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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 39958 - The Recurring Registrations Report page in the DR4713-IMS/DMS module has been added to the module as IMS - DÖF - Reports - Recurring Records Report.

  • 34964 - DR3214-EYS - Learning Plans - Educational Planning - Revision reason field updated to ntext In addition, the height of revision reason texbox has been increased.

  • 38565 - DR4737-SAT - BSAT - Definitions - User Groups On the Define page, viewing records with a large number of staff members and then saving would lock the browser. Acceleration work has been done.

  • 38725 - DR47 38 - Acceleration enhancement for export to excel on audit score report page completed.

  • 36178 - DR3802-On Demand When the "Will Activity Evaluation be Performed?" checkbox is checked in the döf record at the Closure Approval stage, the number of days is indicated and sent for evaluation. In addition, it has been ensured that the activity evaluation period given over the parameter can be changed at the closing approval stage.

  • 36179 - DR3803-Enabled the "Return to Open Status" button for a DFF record that is on Approval for Closure on demand. This feature is used for records with "DÖF Closure" as Approval Type from EYS - DÖF - DÖF Approval Page.

  • 35966 - DR3461-Inspection module - Availability of parametric field tags in the Rest form template, Main tab and results tab is provided. Added Tags;_DEPARTMAN_ACK,_UNVAN_ACK tags,Result Tab Example Small Blood Pressure: _SONUC_ALAN2_ACK,Main Tab Example Fire: Parametric field tags such as _ALAN4_ACK can be used.

  • 35646 - DR3120-Parameter 19 in the examination module No, or if the staff has a doctor in charge of the workplace, the workplace has listed the personnel of the workplace where it is authorized in the nurse examination list and initiates the examination process, it is ensured that the doctors who are responsible for that workplace as physicians are listed.

  • 35372 - DR2883 - My pending work - When we wanted to get from the Pending Expert Rejection Process task to a proposal task for your approval, only the selected proposal was arranged. If you want to reduce it to the rejection process, first of all 20 and 25. Parameter values related to feedback should be 'No'.125. Assuming the parameter value 'R' is selected as 150. The parameter value must also be entered into a role.

  • 35381 - DR3509-Action Pen Report page allows multiple "Main Actions" to be selected and listed.

  • 35384 - DR2888-Selecting "Yes" in the parameters of the DÖF and Complaint modules for the "Draft Save" operation performed in accordance with the request process, the task is opened as a draft in my Pending Works. This allows the user to hold the record as a draft.

  • 35424 - DR2965-SAT - Document Operations - Multiple Document Code Changers page allows you to change the language equivalents of the document as well as the document name. If there is no language equivalent in the transferred document, the existing data is written. If there is a counterpart, the values are changed.

  • 35432 - DR3067 - When directing on action, "Who should direct the action in action pens? (Will Do the Work:Y,Responsible:S) (separated by a comma)" parameter values. Accordingly, it is ensured that routing can be done and the necessary warning messages appear.

  • 35433 - DR3075-EYS - Device Management - Reports - Work Orders Detail Reports page on the grid Device Cost and Measured Value columns to be removable and the Measurement Uncertainty column to be visible in the grid. The visibility of these columns from the Language Settings page grd_IsEmriRaporu grid is now adjusted. It is ensured that the empty values of the column header do not appear on the grid.

  • 22497 - It is ensured that a qr code can be created for each workplace on the Field Inspection module.

  • 32807 - DR2042-EYS - Training Plans - Training Planning - Training Detail Planning page, the training duration can be reported separately in hours and minutes in the Training Participation form received. The <SURE> tag preceded .xls TrainingEnrollmentForm in the report template now replaces the exact duration of the training. In addition, <EGITIM_SURE_SAAT> and <EGITIM_SURE_DAKIKA> tags were added to ensure its usability.

  • 32809 - DR1982-EYS - Training Plans - Training Planning - Training Detail Plans page, the evaluation was completed and the training participation certificate was sent to all participants with an e-mail attachment. A new button has been added to the Image (Mail Icon) image in the Participants tab of the Training Detail page. This button appears on the end user's screen under the following conditions; The parameter number 90 added to the training module must be Yes, a correct message body code must be written in the 91 hopeful parameters, the training detail status must be "Done" status and at least one person must participate in the training in order to send an e-mail. After the mail sending process is completed, the ID of the sent mail is taken in the MAILS table. It can be physically checked by retrieving the file path with mail id query from the MAILATTACHMENTS table.

  • 32810 - DR1978-The UnlockAccount method has been added to the BSATWebAPI web service, with which the personnel account that is locked in the QDMS application can be unlocked. Password change can be performed through the ChangePassword method via the BSATWebAPI web service.

  • 32812 - DR1956-Suggestion Module - Multiple text type (lblKM_PARAM6, lblKM_PARAM7, lblKM_PARAM8, lblKM_PARAM9, lblKM_PARAM10) fields have been added for use in the Earnings Cost step.

  • 33223 - DR2310-DMS and DÖF Detailed Rejection If the rejected records are delayed after falling into my pending work, the delay mail for these tasks is forwarded to the user.

  • 34013 - DR2738-Added Password feature during approval stages with parameter 128 in the audit module.

  • 34042 - DR2751-Reason for revision field added when initiating revision process in audit plans.

  • 34314 - DR2800- 1st place A tabpage has been added to the scoring screen. 2. 5 lblP_DMPARAM for the suggestion module : Department(Multi-Select) - lblP_DPARAM : Date - lblP_DSPARAM : Department - lblP_LMPARAM : List(Multi-Select) - lblP_NPARAM : Monetary - lblP_PARAM : Text - lblP_PMPARAM : Staff(Multi-Select) - lblP_PPARAM : Staff - lblP_QPARAM and 10 lblP_LPARAM : The list fields have been added to the language settings. 3. The defined parametric fields have been added to the filter tab on the Reports - Suggestion Status Report, Scoring Suggestions, Person Score List, Person Score Report pages. 4. SAT - Suggestion - Suggestion Record Maintenance - Suggestion Information In the update menu, the score was added to the tabpage with other fields when entering into the suggestions in the 'Scoring', 'Closed Proposal (acceptance)', 'Monitoring', 'Closing Approval', Feedback statuses. 5. The information of the defined parametric fields is reflected in the "SCORING INFORMATION"" field in the Proposal details (/QDMSNET/Suggestion/SuggestionDetails.aspx).

  • 34811 - Added two messages in DR2575-Training module - Participant approval notification (MSG.17.29) and Participant rejection notification (MSG.17.28). 17. When the parameter value is yes, it is ensured that e-mails are sent when approval and rejection procedures are made from the trainings I will attend.

  • 34813 - DR2605-Added additional fields to the Customer-Supplier Identification page to the Filter tab on the Select Customer screen.

  • 35083 - DR3346-In the Training web service, the fields "PLAN_STATU (Approval Status of the Master Training Plan)" and "PLAN_ACIK_KAPALI (Master Training Plan On/Off)" have been added to the GetTrainingDataTable method.

  • 35093 - DR2709-SAT - BSAT - Approval control is carried out according to the approval levels defined in the Flow Identification. The approval level is determined according to the approval level entered in parameter 191 and 229.

  • 35116 - DR2805-IMS - Audit Activity - Pending Audits - During the audits to be performed, even if the 20th parameter value of the audit parameters is yes, the question number and sequence number of the questions are displayed during the execution.

  • 35124 - DR2868-SAT - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - On the Inspection Type Identification page, the checkbox "In Which Personnel Status Will It Be Used?" has been added. If no staff status is selected, it will be displayed in all menus.

  • 34038 - Added parameter "Default Team Role ID" No. 228 to the DR2351-DÖF parameters. In a new DÖF record opened from the EYS - DÖF - DÖF Operations page with the Role Id entered in this parameter, the "Team" field in the Solution Team tab has been developed to add team members with the Id in the parameter by default. The Role Id to be entered into the parameter can be set from SAT - BSAT - Configuration Settings - Role Definition page.

  • 34548 - In the DR2414-DÖF module, two Unit of Measure type fields have been added, "lblG_NParam6" and "lblG_NParam7" in the Progress Report stage and "lblS_NParam6" and "lblS_NParam7" in the Result Report stage. These fields can be changed from SAT - BSAT - Configuration Settings - Language Settings page.

  • 34549 - Added DeviceWS.asmx web service to DR2418-QDMS to pull data from the Device Management System module. In order to use the web service, it is necessary to control the user information from the SAT - BSAT - Configuration Settings - Service Login Information Definition page. The operation of the methods added with web service development is as follows; First, the GetDeviceList method allows devices to be pulled from the system by taking a DataTable object parameter. This DataTable object can be created with the GetDeviceFilterTable method and can also be used to filter on your devices.Second, the GetTransactionTypes method allows you to pull transaction types or certificate information from the system by taking a DataTable object parameter. Similarly, a DataTable object created with the GetTransactionTypesFilterTable method can be used to filter on certificate information or transaction types. Finally, the GetMeasurementValues method allows the measurement values to be pulled from the system by taking a DataTable object parameter. The DataTable object created with the GetMeasurementValuesFilterTable method can be used to filter on measurement values.

  • 41193 - YA24016 &&; YG16791-EYS - Document Operations - When the Quality Record is defined from the Document Preparation page from the EYS - Document Operations - Quality Records - Quality Record Procedures page, Android ... When the document for which the quality record is created is selected from the Document View menu, the quality record created for the document is displayed in the "Quality Record" tab.

  • 37393 - DR3739-EYS - ISG Risk - Risk Assessment Form Identification and IMS - ISG Risk - Risk Assessment Form Identification - A button called Change Sequence Number has been added on the Details page. With this button, the row no column has been added to the relevant pages. With the development made, it has been ensured that the records can be given sequence numbers and changes can be made in the sequence numbers.


  • 35371 - DR2877-If the translator is in charge of translating documents on demand, if the author proceeds with the process of "Cancel Revision" or Translation to the document in Stored status without completing the translation assignment process, the message with the code MSG.2.103 goes to the translator by e-mail. At the same time, as stated in the request, if the process is progressed again before the end of the translation task, a warning is provided as "Do you confirm that these tasks will be canceled if you continue the translation task available?"

  • 35374 - Added parameter - 168 in DR2906-Recommendation Module. When this parameter value is selected yes, when it is desired to elaborate a proposal that is in the expert evaluation stage, it is ensured that it continues from the status it was rejected again after the detail procedures are finished.

  • 37660 - DR4186-SAT on Demand -> BSAT -> Configuration Settings -> Added the "Certificate File" column in the Period - Last Transaction Date sheet to the template to be loaded on the Device Transfer page. Thanks to the file path added to this column, the certificate for the transferred device is found by selecting the device from the IMS - Device Management - Device Identification page and the certificate file is accessed by entering the device with the Update button.

  • 37376 - A page called Document Action Report has been added to the module DR4151-Legal Issue. The Desired Action to be Opened and the Opened Actions are listed in separate tabs. Separate buttons were defined in the two fields and the data was transferred to the relevant excel.

  • 30289 - DR787-EYS - Document Operations - Document Vision page selected document to be downloaded along with additional documents of the main document.

  • 31405 - DR1241-Inspection module On the Functional Designer page "6. Parametric fields added to the "Examination Follow-up Results" section have been added to the result tab. In addition, it has been ensured that the IMS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Reports - Inspection List Report can be filtered from the filter tab.

  • 32249 - Switching to the DR1709-Measurement Constants screen, requested that the Reference Value field on this page be removed. The reference value field was unannotated, and the mandatory value sign and textbox remained on the screen. Clearing the "Value" field from the language settings has enabled the removal of the Reference Value field.

  • 32968 - DR2144-Additional files added when performing inspections in the Field Inspection module can be added by making multiple selections.

  • 33188 - DR2230-SAT - Audit Activity - Defining a Question List - When selecting a new question on the Questions page, the "Document" field in the filter tab has been enhanced to allow multiple selections.

  • 33195 - DR2300-Activity Group Identification and Activity Definition pages do not display the delete button except for administrative users.

  • 35129 - DR2869-EYS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Guest Patient Registration page, the information entered is updated from the examination - Contact Information tab.

  • 35100 - DR2768-EYS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Inspection Follow-up or External Inspection, when the contact information tab is modified on the page that opens and the save button is clicked without pressing the save button ("Changes you made to the contact information tab have not been saved. Would you like to continue anyway?" (BSAT047 - MODULE_ID="45" MESSAGE_ID="17")) warning.

  • 35089 - DR2652-EYS - Document Operations - Any folder can be selected on the Folder Definition page and the "Edit Parametric Fields" button allows the addition of parametric fields with folder-based "single query, single query tree, multiple query and multiple query tree" type queries. Again, it is possible to make these parameters mandatory on the same page.

  • 35099 - DR2747-EYS - Document Operations - Document Tracking Report page on the Filter tab "Person to Read Department" criterion has been introduced. Thanks to this filter criterion, it is ensured that the read tasks of all users in the selected department are pulled as data.

  • 35118 - DR28 39 - Added <T4_ADISOYADI> tag to bring the name and surname of the person who opened the meeting to the Meeting Report from the Board Meeting module.


3.1.Web Interface

  • 37673 - DR 4447 - Customer db was requested and tested with nearly 4000 data in Oracle environment and found to be slow. Many times the report process was done and it was seen that there was no slowness again.

  • 42710 - SAT - Document Operations - Document Reference Transfer page, clicking on any field in the transfer status information grid would scroll the page and the export to excel button would not be clicked. Fixed.

  • 42612 - IMS - Contractor Personnel Pool - When requesting to define new personnel on the Contractor Personnel page, when requesting to delete personnel documents in the Documents tab, it would give a primary key error. Fixed.

  • 42585 - SAT - Internal Work Permit Tracking - On the Job Type Identification page, when the job type was wanted to be updated, the additional file defined in the job type was deleted. Fixed.

  • 42422 - In the Suggestion module, the multi-list error in parametric fields has been resolved.

  • 42399 - SQL error was received when attempting to open EYS - DÖF - DÖF Operations and DÖF Confirmation pages. The bug has been fixed.

  • 42665 - During the download of additional documents of the document selected on the IMS - Document Operations - Document Vision page, an error was received in the visual formats of the additional documents due to the Document Viewer. The error was fixed and the download process was provided with additional documents of the main document.

  • 42510 - Resolved the error of the mandatory field check message in the control module, the reason for revision.

  • 42775 - Failure to create a template as a result of the sequence no error (cannot find colomun [SIRA_NUMARASI]) introduced with the new development when pressing the create template button on the IMS- ISG Risk - Risk Main Forum definition page has been fixed. The Create template button is made to work smoothly.

  • 42960 - On the IMS - Device Management - Performing Operations page, when the device was selected and the "Calibration Report" button was clicked, an error appeared on the screen when clicking the "Prepare Report" button. The bug has been fixed and action taken.

  • 42776 - EYS - Ensemble Risk - Risk Main Forum Identification - Details - Risk Detail On the forum diagnostics page, the object reference error received when the approval and rejection buttons defined on the function designer is pressed on the screen opened with the new button has been fixed.

  • 42993 - Filter fields on specified report pages work incorrectly, filtering result does not list the requested document. The error has been fixed and the documents requested as a result of filtering have been listed.

  • 43093 - On the IMS - Document Operations - Reports - Revision Request List Report page, the Status filter field in the grid was not working. The issue was fixed by removing the State filter field from the grid because the related field is processing outside of HtmlRowPrepared and this will decrease performance.

  • 43112 - IMS - Document Operations - Reports - Document Approval Times While the data was listed in the grid on the Report page, the columns would disappear when entering data into the filters in the grid and searching. The error was fixed and the columns in the grid were filtered before they were lost and the data was listed.

  • 43198 - Document - Reports - Advanced Document Tracking Report Page, when entering data in the "Review Date" field on the filter bracket and making a call, an error appeared on the screen. The error has been fixed and the search can be made without any problems.

  • 42713 - SAT - Suggestion - An error downloading additional files on the Add Points page has been fixed.

  • 43211 - On the IMS - Document Operations - Reports - Document Parametric Fields Report page, the textboxes of the parametric fields in the "Advanced Search Criteria" tab were not visible. The bug has been fixed and parametric fields are visible.

  • 42506 - Status unchanged error in approved audit scheme resolved.

  • 42734 - Suggestion - Fixed an issue where Points Pending Suggested error message was not shown.

  • 42739 - Recommendation - Expert Review Suggestions and Recommendation Filtering errors on the follow-up pages have been resolved.

  • 43267 - 1 - On the mentioned report page, "Status" is selected as "Active" by default in the Filter tab. An error was received when deselecting and searching for the Status field on the grid. The bug has been fixed and filtering has been done on the status field while the status field is empty. 2 - On the same page, when data was entered into the "Prepared by" and "Revised" fields in the Filter tab, it would bring up the whole list. The error is eliminated and listed according to the specified criteria.

  • 43278 - IMS - Document Management - Reports - Document On the Product Report page, the field named "Document Owner" on the grid contained String data, but was set for Date formatted filtering. The bug has been fixed and string filtering has been done correctly.

  • 42793 - My Pending Work - Fixed an error issue when we wanted to update or perform a training detail from the My Responsibility Trainings task.

  • 43284 - When filtering from the "Document Search" tab on the IMS - Document Operations - Controlled Copy Deployment Task Report page, the "Distribution Location" field did not list the requested data. The error has been fixed and the data has been listed according to the desired criteria.

  • 42508 - IMS - OHS Risk - Risk Main Forum Definition - Object reference error received when pressing the download template button on the details page has been fixed. The corresponding button is ensured to work without any problems.

  • 42796 - Fixed an object referance error when we wanted to update a meeting resource on the SAT - Board Meeting - Meeting Source Identification page.

  • 42961 - IMS - Action - Error was coming up on reports because of entering a value more than the integer value in the "Main Action No" field. The issue was resolved with limitations.

  • 42962 - Fields were irregular in the filter tab on the IMS - Action - Reports - Timeline page. The fields have been edited.

  • 43331 - Combobox selections of the "Amount" field would not open in the Filter tabs on the EYS and SAT pages. The bug has been fixed and the "Amount" field can be selected in the combobox. Again, when clicking on the "lblQPARAM2" field in the Filter tabs, an error was received on the screen. It was found that the error was found in the parametric field "lblQPARAM2" through the Language Settings, adding a column that does not exist in the table defined in the Parent Code section. In order for the parametric area to work, the name of this column was changed and it was made to work.

  • 42274 - Fixed the problem that modules using a list of questions, e.g. Audit, Training, Recommendation, Survey, Supplier Evaluation, etc., bring up missing data in the printing process.

  • 43247 - Fixed the problem of empty arrival when viewed with the view of the parametric personnel type field defined in the language settings.

  • 41325 - Added annotated parameter 154 "When directing in the action pen, is the person directing assigned as responsible?" to the parameters of the DR5728-Action module. Depending on the parameter, the responsible field is automatically filled in the desired condition in the routing.

  • 42139 - On customer with DR5999-English installation, not all of the Root Cause parametric fields were visible on the SAT - BSAT - Configuration Settings - Language Settings page. The issue has been fixed and ROOT Cause fields have been added through the Language settings as follows; lblKOKDPARAM1-lblKOKDPARAM2-lblKOKDPARAM lblKOKLPARAM1-lblKOKLPARAM2-lblKOKLPARAM lblKOKNAPARAM1-lblKOKNAPARAM2-lblKOKNAPARAM lblKOKNCPARAM1-lblKOKNCPARAM2-lblKOKNCPARAM

  • 30065 - DR507-Legislation Definition and Legislation Articles pages have defined buttons so that legislation and its articles can be canceled depending on the relevant parameters. A revocation flow has been created for canceled records. The added parameters are: "Should cancellation approval be used in legislation?", "Should cancellation approval be used in legislation articles?", "Legislation cancellation approval period" and "Legislation article cancellation approval period".

  • 36185 - DR3466-Device Location information has been added to the Device Preview Notification mail. When the operation is performed and closed for a device from the Device Management System - Performing Operation page, the user receives the MSG.11.05 - Device Operations Pre-Notification Mail. If the user wants to use this data with the Custom Mail structure, he can edit the Custom Mail structure with the <CIHAZ_YERI_TANIMI> tag.

  • 38726 - When using the Export to Excel button on the DR4742-DÖF Detail Report page, freezing and errors would occur. It has been tested in the test environment and no problems have been encountered.

  • 41844 - DR5929 - In accordance with our customer's security request for hdns, the file path for hdns specified in the attachment file is "Functions.GetApplicationBaseWebPath() +/QDMSNET/..." It is ensured that it is kept in such a way as to give the full address. The change was made to the following pages: MapReport.aspx.cs,Risk_Goruntule.aspx,RiskDegerlendirme_Detaylar_e.aspx,RiskDegerlendirme_e.aspx page.

  • 42503 - IMS - OHS Risk - Risk Assessment Form Identification - The "object reference" error received when pressing the Change Sequence Number button on the Details page has been fixed.

  • 42503 - IMS - OHS Risk - Risk Assessment Form Identification - The "object reference" error received when pressing the Change Sequence Number button on the Details page has been fixed.

  • 43500 - IMS - OHS Risk - Risk Assessment Form Identification - Fixed the situation where when a record was copied on the details page, the resulting record received the same sequence number as the copied record. When the reference record was added on the IMS - OHS Risk - Risk Assessment Form Identification - Details page, a number left a space in the sequence number. The situation has been corrected.

  • 43463 - IMS - Document Operations - Reports - Document Parametric Fields Report page, selecting any folder and searching for the document with the parametric field in it from the "Advanced Search Criteria" tab listed all the documents in the folder. The error has been fixed and listing according to "Advanced Search Criteria" has been provided on the Document Parametric Fields Report page.

  • 43515 - IMS - DMS - Reports - Clicking the Export to Excel button on the Complaint Detail Report page would get the "Object Reference" error. The error has been fixed and an Excel dump can be obtained from the report page.

  • 43498 - When clicking on the IMS - Strategic Planning - Activity Tasks page to create Activity Tasks, an error appeared on the screen. The bug has been fixed and the Activity Tasks page is entered.

  • 32247 - IMS - DMS - Reports - Added the tag of the parametric fields in the Root Cause Tab that were filled in when creating the DMS to the Complaint Detail Report page and the template was loaded from the Editing of Default Report Formats page. An Excel dump was taken from the IMS - DMS - Reports - Complaint Detail Report page to check that the parametric fields in the root cause field were printed.

  • 43376 - In the Data Options section of the "DOF Time-Dimensional Analysis" Chart sheet in the DÖF module, the default data in the "DOF Open Date" field was deleted and an error was received on the page. The error was fixed and the search process was performed without date filtering.

  • 43353 - IMS - DÖF - Reports - DÖF Action Report - 3 When filtering was attempted with the "Nonconformance Category" field in the Filter tab, all data on the page was lost. The error has been fixed and the data is listed at the end of the filtering process.

  • 43449 - DR6273-SAT - Strategic Planning - On the Strategic Plan Definition page, select a record and click the Define Level button. On the page that opens, the New button goes to the Define Strategy page. The character limit of the "Strategic Level Name" textbox field on this page has been increased from 300 to 1000 characters.

  • 43540 - EYS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Inspection Follow-up - Health Resume - On the viewing page, the horizontal scroll was moved out, the vertical scroll was brought in.

  • 43488 - The "Management System" filter field in the Filter tabs on the Report pages in the External Customer and Internal Customer Complaint modules worked incorrectly and did not return the filtered data. The error was fixed and the Report pages in the Customer Complaint modules were filtered smoothly.

4.Mobile Updates

  • 33221 - DR2308-On the personnel selection screen, it has been ensured that the personnel information evaluated as risky by the physician can be displayed on mobile devices just below the staff name.

  • 40945 - IOS - Android - My Pending Work - Training Planning - Trainings Under My Responsibility task, when we wanted to perform a training, the error of switching to done status even though it should have gone to the training closure approval has been fixed.


  • No Android Updates


  • No IOS Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version should be updated with the package.