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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1. Highlights / New Features Contents

  • No New Features.

2. Improvements

Corrective and Preventive Actions Module

  • 95352- DR13020- In the language settings menu, the lblApprovalNoticeRet field has been added for the Regulatory and Preventive Actions module, and development has been provided for the non-mandatory status of the field.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

Action Management Module

  • 91778- In case of any change in the completion percentage field in the action delay process, it has been ensured that the change in the relevant field is saved.
  • 91830- While planning an action item, when the start and end date are selected on the same day, the error of calculating the Number of Action Working Days as "0" has been corrected.
  • 91832- The error received during action execution has been corrected.
  • 93516- Action Dashboard screen not opening error has been fixed.
  • 94341-DR12963- GetEmptySubActionTable and GetSubActionTable functions have been checked and arranged so that UpdateSubAction does not give an error.

Audit Activity Module

  • 91796- Integrated Management System - Audit Activities - Pending Audits - Audit Execution page, the problem of multiplexing the file number information when clicking on another tab after adding a file to the additional files tab has been corrected.
  • 91888- Integrated Management System - Audit Activity - Audit Plans - Audits - Create Action / Create CAPA buttons are displayed in the findings tab for a closed audit, when clicked, it redirects to the action page and the authorisation error on this page has been corrected.
  • 92613- System Infrastructure Definitions - Audit Activities - On the Question Pool page, the error of saving the options added to the question with a space at the beginning has been corrected.
  • 94344- DR12973- Integrated Management System - Audit Activity - Audit Plans - The error that the audit report cannot be uploaded manually in the Integrated Management System - Audit Activity - My Pending Audits - Audit realisation page audit report tab when the "Audit report is automatically generated" option is inactive has been corrected.

System Infrastructure Definitions Module

  • 91982- System Infrastructure Definitions - BSID-Definitions - The error that the user group associated with the training module while defining the user group on the user group definition page does not appear in the group selection lists in the training module has been corrected.
  • 9199- System Infrastructure Definitions -BSID-Definitions - On the user group definition page, the error that the user group associated with the training module is not listed in the group selection ranks of the training module has been corrected.
  • 92980- The parameter 250 "Limit the number of select all records for select pages" in the System Infrastructure Definitions module parameters was not working on select position pages. With the development made��DokumanSec.aspx,HekimSec.aspx,ISGUzmanSec.aspx,KullaniciGrubuSec.aspx,MaddeNoSec.aspx,MasrafYeriSec.aspx,MesajGovdesiSec.aspx,MusteriSec.aspx,PersonelSec.aspx,PozisyonSec.aspx,Sec.aspx,Tedarikc,Sec.aspx,UnvanSec.aspx,UrunSec.aspx,YetkiGrubuSec.aspx,YonetimSistemiSec.aspx,YukleniciPersonelSec.aspx� it was made to work on the screens.
  • 94772- System Infrastructure Definitions-BSID-Configuration Settings- Language Settings- Suggestion System-The error that the parametric fields added for the earnings cost status page are not displayed on the suggestion details page has been corrected.

Survey Operations Module

  • 91987- Integrated Management System - Questionnaire Operations - Standard Questionnaire Filling - A sign (*) has been placed to indicate that the filer information field is a mandatory field.
  • 91992- Integrated Management System - Survey Operations - The error of the "Survey Published" message, which should appear after the survey is defined and published on the survey form preparation pages, has been corrected.
  • 94342- DR12976- The error received when clicking on the "Survey Report" button on the Integrated Management System - Survey Operations - Survey Results page has been corrected when more than one user selects the same personnel in the predefined selection question personnel selection on the Integrated Management System - Survey Operations - Internal Survey Filling page.
  • 91985- Integrated Management System -Survey Operations-Internal Survey Form Preparation- In case of adding an additional file to the survey, the error of not scrolling on the survey filling page at the first opening when going to the survey with the mail link and the error of opening the survey filling page cramped at the first opening when going to the survey with the mail link if no additional file is added to the survey has been corrected.

Document Management Module

  • 91991- While defining from the Integrated Management System - Document Activities - Quality Records - Quality Record Operations screen, the user added to the Internal Distribution field was not automatically added to the Authorisation Matrix. The error has been corrected.
  • 92013- The parametric fields of the quality record navigated from the Pending Jobs- Document Activities -Quality Records to be Approved task appeared to be editable. The error has been fixed.
  • 92015- When the "Reject" button in the task opened from the Pending Jobs - Document Activities - Controlled Copy Delivery Task task was pressed, the pop-up big screen was opened and the cross button was not working. The errors have been corrected.
  • 92036- When the "Change Distribution Matrix in Cancellation" parameter in the folder definition was active, the users added to the distribution matrix at the cancellation stage did not appear in the cancellation confirmation. The error has been corrected.
  • 92227- Integrated Management System - Document Activities -When a user group is added from the opinion tab while preparing a document from the Document Preparation screen, the group members come to the opinion matrix one by one. Among the added users, the passive position of the user who had both active and passive positions appeared. The error has been corrected.
  • 93300- In English usage of the application, the error of the other operations button in the distribution tab of the document revision page tabs appearing in Turkish has been corrected.
  • 95295- System Infrastructure Definitions - Document Activities -Document Parameters screen, when the parameter 117 "Display PrintDialog at startup if printing is PDF" was active, documents could not be printed with the "Print" and "Print Controlled Copy" buttons. The error has been corrected.
  • 92643- When the Send button of the document opened from the Pending Jobs - Document Activities - Rejected Documents task is pressed, the "Add Description" pop-up opens. When this screen was closed with the cross button and the "Send" button was pressed again, the button was not working. The error has been fixed.
  • 91907- The bracket errors in the Pending Jobs - Document Activities - Documents Awaiting Opinion task have been corrected.
  • 96324- DR13046- The error that the document cannot be searched quickly when the proxy entry or entry is made on behalf of someone else has been corrected.
  • 94328- DR12877- The error that the training detail plan is created when the document is in the 0th revision and the status of the training detail plan does not appear as cancellation when the document approval is rejected has been corrected.
  • 91877- System Infrastructure Definitions- Document Activities -Document Import to System screen, bracket errors have been corrected.

OHS Risk Assessment Module

  • 92229- Integrated Management System - OHS Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification - The error of the colours showing the risk level appearing white when clicking on the risk record has been corrected.
  • 93482- The error that the deletion process could not be completed on the Integrated Management System - OHS Risk Assessment - Activity Identification page has been corrected.
  • 94724- DR13008- For the single selection list type field defined on the System Infrastructure Definitions - ISG Risk Assessment - Area Identification page, the error that the selected values are not displayed in the opened record when the values defined in the list are inactive after the selection is made on the Integrated Management System - ISG Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification page has been corrected.

Training Planning Module

  • 91995- The error that an approved training detail plan cannot be copied when there is a subflow defined for the Training Planning module has been corrected.
  • 93524- DR12941- When the "Quick Training Plan" button at the top of the Integrated Management System - Training Planning - Training Plan page (HizliEgitimPlanlama.aspx) in the Training Planning module is clicked, the error of "Select from List" and "Create New" fields coming in Turkish when the application is used in English has been corrected.

Suggestion System Module

  • 92034- Integrated Management System - Suggestion System - Suggestion Entry - After the Suggestion entry is made, the error of opening the suggestion evaluation pages opened from the e-mail sent to the relevant officials in a cramped manner at the top of the page when first opened has been corrected.

Corrective and Preventive Actions Module

  • 92614 - DR12878 - The error that the number of approvers in the CAPA closure approval flow appeared as "0" even though the number of approvers was changed has been corrected.
  • 94743- Fixed an error where the CAPA record could not be opened via the pending jobs rejected CAPAs task.
  • 91059- DR12712- The error that the rejected CAPA record cannot be cancelled by the user who opened the rejected CAPA record according to the parameter value 201 "Can the CAPA request opener cancel?(Y/N) of the CAPA module has been corrected.
  • 94933- DR13015- The error of not being able to draw a graph according to the responsible department in the Dashboard-Regulatory and Preventive Action menu has been corrected
  • 95173- DR13018- When 800 and more characters are entered in the nonconformity definition field in the corrective and preventive action record, the error that the close button does not appear in the pop-up opened with the view button on the corrective and preventive action display screens has been corrected.

Event Notification Module

  • 94131 - DR12969 - System Infrastructure Definitions - Incident Notification-Function Designer-Status Definition page, the error of displaying an inactive status in the filter tab of the Integrated Management System - Incident Notification - Risk Assessment-Details page has been corrected.

Process Risk Assessment Module

  • 96318-DR13066- System Infrastructure Definitions - Process Risk Assessment - Function Designer - When Show in grid is selected for the field with multiple selection position type, the error on the Integrated Management System - Process Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification page has been corrected.
  • 92019- DR12808- Integrated Management System - Process Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification - The error of keeping non-mandatory fields mandatory during risk transfer has been corrected.

Device Management System Module

  • 91970- The error of making changes on the work order waiting for closure approval in the device management module has been corrected.

Waste Management Module

  • 96392- DR13114- On the Integrated Management System-Waste Management - Hazardous Waste Form page, the error of not being able to select Waste during the selection of the Recipient Company in the Recipient tab, although Waste Definition is selected in the Producer tab on the new record creation screen, has been corrected.

Board Meeting Module

  • 96325- DR13042- When the parameter value of parameter 16 of the board meeting module is set to "Yes", the error that the meeting creator, approver and participant cannot create a new meeting has been corrected.

4. Mobile Updates

  • 92594- In the action item planning menu, the error that the main action list cannot be searched according to the code of the main action has been corrected.
  • 88753- The error that the approval button does not appear in the training task in the mobile application has been corrected.
  • 91844- Integrated Management System - Process Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification - The error that a user who is not authorised to open a new risk record on the web can open it on mobile has been corrected.
  • 92747- System Infrastructure Definitions-BSID-Configuration Settings-Language settings, the list-type field added to the other information tab of the audit execution page has been corrected to give an error when clicked on the IOS-Audit Activity-List of Audits to be Performed page.
  • 95166- DR13025- The error that the English equivalent of the transaction source field does not appear during CAPA opening in English usage in the mobile application has been corrected.
  • 95171- DR13024- The error that the inactive product continues to appear in the product selection area of the Corrective preventive action or customer complaint modules in the mobile application has been corrected.

4.1. Android

  • 67426- Android-Documents were multiplexed when searching as "BB" on the Document View screen. The error has been fixed.

4.2. IOS

  • 92569- Android-Documents were multiplexed when searching as "BB" on the Document View screen. The error has been fixed.

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version must be updated with the package.
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