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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1. Highlights / New Features Contents

Board Meeting Module

  • 40244-DR5267- In line with the development, System Infrastructure Definitions-BSID-Definitions- Meeting Room Definition menu has been created, in order for the menu to appear, menu authorization must be defined via the Defining Authorization Groups menu. There are New, Update and Delete buttons in the menu. In order to delete any meeting, it is expected that the meeting room is not used in any record, or if it has been used, the record in which it was used must be closed/cancelled. A new label with the ID "lblToplantiOdasi" has been added to our Board Meeting module, the relevant label is sent empty by default. If the language equivalents are filled in via Language Settings, there is a combobox where we can select the active meeting rooms that we have defined to the system during the new meeting creation phase as follows. The related field can be made mandatory if requested. The meeting room field can be used in both the training module and the board meeting module. For the meeting module, development has been provided for the meeting module to be included as location information in the notification e-mail sent to the participants after the meeting decision step, and in the training module, in the notification e-mail sent to the participants.
  • 40246-DR5286- System Infrastructure Definitions- Board Meeting- Task Definition menu has been added, the tasks to be defined to the participants added to the meeting templates and items through the added menu have been developed to be fed from the defined tasks. 19 "Select task definitions from the list" parameter has been added to our Board Meeting module. When the parameter value is "Yes", the task field will be selectable from the list when adding participants to meeting templates and items.

Suggestion System Module

  • 40265-DR4839- System Infrastructure Definitions- Suggestion-Suggestion Parameters - In case the parameter value of parameter 102 "Will cost information be entered in the Earnings / Cost analysis step?" is set to "Yes", the "Suggestion without Monetary Return" check box is displayed on the My Pending Jobs - Suggestion System - Earnings Cost Analysis Pending Suggestions - Earnings / Cost Definitions page. When the check box is checked, the fields to enter the monetary value of the suggestion are removed from the page.
  • 40528- Dashboard development has been made for the suggestion system module. Graphics can be displayed on the Dashboard - Recommendation System page by making graphic settings from the System Infrastructure Definitions-BSID - Configuration Settings- Dashboard Configuration- Recommendation System menu.
  • 43000- DR6143- Integrated Management System- Suggestion System -Reports- Suggestion Status Report - The titles of the people who give suggestions can be printed on the suggestion status report with the tag <ONERI_VERENLERIN_UNVANLARI�>

Action Management Module

  • 40352-DR4721- In the list of Actions Waiting for Closure Approval in the Pending Actions Report, it has been enabled to show the user who will make the action closure approval in the "To Do" column.

  • 40355-DR5113- Periodic Actions and Periodic Derived Actions filters have been added to the search filters on the Action items page under the main action plan. If Periodic Actions is selected and filtering is done, periodically created action items will be filtered. If Periodic Derived Actions is selected and filtered, action items derived from periodic actions will be listed.

  • 41896- DR5934- When the person who will do the work of the actions that continue to derive from periodic actions leaves the job and the approval transfer process is performed, it has been ensured that the periodic actions opened are opened to the user whose approval has been transferred.

  • 42397- DR6033- The phrase "Delay Notification" has been added to the value field of the e-mail settings with code 100-108 on the System Infrastructure Definitions - Action-E-Mail Settings page.

  • 47086- DR7261- The parameter 159 "On which date should Outlook meetings be created? (1-All Time, 2-Beginning Day, 3-End Day)" has been added to the Action module. The default value of the parameter is 1. When the parameter value is 2, the meeting that will occur on outlook will occur on the start date of the action item, and when the parameter value is 3, it will occur according to the end date of the action item. When the parameter value is 1, the meeting will continue to occur between the start date and end date of the action item.

  • 64833-DR9945- In an internal audit that is in the process of performing an audit, the information about the action is entered and saved from the findings tab. After the audit is closed, the action task falls to the person who will take the action. Information about the internal audit is displayed in the reference record information tab.

  • 67269-DR9425-In line with the development, Filter Role and Operator fields have been added to the dashboard configuration screen of our action module as follows. Filter Role is the field where the fields defined in the Action Management module are listed on the System Infrastructure Definitions - BSID - Configuration Settings - Role Definition page. Operator is the field where it is determined whether the condition between the selected roles will be OR or AND in case of multiple role selection. Apart from this, our "Dashboard Detailing" button has been added to the dashboard configuration screen of our action module. This button opens a pop-up where the default filter can be added to the boxes containing header information in our action module dashboard. Role and operator selection can be made with the fields below via the pop-up. In addition to this, the "Should the role filter also be applied to the sub-graphs" field is seen in the pop-up. Through this field, it can be determined whether the default filter to be applied to the top, that is, to the boxes containing header information in our action module dashboard, will also be applied to the sub-charts. If this option is selected, the same role filter is applied to the sub-charts. If both the role added via the button is applied to the sub-charts and the default role is selected on the basis of the chart, both roles selected are combined with the AND condition. In other words, if there is a filter applied from the top and a role selection is made on the basis of the chart, the chart roles are combined with AND. The roles should be written as if the where condition of a joined query is being written. T1 should be used for the main action and T2 for the action item. As an example, I am sharing role examples and a simple query for the chart below. Role writing should be provided by considering these situations

    • Role 1; (T2.YAPACAK = [OWNER] OR T2.SORUMLU = [OWNER]) - This role allows the user who enters the dashboard screen to list only the action items for which the user is responsible or the person who will do the action item.
    • Role 2; T2.SORUMLUD IN (SELECT DEPARTMAN_KODU FROM BSAT001 WHERE SICIL_NO=[OWNER]) - It provides the listing of the action items opened to the department to which the user who entered the Dashboard screen is connected.
    • Role 3; T2.ISYERI IN (SELECT ISYERI_KODU FROM BSAT001 WHERE SICIL_NO=[OWNER]) - It provides the listing of the action items opened to the workplace to which the user who entered the Dashboard screen is connected.
    • Role 4; (T1.SGIREN = [OWNER] OR T1.TALEPEDEN = [OWNER]) -�It allows the user who has entered the Dashboard screen to list the action items whose main action is the user who enters or requests the system.

    Note: We only support the [OWNER] tag in the roles to be written. Where the tag will be written, the registration number of the user who performs the transaction at that moment is written. Roles should be written considering this situation.

Field Detection Management Module

  • 41025-DR4832-System Infrastructure Definitions-Site Detection Management-Site Management Parameters - When the parameter "Should the auditor be able to enter comments in the question answers?" is set to yes, the auditor can write comments in the comment field next to the questions on the audit execution page. What is written in the comment field can be displayed on the audit display pages. With the <SORU_ACIKLAMA> tag, what is written in the description can be printed on the report of the audit.

Device Management System Module

  • 41060-DR5597-Integrated Management System-Device Management -Device identification page has been developed to replace the Brand, Model, Serial No, Certificate No and Notes fields of the device in custom mails. You can use the tags shown below to replace the relevant fields in custom mails;


Corrective and Preventive Actions Module

  • 41136-DR5636-CAPA module has been developed to give CAPA deletion authorization with the parameter 234 "User registration numbers authorized to delete CAPA record (if more than one, separate with comma
  • 41140-DR5639-If the root cause selected in the CAPA record is connected to a parent root cause, an improvement has been made to display the parent cause to which it is connected on the CAPA display page.

Audit Activities Module

  • 41287-DR5727-System Infrastructure Definitions- Audit Activities- Question List The question in the question lists defined on the Question List Identification page is automatically removed from the question lists when the status information is made inactive on the System Infrastructure- Audit Activities- Question Pool page and the "Remove from Existing Question Lists" check box is checked.
  • 42218- DR6018- System Infrastructure Definitions- BSID-Configuration Settings-Language Settings- Audit Activity - By filling the "IdentifiedByName" column in the "grdTasks_Audit" grid, the lead auditor information of the audits can be displayed in the grid on the My Pending Jobs - Audit Activity - List of Audits to be Performed page.
  • 43291-DR6256-Integrated Management System - Audit Activities - Audit Plans - Audits From the audit plans page opened by clicking the "Show Audit Result" button, the code of the audit was also included next to the "Audit Result" title on the page opened by clicking the "Show Audit Result" button.
  • 45498-DR6732- Integrated Management System- Audit Activity - Pending Audits- When the "Update Audit Date" button is clicked, the audit time can also be updated on the page that opens.
  • 49089-DR2746- System Infrastructure Definitions - Audit Activities - Audit Parameters "Can the finding be associated with existing deeds and actions?" parameter value is set to "Yes" and the finding opened in the Integrated Management System - Audit Activities - Pending Audits - Audit Execution - Findings tab can be associated with the existing CAPA or action records in the system according to the transaction type of the finding type.
  • 53547-DR8832- System Infrastructure Definitions- Audit Activity- Audit Parameters-"Should the team leader assignment be assigned from the audited unit supervisors?" parameter value is "No" when the parameter value is "No", the team leader assignment is not assigned from the audited unit supervisors in the CAPAs opened from the Integrated Management System-Audit Activity-Pending Audits-Audit Realisation-Findings tab, but comes empty.

Document Management Module

  • 22381- With the development made, it has been enabled to prepare documents from within the application. In order to use the development, the "Wopi server address" parameter 407 in the document parameters must be filled as�. The default value of parameter 408 "Wopi application category" is "external-https". It corresponds to the net-zone in the discovery address, which determines whether Wopi will be used only in the company network or in general. Parameters The "Microsoft Online Editor will be used" parameter in the Folder Settings tab of the folder must be activated. When the necessary operations are defined, the "Edit Document" button appears instead of the "Add File" button in the new, stored and revision stages. Document preparation template must be added to the document or folder.

  • 41310-DR5659- The parameter number 402 "Tags that will be empty in the zeroth revision" has been added to the System Infrastructure Definitions-Document Operations-Document Parameters screen in order for the equivalents of the specified tags to be empty when the 0th revision of the document is displayed. In order to use the feature, the desired tags must be added to the related list type parameter. The parameter has code and value fields. Any desired data should be written in the code field and tag should be written in the value field.

  • 41446- DR5791- It has been enabled to limit the data entered in the "Number of Copies" field connected to the parameter while outputting controlled copies over the document. In order to use the related feature, it is necessary to enter a number between 1 and 99 to the parameter value in the parameter 400 "Limit on the number of controlled copies that can be printed" on the System Infrastructure Definitions-Document Operations-Document Parameters screen.

  • 46993- DR6704- With the development made, Preparation Start Notification (will work as soon as it is sent from stored to approval or control), Revision Start Notification (will work as soon as it is sent from stored to approval or control), Cancellation Flow Start Notification, Suspension Notification, Deletion Notification and Revised Notification have been added to the document e-mail types.

  • 64873-DR9824- System Infrastructure Definitions-Document Operations-Document Parameters screen, when the parameter 401 "Will draft saving be used in the opinion?" is "Yes", the "Save" button has been brought to the document opened in the My Pending Jobs-Document Operations-Opinion Pending Documents task. Thanks to the related feature, it has been enabled to save the transactions (opinion comment, acceptance criteria, additional file, etc.) made during the opinion phase without giving an opinion. When the "Save" button is pressed at the opinion stage, the task is not dropped from the user's pending work and when the user clicks on the task again, he can see and change the changes he has made.

  • 63967-DR9912- The "View Main Document" button has been added to the top left to view the main document when the additional document attached to the document is opened from the Integrated Management System-Document Operations-Document View screen. When the relevant button is pressed, the main document opens in pop-up.

  • 63974-DR9819- Improvement was provided by adding parameters 403 and 404 to the document management module in order to start the process automatically for the cancelled document in case of using the substituted document feature in the Document Management module and to select the use of approval in the cancellation process.

  • 70320-DR11182- When the auto code is selected automatically and the template value is full, when the stage of one of the 2 documents opened at the same time in the document preparation stage is advanced and the stage of the other is desired to be advanced, the code counter is automatically increased and the document is advanced with the new code. In addition, the document code has been added in front of the messages given when the draft document is saved or sent for approval.

  • 75308-DR9939- When the printdialog feature is used during document printing, it has been ensured that the log of the page ranges written is kept. The following improvements were made within the scope of the related request.

    • Define Output Type and Define Output Reason screens have been added under the BSID- System Infrastructure Definitions -Document Operations menu. Output reason and type should be defined from the related menus. The desired user group should be selected from the Authorisation Groups field on the definition screen. "Default" should be active if you want it to appear automatically without making a selection during printing.
    • If the Output Type field is selected, the output type information is printed on the document by crushing the controlled copy watermark and looking at the relevant controlled copy watermark settings.
    • When the Print Controlled Copy and Print buttons are clicked, the equivalents of the blDowloandPageRange, lblPrintReason, lblPrintType fields on the Language Settings screen must be entered in order to enter the output reason, output type and downloaded page range.
    • The "Save" button on the document print pop-up has been removed.
    • <PRINT_TYPE> and <PRINT_REASON> tags have been added to print the output type and output reason to the document.
  • 75415-DR9932- Integrated Management System-Document Operations-Reports-Printed Document Report, new columns have been added to retrieve the output reason, output type, printed page range, whether there is an additional document and whether it is a document or form. In order for the columns to appear in the report, the values of the columns "PR_TANIM" (Output Reason), "PT_TANIM" (Output Type), "ARALIK (Printed Page Range), "EKDOKUMANMI" (Additional Document), "DOCFORM" (Form or Document) for "grdControlledCopyLogu" on the System Infrastructure Definitions-BSID-Configuration Settings-Language Settings-Document Operations-Tables screen must be filled.

  • 75416-DR11762- Additional documents can be sent directly to the printer without downloading. In order for the development to be used, the parameter 406 "Can additional documents be printed with multiple selection?" (hidden) of the newly added document must be activated.

  • 85291-DR12471- System Infrastructure Definitions-Document Operations-Document types menu on the document type definition screen, the document type description field can be written in 250 characters.

Survey Operations Module

  • 84325-DR7948- Integrated Management System-Survey Operations-Survey Form Preparation In the question preparation pages of the survey module, a description can be added to the options of the questions of the Add Picture Option type.
  • 49561-DR7948- Integrated Management System-Survey Operations-Survey Form Preparation In the question preparation pages of the survey module, a description can be added to the options of the questions of the Add Picture Option type.

Environmental Dimensions and Impacts Module

  • 64592-DR9833- System Infrastructure Definitions-Environmental Aspects and Impacts-Parameters- <SURECLER> tag has been added to the report template in parameter 98 and this tag works in the Integrated Management System-Environmental Risk and Impacts - Reports-Risk Control Matrix Report.
  • 84324-DR9833- System Infrastructure-Environmental Aspects and Impacts - Parameters- <SURECLER> tag has been added to the report template in parameter 98 and this tag works in the Integrated Management System - Environmental Risk and Impacts - Reports - Risk Control Matrix Report.

Internal Audit Module

  • 64828-DR9703-21 "Will points be used in question definition?" When the parameter is no, the "Score Selection" and "Score" fields are not displayed when defining a new question on the System Infrastructure Definitions - Internal Audit - Audit Question Pool page and a question can be defined without points.
  • 64834-DR9706- System Infrastructure Definitions- Internal Audit- Parametric fields can be defined on "Audit Planning", "Audit Universe", "Findings" pages from Field Definition and Function designer pages. In the "Other Information" tab on the "Audit Execution" page, the information entered in the parametric fields during the audit planning phase is displayed.
  • 64832-DR9909- Integrated Management System - Internal Audit - Reports - Action Report page displays the actions opened from the internal audit module and a report can be obtained. On the Integrated Management System - Internal Audit - Reports - Audit History page, internal audit records can be viewed and audit records can be exported to excel.
  • 64840-DR9704- System Infrastructure Definitions - Internal Audit - Control Question Pool - On the new question definition page, questions and controls can be associated. Integrated Management System - Internal Audit - Controls in the processes planned to be audited in the Audit Universe are automatically added to the filter tab when selecting a question during the question distribution phase. By clearing the controls in the filter, all questions in the control question pool can be listed and added to the audit.
  • 81942- A new audit plan can be created on the Integrated Management System-Internal Audit-Audit Plans page. By clicking the "Add Audit" button on the "Audits" page, the internal audit plan is saved by connecting with the processes added on the Integrated Management System - Internal Audit - Audit Universe page and clicking the "Edit" button. The module administrator can delete the audit plan. Users who are not module administrators can also delete audit plans that they have created and do not contain detailed audits.
  • 81976- Integrated Management System - Internal Audit - Audit Universe - Process can be added with the New button. Audit plans added to the process are displayed with the "Plans" button. With the "Add Audit" button, the audit plans defined on the Integrated Management System - Internal Audit - Audit Plans page that have not been added to the process before are listed and can be added to the process.
  • 81984-�When an audit is planned on the audit plans page and an audit definition is made by establishing a relationship with the processes added to the audit universe, the defined audit is registered in the "Plan" status. If the parameter value of the parameter "Will Audit Questions be distributed to auditors by the Audit Supervisor?" is selected as Yes, the audit is switched to the "Question Distribution" status via the agent application depending on the parameter "How many days before the audit start date should the question sharing be done?". "Audit Question Distribution" mail is sent to the roles added in System Infrastructure Definitions-Internal Audit-E-Mail settings. After the audit supervisor distributes the questions and approves the task, the audit becomes open status. Audit notification mail is sent to the auditors added to the audit. After all auditors answer the questions and save the audit, the audit goes to "Close Confirmation" status. Audit closure approval mail is sent to the audit supervisor.

OHSAS Risk Assessment Module

  • 41326-DR5744- System Infrastructure Definitions - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Risk Parameters - When the parameter value of parameter 39 "Will the review be used?" is selected as "Yes", the last review date can be displayed on the Integrated Management System - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification - Details - Risk Display page.
  • 43838-DR6343- Integrated Management System- OHSAS Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification -The start and end date of the measures defined in the risk form can be printed on the report with <BASLAMA_TARIHI>, <BITIS_TARIHI> tags according to the reference type (CAPA or action).
  • 46666-DR7095- System Infrastructure Definitions- OHSAS Risk Assessment - OHSAS Risk Assessment Parameters - Parameter 234, "Only module administrators can delete assets and asset groups", when the parameter value of the parameter is "Yes", users who are not module administrators are not authorised to delete assets and asset groups. When the parameter value of the parameter is "No", users who are not module administrators are also authorised to delete assets and asset groups.
  • 50065-DR4657- System Infrastructure Definitions - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Field Definition - The field name character length for a field of title type can be entered as 2000 characters and can be displayed on the Integrated Management System - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Definition - New form definition page.
  • 51539-DR8427-�System Infrastructure Definitions - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Multiple selection and single selection document type fields defined on the Field Definition page are displayed as "document code-document name" after the selection is made on the Integrated Management System - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Definition page.
  • 55044-DR8653-�Integrated Management System - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification - The document viewing link of the documents added in the risk assessment form can be printed with the "ALANXX_LINK" tag on the form basis and in the general risk list report template. In the record-based report, it can be printed with "ALANXX_ACK" tag. Related report templates should be uploaded to System Infrastructure Definitions � BSID -Configuration Settings - Report Formats Edit page and added to System Infrastructure Definitions - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Report Formats page. Multiple selection document type fields should be used by adding to the end of the report template
  • 66023-DR10435- Integrated Management System - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification - If the value at the bottom step of the hierarchy in the tree list type fields in the risk assessment form is selected, it can be printed as "Tree List Sub-Value" with the <ALANXX> tag in the report and Integrated Management System - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Reports - General Risk List report. With <ALANXX_ACK> tag, it can be printed as "Tree List Value-Tree List Sub-Value". Related report templates should be uploaded to -System Infrastructure Definitions -BSID Configuration Settings - Report Formats Edit page and added to System Infrastructure Definitions - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Report Formats page.
  • 68280-DR10635- System Infrastructure Definitions - OHSAS Risk Assessment - Report Formats page, if the "Bring Old Revisions" option is checked when defining the report template on the form basis, the old revisions of the risk forms can also be printed in the report received on the Integrated Management System> OHSAS Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Definition page. If both the sorting field is selected and the "Bring Old Revisions" option is selected when defining the report on the basis of the form, the old revisions of the risk forms can be printed in the report by sorting first according to the value in the sorting field and then according to the revision number.

Occupation and Periodic Inspection Module

  • 41465 -DR5809 - System Infrastructure Definitions- On-the- Occupation and Periodic Inspection** - The tab-type field defined via the field definition menu was added to the main tab function of the inspection tracking and the development was made to ensure that the field value given to the parameter 66 "Priority order of inspection tracking tabs" is displayed on the inspection entry screen. The parameter value should be given as Tab_9_ALANXXX.

Training Planning Module

  • 41466-DR5814- Detail Report by Department, Detail Report by Personnel, Detail Report by Training, Detail Report by Training, Summary Report by Department, Summary Report by Personnel, Summary Report by Training, Summary Report by Personnel, Attendance Report by Personnel reports of the training module have been developed to write the time information as hours, minutes.

  • 41607-DR5829 When an OHS specialist defined on QDMS is added to the training as a trainer, a tag development has been provided so that the Document Date, Document Class, Document Date information of the OHS specialist can be included in the training output received. <EGITIM_VEREN_BELGE_NO> <EGITIM_VEREN_BELGE_TARIHI> Information can be printed with EGITIM_VEREN_BELGE_SINIFI>�tags.

  • 60009-DR9372- In line with the development, System Infrastructure Definitions-BSID-Definitions- Meeting Room Definition menu has been created, in order for the menu to appear, menu authorisation must be defined via the Defining Authorisation Groups menu. There are New, Update and Delete buttons in the menu. In order to delete any meeting, it is expected that the meeting room is not used in any record, or if it is used, the record in which it was used must be closed/cancelled. A new label with the ID "lblToplantiOdasi" has been added to our Board Meeting module, the relevant label is sent empty by default. If the language equivalents are filled in via Language Settings, there is a combobox where we can select the active meeting rooms that we have defined to the system during the new meeting creation phase as follows. The related field can be made mandatory if requested. The meeting room area can be used in both the training module and the board meeting module.

    For the meeting module, development has been provided so that it will be included as location information in the notification e-mail sent to the participants after the meeting decision step, and in the training module, in the notification e-mail sent to the participants.

Waste Management Module

  • 41679-DR5845- Development has been provided to separate the visibility of the fields defined in the waste management module on the grid of hazardous and non-hazardous waste forms. The visibility of the fields in the forms can be provided in accordance with the values entered in the parameters 28 "Non-hazardous waste table fields to be hidden" and 29 "Non-hazardous waste table fields to be hidden" in the waste management module. When entering values in the relevant parameters, the field code where the field is added on the function designer page should be specified as MAIN_ALANXYZ in the code field.

Legislation Tracking Module

  • 43072-DR6209- Integrated Management System - Legislation Tracking- By clicking on the "Articles" button on the Legislation Identification page, the "Review History" button can be displayed on the page opened and past reviews can be accessed.

Process Management Module

  • 50110-DR8039- The following parameters have been added to the Process Management parameters.

    • 46-Should a relationship be established with existing actions? When the parameter value is Yes, the Select Action button appears on the Process Detail - Actions page. When this button is clicked, all action items in Qdms that do not have any relationship with other modules are listed. The action selected from the list is added to the process.

    • 47-Should a relationship be established with closed actions? Closed actions are also listed on the action selection screen and can be added to the process.

    • 48-Main Action Code to Establish Relationship: This parameter is filled with the Main Action code. Only action items that do not have any relationship with other modules under the main action whose code is entered are listed.

    • 49-Do you want to establish a relationship with existing modules? When the parameter value is Yes, the Select CAPA button appears on the Process Detail - CAPA page. When this button is clicked, CAPAs in Qdms are listed. The CAPA selected from the list is added to the process.

    • 50-Can a relationship be established with closed CAPAs? In the CAPA selection screen, closed actions are also listed and can be added to the process.

System Infrastructure Definitions Module

  • 59840-DR9332- In order for the announcement created on the announcement creation page to receive automatic code, development was provided as follows.

    • 275 numbered "Automatic code template to be used on the announcement creation screen", by adding the parameter, when the [Code] tag is used, the code information of the workplace, department or user group selected while creating the relevant announcement has been improved to show the code information in the code template.

    • By adding parameter 276 "Automatic code template counter to be used in the announcement creation screen", an improvement has been made to specify from which number the counter will start.

    • 277 "Should the announcement auto code template counter be incremented when more than one announcement is created at the same time?" parameter was added,

    When more than one workplace, department or user group is selected in the announcement, development has been provided to change the data in the code field by increasing the counter number by one.

  • 69235-DR11055- System Infrastructure Definitions -BSID- Parametric Field- On the function designer page, the position definition function was added and parametric field support was provided on the select position and position definition pages.

  • 51844-DR8424- System Infrastructure Definitions-BSID-Reports menu, in the Active user report in the active user report, the detailed user report button has been developed to get a report on the template.

  • 72412-DR11405- System Infrastructure Definitions- BSID- Configuration Settings - Language Settings menu, in the "Headings" tab, one of the parametric fields whose type is date can be opened with change and "Forward Date Selection", "Past Date Selection" settings can be made and forward or past date selection can be prevented in the date field on the relevant page.

  • 40707-DR5316- Improvement was provided to write the ID number information kept in the database in the form of a password

Supplier Evaluation Module

  • 66615-DR8500- Integrated Management System - Supplier Evaluation - Graphics - Supplier Comparison Graphic and Integrated Management System - Supplier Evaluation - Graphics - Question Based Supplier Evaluation Graphic were developed.

Internal Customer Complaints Module

  • 66616-DR8705- Integrated Management System-Internal/External Customer Complaints -Customer Complaint Transactions - The "Associated Risks" tab can be added to the customer complaint record from the risk records in the risk modules. The "Associated Risk" tab is displayed in customer complaint stages such as "Complaint Opening, Complaint Approval, Root Cause Analysis, Action Planning, Monitoring, Complaint Closing". On the risk display page of the risk record added in the associated risk tab, the code of the relevant customer complaint record is linked. The relevant customer complaint codes can be printed on the report received from the Integrated Management System - Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification pages with the <MS_BILGI> tag.

2. Mobile Updates

  • 43530-DR6318- Improvement was provided for the module sequences in the mobile application to be listed according to the sequence number in the System Infrastructure Definitions-BSID- Configuration Settings- Language Settings- Menu tab.

3. Breaking Changes

  • The web version must be updated with the package.
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