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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1. Highlights / New Features

System Infrastructure Definitions Module

  • 97770-DR13241- It has been ensured that the column widths entered from the language settings of the grid in the pending jobs and the grid on the details page are reflected and the user-specific customizations are stored. In addition, the feature of resetting the settings to the column selector and detail page has been added to these two pages.

Action Management Module

  • 105719- In the Action Chart Report, PieChart has been enabled to show the information of which slice belongs to which data.

2. Fixes

Audit Activity Module

  • 105517- DR13949- System Infrastructure Definitions - Audit Activity - Audit Activity Parameters - In case the parameter value "Should the answers be entered from a single page on the audit realization page?" numbered 20 is "No", the error received when the additional file is added to the finding when the "Open Finding" button is clicked on the Integrated Management System - Audit Activity - Pending Audits - Perform Audit - Answers tab has been corrected.

  • 107839- DR14232- English language equivalents of audit question groups have been entered. In English usage, it has been ensured that the English equivalents of the question groups appear during the audit realization phase.

Internal Audit Module

  • 106225- DR14092- Internal Audit module, when file type parametric field is defined to Audit Universe, Audit Plan, Audits, Audit Finding functions, the error received on the audit realization page has been corrected.

  • 106276- DR14104- The error that the audits added on the Audits page in the Internal Audit module passed to the question distribution status without filling in the code information has been corrected.

Document Management Module

  • 105758- DR13997- The error that the document name does not appear as Russian alphabet characters when the documents uploaded to the system in Russian-RU language are downloaded from the system has been corrected

  • 107868- DR14242- It has been ensured that the query-type parametric fields fed from a table newly added to the QDMS database, if the definition column of the relevant table has a language equivalent, the language error problem encountered in the document publishing / record maintenance stages has been corrected by pulling the information according to the language used. When a table is created for the definition of a query-type parametric field, it has been ensured that the document preparation / publishing stages work according to the created language equivalent.

  • 111623- DR14406- Document Management Module parameters 130 numbered "Will digital signature be used in document approval?" and 356 numbered "Will digital signature be used in folder specific?" When the parameter values of the parameters are "Yes", the parameter "Digital signature will be used" in the folder information is left passive, and the password screen is not displayed in the new document preparation / revision / publishing processes.

Environmental Risk Management Module

  • 106563- DR14136- When entering a measure to the risk record, when the revision is started, when the revision number in which the measure is entered is in the previous state, when the measure record is completed, the warning "The record you want to process is not in this revision" has been received. After the warning is closed, it is directed to the main page and the action is saved to the last revision. The same process has also been enabled to work by setting the parameter value of the parameter 92 "Open Action with New Button in the Measures Tab" to "Yes".

System Infrastructure Definitions Module

  • 108344- DR14239- Although the number of active users is defined as many licenses as the number of active users, the error regarding the license error mail has been corrected.

Action Management Module

  • 107844- DR14224- In the Ensemble application, it is enabled to add an action with the "Select Existing Action" button in the action tab of the indicator detail in the Ensemble application, it is enabled to add the same action from the same screen in a different indicator. It has been ensured that a newly created action in Ensemble can be added to a different indicator.

Device Management System Module

  • 105947-DR14057- At the approval stage, it has been enabled to view the report prepared with the approver user who is not the module administrator.

3. Mobile Updates

Device Management System Module

  • 107396-DR14207- By correcting the error in the questionnaire answering process via mobile, it was ensured that the questionnaire answering process was carried out for all question types.

4. Breaking Changes

  • The web version must be updated with the package.
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