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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 71244 - DR11293- It was ensured that a revised document can be inactivated from the Integrated Management System -Document Activities-Document Suspension screen. In order to use the related feature, the parameter value of the parameter 399 "Should the document in the revision stage be suspended?" on the System Infrastructure Definitions -Document Activities-Document Parameters screen must be "Yes"

2. Improvements

  • No Improvements

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 69982 - In the Integrated Management System -Document Activities-Document Viewing screen, when the print button was used for the 2nd time on documents with viewer format, the document name was corrupted. The error has been fixed.

  • 70156 - Process related document short codes (<SURECLER> , <SUREC_KODLARI>) were not returning data. The error has been fixed.

  • 70212 - An error was received when the "Quality Records to be Approved" in the Integrated Management System -Quality Records-Quality Record Transactions and Pending Jobs were displayed with the "View" button. The error has been fixed.

  • 71994 - DR11328- When the "View Document" button on the task screen from the My Pending Jobs- Document Activities-Documents to Review task was pressed for the second time, the document was downloaded as "logfile.txt". The error has been fixed.

  • 72875 - DR11513- The task, which was archived from the Integrated Management System -Strategic Planning- Activity Tasks screen, continued to be listed in the My Pending Jobs-Strategic Planning-Activity Tasks to be Approved task if it was approved. Error fixed

  • 67257 - DR10738- In case of using the application in English, the error of writing the work area in the delay mails in Turkish has been fixed.

  • 69956 - DR11146- Integrated Management System - Document Activities - Reports - The error of not showing the Pre-Control Date, Pre-Control Duration, Pre-Control Person information in the document approval times report has been fixed.

  • 71166 - DR11281- Fixed an error in the MoveForward method in the document web service

  • 74264 - DR11632- The error of not being able to send a password reset mail via SMS by pressing the forgot password button on the login screen has been fixed.

  • 74929 - DR11692- Setup errors in English QDMS installations have been fixed.

  • 75322 - The error in the GetAllIsyerleri method in the web service of the Corrective Preventive Actions module has been fixed.

  • 72012 - DR11364- In Integrated Management System - Document Activities - Reports - Document Matrix report, the column header error where the controlling person information is shown has been fixed. 72464 - DR11408- Integrated Management System - Device Management-Reports- Work Orders Detail Report - The error of not being able to search by transaction type in the Filter tab has been fixed.

  • 72510 - DR11441- When the parameter value of the Corrective Preventive Action module's parameter 39 'Only CAPA records that the user is authorised to see?(E/H)' is "Yes", the error of the user who is not authorised for the CAPA record accessing the relevant CAPA record via the CAPA detail report has been fixed.

  • 69951 - On the Integrated Management System -Survey Operations - Internal Survey Filling page, the problem of another question option and related ranking question and multiple choice question options not coming up has been fixed.

  • 69929 - Integrated Management System - External Survey Form Preparation - If there is a predefined selection question in the question list, the problem of adding it to the external survey has been fixed.

  • 71247 - Integrated Management System - Survey Operations - Internal Survey Form Preparation - The problem of sending the sms content with half and tags while using custom mail in the survey filling mail has been solved.

  • 72773 - DR11492- Integrated Management System - Suggestion System - Suggestion Expert Operations - The error received when clicking on the suggestion details tab has been fixed. It has been checked by removing the REVNO column from the relevant table.

  • 72792 - DR11511- Integrated Management System - Suggestion System Suggestion Expert Operations - Expert Evaluation Rejection Notification The problem in custom mail tags has been fixed.

  • 71238 - DR11287- Fixed the problem that the "Export Graphic" button on the Action Dashboard screen does not work.

  • 66920 - Action Time Dimensional Analysis report, Responsible, Responsible department, filter not working problem has been fixed.

  • 70931 - DR11258- System Infrastructure Definitions - BSID - Configuration Settings - Parameters menu 237 numbered "For the actions of the personnel whose position has been changed, should an action be opened to the supervisor?" parameter value is used as "Yes" and the parameters 238, 239, 240, 241 and 242 related to this parameter have been filled. When there is a personnel whose position is changed, an action is created for the supervisor, but the error of not appearing in the "Action Definition" field in the mail received about action publishing has been fixed.

  • 71167 - DR11282- If the expression is used in message 120 of the action error messages, the problem that the Action option does not appear in the Reference Type options in the Precautions tab in the risk module has been fixed.

  • 74482 - DR11651- The error received due to query and list type fields during bulk document transfer has been fixed.

4. Mobile Updates

  • 64570 - The error of listing the passive finding types of the finding types when the Create CAPA button is pressed on the question details page opened from the Perform audit task has been fixed.

  • 64586 - DR10179- When the parameter value of parameter 182 of the CAPA module parameters is "Yes", the error that the department-department information of the department-department information where the non- conformity is not coming from the department belonging to the user while making CAPA request and CAPA opening operation via mobile application has been fixed.

4.1. Android

  • No Android Updates

4.2. IOS

  • No IOS Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version must be updated with the package.
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