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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 34899 - DR3314- IMS -> Audit Activity -> Audit Plans and Audit Plans -> On the Controls pages, the delete button (delete authorization) is set to appear only in module admins. Parameter 126 has been added to the control parameters. The parameter value defaults to "No".

  • 34414 - DR3073-Risk Assessment Form - A detail form is added as a reference on the details page. And this added reference is reflected on the referenced page in the revision operations made under the main forums. Reference has been added to the marking to distinguish the added forms. It is also ensured that these records are included in the reports of the Main Forum to which they are attached. It is ensured that the Risk Assessment Detail Form under another Main Form can be copied. With parameter 213, the status of the copied form can be determined.

  • 34546 - DR2413 - Multiple selection fields are assigned as 15 if the status, risk source, etc. fields are separate in hrmlrowprepeiredda loading and page loading, speeding up the Select risk page.

  • 32804 - DR2064-Survey Module has been adjusted so that you can click on the link in the KVK text. In order for the link to be clickable, it must be arranged in the template file as follows (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>).


  • No Improvements


3.1.Web Interface

  • 35207 - IMS -> On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection Follow-up -> When a new examination was wanted to be created on the Inspection Follow-up page, there was a problem of shifting in the "Period, Time, Dose and How Many Boxes" fields in the "Prescription" tab. Fixed.

  • 34934 - IMS -> Internal Work Permit Tracking -> When a new record was created and updated on the Internal Work Permit Request Form Transactions page, clicking the cancel and reject buttons on the page would lead directly to the error page. Fixed.

  • 34989 - IMS -> Internal Work Permit Tracking -> When a new record was created and wanted to be updated on the Internal Work Permit Request Form Transactions page, clicking the cancel and reject buttons on the page would directly redirect to the error page, and when the Confirm button was pressed, it would constantly refresh the form. Fixed.

  • 35014 - Opening the Favorites menu area could not hide the tree. Fixed.

  • 33927 - The document font is Arial Tur, as attached. When the document is uploaded to the system and converted to pdf, the changes in the font are solved.

  • 35349 - On the IMS > Training Planning > Learning Plan page, the Export to Excel button was error-informing due to module management. A user who was not a Module Manager would receive an error when pressing the Export to Excel button. The bug has been fixed.

  • 35253 - DR3467 - Clicking on the Transports menu under the Help menu would duplicate the page's header field. Fixed.

4.Mobile Updates


  • No Android Updates


  • No IOS Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version should be updated with the package.