go to the users and an error would be dropped in the bsat017c table. The document was revised and approved by the mobile, the task of reading fell to the user and sent to the relevant users by e-mail. No error logs have been posted in the BSAT017C table.

  • 39743 - DR5118-When the Make Document Preparation Request button in the Document Vision menu was clicked repeatedly, the system would throw as many preparation requests as the number of clicks on the button. The bug has been fixed and the Make Document Preparation Request button has been changed to only click once at a time.

  • 39256 - DR5014-IMS - Training Activities - Reports - Personnel Based Activity Evaluation report resolved the error of writing the additional file for each line that all personnel added to the additional files field when the report was received for the relevant training.

  • 38031 - DR4466-ESHOT2- 97 - Fixed the bug when the board tried to load and use the template installed on the system in the meeting module.

  • 39904 - Filter tab page on Action Situation Analysis Report page has been visually fixed.

  • 39901 - Fixed the object reference error received as a result of clicking the delete button on the indicator tab on the risk detail form multiple times.

  • 39773 - When the value of the suggestion parameter 146 (Let the Display Tab in the Suggestion Evaluation Screens Be Active) is yes; In the "Suggestions Pending Detailing" task, the details tab is activated.

  • 40008 - SAT - BSAT - Definitions - There was a slowness problem on the Department Identification page. Fixed.

  • 37868 - DR4491 - Bug corrected and in the test environment, the reason for the mismatch on the Document Status Report and Draft Document Report pages is due to the fact that the redundant documents in the Document Status Report are additional documents. When examined by the software team, it is stated that this situation does not affect other report pages where it is an exceptional case that will not be considered an error.

4.Mobile Updates


  • 38137 - Requirement status of table-type fields is checked and error message is provided if it is empty.

  • 37701 - Android... When any of the Infirmary Application Passwords in the My Pending Work - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Pending Approval Infirmary Applications section were selected and opened, an error was received when downloading for files located in the Additional file tab. The bug has been fixed and the Additional files in the Pending Approval Infirmary Form can be downloaded and viewed on the mobile.

  • 32973 - DR2087-In the mobile application, the Suggestor department field in the suggestion entry is provided by the system to be auto-filled by the system.

  • 38859 - Fixed an issue where the corresponding action was opened from the Pending Opening Confirmation action task and the changes made to it were not recorded.


  • 37414 - At the stage of approve the DÖF, the requirement check of the approval note has been added.

  • 34742 - Fixed an issue where mandatory fields on the DR3250-DÖF shut-off bracket were not displayed on the shutdown bracket on mobile.

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version should be updated with the package.