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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features.


  • No Improvements.


3.1.Web Interface

  • 46939 - DR7219- In the document module, over-mailing errors in parameters 53 (Should publishing mail be sent to those who are both in the approval matrix and in the Distribution List?(Y/N)), 70 (Should publishing mail be sent to the Checker?), 166 (Should distribution messages be sent to the user group e- mail address?) and 212 (Should distribution mail be sent to the person who prepared/revised?) have been resolved.

  • 47004 - DR7246- By adding the MoveForward(DocumentCode,UserCode) function, it is ensured that the documents in draft status are passed to the next stage and advanced according to the approval flow taking into account the folder settings.

  • 47416 - DR7382- On the SID > BSID > Definitions >Department Definition page, in the personnel-type parametric fields defined for departments (e.g. ALAN30), personnel name-surname information could be obtained with the <ALAN30_ACK> tag in single selection. However, in multiple selection, name- surname information could not be obtained in personnel-type parametric fields. With the correction made, it is now possible to get name-surname information from personnel-type parametric fields in multiple selection.

  • 47739 - When we try to get the Annex2 document of a personnel who does not have a date of birth from the Examination module, if the tag is used as <DOGUM_TARIHI> in the Annex2 document, the error of printing a different date on the empty date of birth has been solved.

  • 47801 - DR7493- An error was encountered when the document summary report was exported to Excel. To solve this problem, the related template types were converted to "xlsx" format and the limit was increased. Customers should download their customized templates (MasterSablon_TR.xlsx, MasterSablon_EN.xlsx,DokumanOnaySureleriRaporu_TR.xlsx,DokumanOnaySureleriRaporu_EN.xls x) from the report format and save them as ".xlsx". The same problem was observed for the Approval Periods Report and a correction was provided.

  • 47835 - When creating a question on the SID > Audit Activities > Question Pool page, the fields that are hidden ("Checkpoint mandatory", "CAPA mandatory", "Action mandatory") have been removed when we edit an option after the "Multiple selectable" option is checked.

  • 48062 - DR7599- When the document was canceled, when the control group was selected as the control type and the person in the group had multiple positions, the system was dropping more than one cancel confirmation task to the same person for each position. Fixed.

  • 48584 - DR7707- For actions derived from periodic actions, the error received when adding additional files when the period is quarter year and first 15 days has been fixed.

  • 48667 - DR7734- IMS > Suggestion System> Reports >On the Suggestion Status Report page, the "Rejecting Supervisor", "Supervisor Rejection Date" and "Reason for Rejection" fields have been displayed in the report for a suggestion with supervisor rejection approval.

  • 48697 - DR7743- On the SID> Board Meeting > Meeting Source Identification page, when we make the periodic field yes, the error of the English equivalent of the Day and Month options being wrong has been solved.

  • 48866 - DR7791- When parameter 75 of BSID Parameters is active and the staff password does not comply with certain rules (parameters 126, 127 and 71), the user is directed to the password change screen. When the redirected user entered the old password correctly and the new password complied with the rules, the error message "Your old password is incorrect" was displayed while waiting for the change to take place with the enter key, but the password change took place. Therefore, users were unable to log in, unaware that their password had changed. With the new update, when the user presses the "ENTER" key and the password change takes place, they will receive the notification "Your password change has been successful."

  • 49309 - When we try to get the Annex2 document of a personnel who does not have a date of birth from the Examination module, if the tag is used as _DOGUM_TARIHI in the Annex2 document, the error of printing a different date on the empty date of birth has been solved.

  • 49352 - When using the MoveForward Function, parameter 54 : Should the documents given as reference be automatically added to the Opinion Matrix? (YES), it was returning the error "These columns don't currently have unique values.". The error has been fixed and the function is now working.

  • 49437 - IMS > Suggestion System >Reports >On the Suggestion Status Report page, the error of writing the description of the supervisor's rejection approval in the expert description section in a suggestion with supervisor rejection approval has been fixed.

  • 49470 - IMS > Document Activities >When we want to view the old revisions of a document that has been revised from the Document View page, the error of showing the last revision information has been resolved.

  • 49483 - When we want to cancel an unapproved document published from IMS -> Document Activities - > Document View page with folder approval, an error message has been provided.

  • 49314 - On the SID> Audit Activities > Question Pool page, when we want to edit one of the question options, even if the "Default" field is selected, the error of bringing it empty while editing has been resolved.

4.Mobile Updates


  • No Android Updates


  • No IOS Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • Web version should be updated with package
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