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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1. Highlights / New Features

  • 51185 - DR8353- My Pending Tasks -> Device Management System -> It has been ensured that the devices waiting for shutdown approval are displayed only in the devices waiting for shutdown approval task.
  • 49887 - DR80 57 - With Module Creator exe, Risk-based modules with Id numbers 86 and 87 were installed.
  • 55461 - System Infrastructure Definitions-> BSID -> Definitions->Personnel definition page, the password field was prevented from being viewable when defining personnel.

2. Improvements

  • No Improvements.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 51595 - DR8461- The status field has been made selectable on the template file downloaded from IMS -> Risk Assessment Form Identification -> Details page.
  • 51596 - DR8454- IMS -> Action Management -> It has been ensured that users other than the users specified in hidden actions are not displayed in Ensemble environment.
  • 51597 - DR8470- When we want to update a training detail with 'Done' status on the IMS -> Training Planning -> Training Plan -> Training Detail page, the status change error has been resolved.
  • 51684 - DR8495- IMS -> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment -> Risk Assessment Form Identification - Details While defining here, the button name was not displayed when waiting on the cancel button on the precautions tab on the screen. It has been fixed.
  • 51793 - DR8515- In IMS -> Action Management -> Reports -> Item Detail Report, only 2000 characters were printed to excel for the definition field. This limit was removed and all data entered in the definition field was received.
  • 51955 - When it was desired to create a document from SID -> Document Activities -> Document Import to System page, the same data could be added from the search and select screen in the system-item no field in the Other Information tab. An error was received due to adding the same data. Fixed.
  • 52061 - When I want to close a training detail in my pending jobs -> Training I Will Give Closing Approval task, the error error has been solved by redirecting to the errorpage page instead of giving an error as a pop-up.
  • 52088 - IMS ->Document Activities-> Reports -> Pending Document List filtering according to document type has been enabled.
  • 52103 - The problem of filtering on IMS -> Document Activities ->Controlled Copy Distribution Task Report and not taking action when the button is pressed has been fixed. The button name has been provided when waiting on the buttons.

  • 52105 - DR8485- IMS -> Risk Assessment -> Assessment Form Definition - Details -> On the pop-up that opens when adding a document in the measures tab on the page opened with New, the "Document Name" filter has been enabled to return data without entering a full name.

  • 52197 - DR8633- When we use the application in English on the IMS -> Audit Activity -> Reports -> Audit Finding Report page, the Turkish format download error has been resolved when downloading to Excel.

  • 52198 - DR8637- In IMS -> Document Activities -> Reports -> Document Preparation Request List report, the date field was not empty in the records that were not processed on the document. Fixed.

  • 52202 - DR8644- SID -> BSID -> Definitions - >On the Personnel Identification page, the number of children field on the additional information page of the personnel was working incorrectly. Fixed.

  • 52262 - DR8634- The error of downloading the Turkish template when we want to download the template on SID - > BSID -> Configuration Settings -> Transfers -> Audit Questions Transfer and SID -> BSID -> Configuration Settings -> Transfers -> Audit Transfer pages when using the application in English has been resolved.

  • 52335 - DR8668- In order to open the "Survey Questions" page on any module with the Survey Question Lists menu, the menu access authorization error of the question pages in the Survey module has been resolved.

  • 52480 - DR8701- IMS - > Risk Assessment -> Reports -> General Risk List page has been fixed the problem of error while downloading the report.

  • 52672 - DR8746-.../QDMSNET/DOFWS/Main.asmx service with the NewDOFParametricAlanlariIleOlustur method, unit of measurement could not be sent in fields with measurement type. It has been edited to send the unit when it is sent in the form of ALANKODU_BIRIM.

  • 52702 - DR8756- On the IMS -> Action Management -> Action Planning page, although the necessity selection of the Workplace field from the previously defined forms on the Action Planning page was removed, the workplace selection could not be removed with edit. The situation has been corrected.

  • 52750 - DR8767- The user whose suggestion module menu authorizations were removed could enter suggestions from favorites or see suggestions from the suggestions menu. Fixed.

  • 52759 - DR8773- When the Export to Excel button was clicked on the Document Quick Search page, the document did not open when clicking on the document code from the downloaded Excel file. The problem was fixed by correcting the links.

  • 53083 - DR8818- My pending jobs were not displayed when switching to the user with the proxy login button from the user panel - > Login on behalf of someone else (Super Password) page. Fixed.

  • 53776 - DR8908- The error received when clicking the Workplace filter button on the SID -> Audit Activity -> Auditor Identification page has been resolved.

  • 53891 - The inconsistency in the number of answers when saving the answers as Draft in the survey module has been eliminated.

  • 53945 - DR8924- The error that the log file created by the integration application and the log file name created in the Mails table do not match has been corrected.

  • 54202 - DR8965- When a revision was made for a team they added while on the teams tab from the IMS -> Emergency Situations-> Emergency Plans page and when a check was made for this team via the IMS -> Emergency Situations -> Reports -> Emergency Teams menu, it was displayed that three records were thrown for one revision. This situation has been corrected.

  • 54208 - DR8966- On the IMS-> Document Activities-> Document View page, although the user was not authorized to print, he could print when the style information of the button was removed. Fixed.

  • 54324 - DR8978- A document could be inactivated from IMS ->Document Activities-> Document Suspension page, but when we wanted to reactivate the document via the same menu, the document was not visible because it was inactive. Fixed.

  • 54355 - DR8983- Fixed the error received when trying to pull a report via IMS-> Management Review -> Delayed actions -> General Actions menu.

  • 54509 - DR9003-...DocumentsWS/DWS.asmx service did not have document code control in the GetLink method. "Document not found" warning has been added when the document code is not defined in the system.

  • 54715 - DR9015- On the IMS-> Device Management System -> Device Identification page, if there is a work order belonging to the transaction type on the device, the condition of the certificate name being mandatory has been eliminated. If there is no work order, the requirement for the certificate name to be mandatory continues with the addition of the certificate file.

  • 54756 - DR9013- The multiplexing error of data when we use the application language in English in SID -> Audit Activity -> Question Pool has been solved.

  • 55052 - DR9067- In the document module 5. (To whom should document review e-mails be sent? H (To the Preparer), R (To the Reviser), S (To the Responsible), G (To the Reviewer). If more than one, separate them with commas.) Although there is no G in the parameter value, the mail sending error has been solved.

  • 55145 - DR9081- Fixed the error of the related session remaining open when the logged in personnel definition is disabled.

  • 55304 - DR9097- IMS-> OHSAS Risk Assessment -> Reports -> General Risk page, the RDFD code has been added to the reports received on the control and precautions tab.

  • 55306 - DR9103- When the agent runs, the issue of getting 'Closed Approval Denied Trainings' error in the database log table (BSAT017C) has been resolved.

  • 55421 - DR9108- When we try to create a document from IMS -> Document Operations -> Folder Definition -> Folder Settings tab, when 'Assign the Training Supervisor as Preparer/Reviser' and 'Cannot be changed' are set, the error that the training supervisor is not filled due to data corruption has been corrected.

  • 55609 - The error of buttons not appearing on the IMS - > Training Planning -> Training Plan -> Training Detail page due to scrolling on the screen has been solved.

  • 55640 - When we want to update a training detail plan with 'Done' status on the IMS -> Training Planning -> Training Plan -> Training Detail page, the error of sending it to Opening Approval status has been fixed.

  • 56610 - DR9281- By preventing the loading of data when the IMS-> Training Planning -> Training/Title page is opened improvements have been made for filtering.

  • 56689 - DR9288- When an item is opened with edit via IMS->Board Meeting->Meetings menu and the History tab is opened, the error that the application language is in Turkish even though it is in English has been solved.

  • 56717 - The error of showing the 'Status' field with a number when we want to copy a training with approval status on the IMS-> Training Planning -> Training Plan -> Details page has been solved.

  • 56731 - When we want to update the training detail in the 'Canceled and Done' status on the IMS -> Training Planning -> Training Plan -> Details page, the error "The start or end date cannot be a date before today's date" has been resolved.

  • 60112 - On the IMS -> Training Planning -> Training Activity Evaluation page, the error of deleting files in the training activity evaluation after filtering as "Evaluation Status: Evaluated", the error of deleting files in the training activity evaluation has been solved.

  • 60039 - The error received when searching on the IMS -> Audit Activity -> Reports -> Audit Finding Report page has been resolved.

  • 60080 - In the survey module, the error of not displaying the save draft button when the parameter value is 'Yes' in the 1st (Should "I have read" confirmation be obtained on the survey filling screen?) has been resolved.

  • 59739 - On the SID-> Audit Activity -> Auditor Identification page, the error received when you want to filter in the Registration No field in the filter tab has been resolved.

  • 59750 - IMS -> Audit Activity -> Pending Audits -> Perform Audit - While creating a finding in the Findings tab, two scrolls were prevented from being displayed in the Risk tab.

  • 60141 - On the IMS -> Survey Operations -> Survey Analysis Charts page, the filtering error when 'Y Axis: Participation Percentage', the filtering error has been resolved.

  • 51593 - DR8459- When you create an evaluation in the Evaluation tab in My Pending Jobs -> External Customer Complaint Transactions -> Tasks that are not waiting for approval and check it from the View tab, the necessary information is reflected.

  • 52118 - DR8617-The printing error received as a result of the scenarios where "117 - Display PrintDialog on first startup if the print is PDF (Yes)" and "203 - Convert pdf to print when DocumentViewer is active (Yes)" and document viewer is used has been fixed.

  • 52617 - DR8740- Activity Evaluation Date and Activity Evaluators fields have been added to IMS -> Corrective and Preventive Actions -> Reports -> Detail Report.

  • 53928 - The error received when we try to export the report to excel on Oracle -> IMS -> Suggestion System -> Reports -> Suggestion Status Report page has been fixed.

  • 53945 - DR8924- The error that the log file created by the integration application and the log file name created in the Mails table do not match has been corrected.

  • 55781 - DR9146- IMS-> External Customer Complaints -> External Customer Complaints Transactions The Document No field was empty on the Complaint View page. Fixed.

  • 60511 - In My Pending Jobs -> Pre-Assessment Pending Suggestion page, when the Not a Suggestion option was selected and Detail was requested, the Reason for Rejection field was giving a mandatory error. Fixed.

  • 60861 - In My Pending Jobs -> Document Activities -> Documents Awaiting Approval task, the 'Process Bad Request' error received when we approve documents with processes in them has been solved.

  • 60087 - My Pending Work -> Corrective Preventive Actions -> Opening List of SLOs Pending Approval The CAPA record for which approval was given was falling in red to the Root cause analysis step when the Progress Report step was passive. Fixed.

  • 51098 - DR8343-The error of not being able to filter by process in the filter tab on the detail in the risk assessment form details menu has been fixed.

4. Mobile Updates

4.1. Android

  • No Android Updates

4.2. IOS

  • No IOS Updates

5. Breaking Changes

  • Web version should be updated with package
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