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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features.

2. Improvements

  • No Improvements

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 79182 - DR10780- When logged in with the proxy user, the error that the user cannot use the menus in the application has been corrected.

  • 81706 - The file added to the Integrated Management System -Document Activities- Document Viewing- Revision request was disappearing when the "Revision Requests Pending Approval" was approved. The error has been corrected.

  • 81886 - The audit questions on the Integrated Management System -Document Activities-Document Viewing- Audit Questions screen did not appear on the relevant screen during the revision phase. The error has been corrected.

  • 76416 - DR11868- Integrated Management System - Process Risk Assessment - Risk Assessment Form Identification - The user who is the approver in the detail or main form did not complete the approval process without checking the authorization parameters. The error has been corrected.

  • 80667 - DR12164- Integrated Management System - External Customer Complaint - Reports - The error received when the report is requested to be obtained by selecting the status field all and workplace field in the complaint detail report filter tab has been corrected.

  • 80305 - DR10780-CAPA display page - Fixed a bug where data was lost after changing the page size in the History tab.

  • 76675 - DR10757- The authorization error received during access to the relevant CAPA record via the mails generated for the closed CAPA records has been corrected.

  • 76424 - DR11847- The error that the information person on the CAPA record could not access the relevant D�f record via e-mail has been corrected.

  • 80746 - DR12194- System Infrastructure Definitions- Suggestion- Add Points- Description field (lblPointsAddPointsAciklama) was made as a mandatory field in the language settings, but the error of not being a mandatory field has been corrected.

  • 80665 - DR12193- Integrated Management System - Suggestion - The error that a suggestion with the status of Suggestion commission can be rejected after it is approved in the commission has been corrected. The proposal approved in the commission cannot be rejected in any status in the flow.

  • 75375 - DR11777- In the Work and Periodic Inspection module, the error of an inactive drug being listed on the drug selection screens in the inspection module has been corrected.

  • 80113 - DR12137- The error received in Integrated Management System -Risk Assessment -Asset Group Identification -Resource group transfer has been corrected.

  • 78515 - DR12051- When the training officer is assigned to the folder defined from the Integrated Management System -Document Activities-Folder Identification, the system starts the process of going to the training officer for approval at the preparation and revision stages. The error related to the process of the training officer not going to approval from the preparation and revision stages has been corrected.

  • 76526 - System Infrastructure Definitions - Document Activities - When the Document Matrix Compensator operation is performed on the Document Matrix Compensator screen, the error that the "opinion matrix of the folder is not reflected in the documents" has been corrected.

  • 76415 - DR11874- In documents using Document Print Format, the error that alignment could not be done if the position definition was long has been corrected.

  • 78335 - DR12044- In the Integrated Management System - Event Notification - New Record -Precautions tab, the select column that comes as the first column in the grid and System Infrastructure Definitions - Event Notification - Function Designer - The error that the existing 'Parent Field Code' field comes in Turkish in English usage while processing for text type fields on the Fields page has been corrected.

  • 75398 - DR11785- In cases where the "<QR_CODE>" tag was used in the footer area of the excel document navigated from the Integrated Management System -Document Activities-Document View screen, the size change made in the "Document QR code width and height value" parameter 354 on the System Infrastructure Definitions- BSID-Document Activities-Document Parameters screen was not reflected in the document. The error has been corrected.

  • 78056 - DR12010- The parametric fields in the "Revision Request" tab of the document navigated from the Integrated Management System -Document Activities-Document View screen, when creating a new "Revision Request" in the "Revision Request" tab, were not checked for necessity when they were marked as mandatory from the Language settings menu. The error has been corrected.

  • 75284 - DR11754- The error received while receiving the Integrated Management System - Audit Activities - Audit Plans - Audit Report has been corrected. The plan was tested by editing the common audit report format.

  • 75584 - DR11815- The error received when clicking on the Integrated Management System - Suggestion System - Suggestion Tracking menu when the parameter value of parameter 86 from System Infrastructure Definitions -Suggestion - Suggestion Parameters is "Yes" has been corrected.

  • 75334 - DR1176 9 - The error received when <BAS_DENETCI> tag is added to the Integrated Management System - Audit Activities - Reports - Audit Finding Report has been corrected.

  • 77773 - DR11985- Integrated Management System - Suggestion Management - Reports - Annual Suggestion Tracking List - Although there are many records in the year to be reported, the error that only brings the number of suggestions for January/February has been corrected.

  • 75120 - DR11718- In the parameters of the Corrective and Preventive Actions module, the error of not updating the record when the parameter value of the parameter 225 "CAPA action opening approver can edit the action?" is "Yes" and the approver is not a team leader, team member or module manager has been corrected.

  • 75827 - DR11827- System Infrastructure Definitions-Process Risk Assessment - On the field definition page (ISYERI_KODU IN (SELECT ISYERI_KODU FROM BSAT001 WHERE SICIL_NO=[OWNER])), the error that the activation condition of the query type field added with the activation condition does not work in multiple selection has been corrected.

  • 75029 - DR11717- In the record opened through the "List of CAPAs to Write a Progress Report" task in pending jobs, the disappearance error of the data saved after making changes to the team members in the progress report tab has been corrected when switching to the next tab.

  • 73497 - DR11592- Integrated Management System - Management Review - Planned Works and Integrated Management System - Management Review - While the subcode information appears correctly in the grid in the CAPA menu for all modules, the error of incorrect display of the subcode information when the report is pulled has been corrected.

  • 72011 - DR11361- .../QDMSNET/CDSA.WebService/Main.asmx service with the CreateDocument method, the document cannot be transferred to the system and the errors received during transfer "errors not being written to the Log table" have been corrected.

  • 76563 - In case the label with the ID "lblSISTEM_CODE_MATTER_NO" on the System Infrastructure Definitions - BSID-Configuration Settings-Language Settings-Document Activities screen is removed from the language settings, the document navigated from the Integrated Management System -Document Activities-Document View screen was removed in the Other Information tab.

  • 74930 - DR11705- Although the "Training Responsible" (lblGRUP_EGITICI) field in the System Infrastructure Definitions -BSID-Configuration Settings-Language Settings-Document Activities screen was made mandatory in the language settings, it was not mandatory during document preparation. The error has been fixed.

  • 75375 - DR11777- The error of showing a drug that has been inactivated by Medula as active on QDMS drug selection screens has been corrected.

4. Mobile Updates

4.1. Android

  • No Android Updates

4.2. IOS

  • No IOS Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version must be updated with the package.
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