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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 34770 - GetKartNotificationList service has been developed for the DR2439-Card notification module. Card Notification ID, Card Code, Card Name, Card Status, Card Receiving Registry, Card Field Name Surname, Card Creation Date, Card Creator Registry, Card Creator Name Surname and other parametric fields can be obtained from the service.


  • No Improvements


3.1.Web Interface

  • 36805 - DR4083-When we changed the language of the product to English, the "Favorites" field in the drop-down left menu remained in Turkish even though it had a corresponding language setting. Fixed.

  • 36723 - DR4057 - Error when trying to delete file during signature phase. The bug was fixed by updating DSCIient.

4.Mobile Updates


  • No Android Updates


  • No IOS Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version should be updated to and DSClient should be reinstalled.