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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 34141 - YG17440-YA25374-Future date constraint function in a field with a date type defined without defining a field is arranged as selectable on the designer (future date can be selected).

  • 34142 - YG17433-YA25371-Automatic Action menu has been defined for Risk-Based modules. Through this menu, automatic action is opened according to the status of the Opened Risk form.

  • 34539 - DR2404-MITAS2- 163 - Added Send to unpublished and Send to non-published buttons in Survey Module. According to the option to be used, the notification e-mail is provided. On the Survey Preparation page, there are 2 radio buttons in the popup that will open when you press the Broadcast Survey button after you open the survey. The first radio button was Broadcast to Non-Fillers (which will be sent to everyone who did not fill it here) and the second radio button was Broadcast to Unfilled (newly added users who had not previously sent mail). Footnote (Publish to Unpublished): When creating a survey, separate publication control is carried out in the process of adding individual participants and group participants. So let's say we add person X as a participant and publish the poll. Then let's add an EU group and publish it again. Since there is user X in the EU group, the re-release mail is sent to user X. Since technically no action will be taken, the user who is in the Group should not be added as a participant separately.

  • 34542 - DR2408-M42432- 314 - Last Examination Date in the Pending Medical Examinations task was requested to be listed in order. On request, the Last Inspection Date has been corrected to list sequentially.

  • 34771 - DR2463-Provides for warning if the license of the person who will perform the work and/or is responsible is passive when creating an action. In the copying process and rejected actions, it will do the work while the page is loading, and if the responsible person has left the job, these fields are provided as empty.

  • 34776 - DR2513-Detail When we open a risk record with the Update button, the date and time information is provided in the Start date and Approval date fields in the "Approvers" tab.

  • 34812 - DR2585-To see the revision change in the risk module, one had to go back or check from the whole forms screen from the beginning. The situation has been corrected by adding a "Revision Change" window on the risk form. Window visibility is linked to the parameter "Show Revision Change on detail page?"

  • 35092 - DR2688-Action Pen Report page has been delayed and expired risk forms have been written in red and bold.

  • 30747 - DR1137-Upon request, it is ensured that the parametric field defined on the transaction type can be displayed by custom mail.

  • 32541 - Added the due date column to the DR1822-DÖF maximums analysis graph.

  • 32787 - DR2054-Mobile QR code consisting of Document Link menu has been created with a new tag (<M_QR_CODE>) and enabled to work on mobile.

  • 32806 - Added parameter 188 to the DR2048-DMS parameters. The role id written to this parameter prints the data in the role prepared according to the department code.

  • 32811 - DR1968-Risk, table-type fields defined parametrically on the main form are brought to the Print button and Risk General Report on a record-by-record basis.

  • 22397 - Added parameter 189 for those who want to use templates during the root cause analysis phase. After the template to be used in this parameter is loaded into the report formats screen, its name must be typed into the parameter. The relevant root cause area on the action then passes to mandatory status.

  • 22403 - Multi-select feature has been added to all list-type selection fields in the "DATA OPTIONS" section of the Most Analysis chart in the graph submenu of modules.

  • 22405 - Multi-select feature has been added to all list-type selection fields in the "DATA OPTIONS" section of the Maximum Analysis chart in the graph submenu of modules.

  • 22407 - "Action Time Dimensional Analysis" page has been defined so that trend analyses can be examined and graphical analyses of monthly records can be viewed.

  • 22505 - z-axis added below x-axis in DOF module. Multiple graphical representations are provided.

  • 22506 - z-axis added below x-axis in MS module. Multiple graphical representations are provided.

  • 22507 - The time-dimensional graphical report in the customer complaint module has also been developed for the DÖF module.

  • 22508 - The "Action Time Dimensional Analysis" page has been defined so that trend analyses can be examined and graphical analyses of the records opened monthly can be viewed.

  • 30266 - YG17252-YA25095-Personnel Added parametric fields in the identification are listed in the filters and excels on the relevant report pages.

  • 30267 - Suppose that in the document processed in the registration YG17184-YA24928, we create an automatic Training detail plan and add participants. Then when we make Revision for the document. Taking the participants from the previous training information, it creates one more Training detail with the newly entered (document revision process) data. In other words, in the Training Details, we will have two records, one with revision 0 and one with revision 1. In the revision process, the software team was asked to create separate training detail plans. The software team has decided that way.

  • 22389 - On the IMS - Survey Operations - Survey Analysis Charts page, the "Option Distributions" option has been added in the analysis type field. When we select option distributions, survey and survey questions can be selected in the filter area. When we created the survey chart, it was shown how many participants selected the same option.

  • 22498 - On the IMS - Survey Operations - Survey Analysis Charts page, the "Option Distributions" option has been added in the analysis type field. When we select option distributions, survey and survey questions can be selected in the filter area. When we created the survey chart, it was shown how many participants selected the same option.

  • 30066 - DR654-Recommendation - Reports - Evaluation Status Report, the field "DEGERLENDIRME_TARIHI" is printed in the <DEPARTMAN_GORUSU> tag.

  • 30265 - YG17183-YA24881-Parameters for training module connections with the document need to be set. After completing the document preparation process, a training detail plan will be automatically formed into the training plan code entered into the 383rd parameter value with the necessary data. In addition, the training officer will have to be selected on the Document side. Added document parameters ( Parameters to be adjusted )... 382. (Will a Document - Training module relationship be established?) the parameter value should be "Yes"". 383. The parameter value (training plan code to be opened to the training supervisor) should be entered in the plan code on the Education Plan (EYS - Training Planning - Training Plan) page. 384. Parameter value (Training definition code to be opened to the training officer) The definition code on the training definition (IMS - Training Planning - Training Identification) page should be entered. 385. (To whom will the training record be sent? (Document Officer = DS, Document Creator = DH, Document Revision = DR)) The parameter value must be selected. 386. The parameter value (Default duration (Days) for the training end date defaults to 1. It can be changed at any time to change the date. In addition, in the document folder settings to be created for Document-Training operations, the Unapproved/Unchecked checkBox should be unchecked. If the document is formed without going to the approval procedures, the Training detail plan is not formed.

  • 30268 - YG17441-YA24929-If the organic link of the training module with the document module is ensured, the records in the training detail plan that are automatically linked when we perform the document cancellation process are automatically reduced to the "cancel" status.

  • 30269 - YG17438-YA25365-EYS - Document Operations - Revision Request can be realized by selecting any document from the Document Vision page and adding a parametric field to the Revision Request tab in the selected document.

  • 30383 - DR665-In the field definition menu, Query Type fields are defined as a field called "Active Condition" and have been developed so that visibility condition can be given depending on the condition here.

  • 30397 - DR957-On request, added the Corrective Preventive Actions Report page to the IMS->RISK->Reports menu. With the "Corrective and Preventive Actions Report, the fields to be used in the report (Separate with commas for more than one value e.g. FIELD1,FIELD2)" parameter ensure that the dynamically requested field can be displayed on the page. Again, the excell template prepared by adding the "Corrective and Preventive Actions Report Template File Name" parameter for the relevant page could be added.

  • 30505 - YG17249-YA25092-Personnel Added parametric fields in the identification are listed in the filters and excels on the relevant report pages.Added parameter 227. Parameter 140 should be checked beforehand. Apart from the data action module filtered on the personnel identification screen, it proceeds through the team leader record. In the action module, it is filtered through the person who will do the job.

  • 30507 - YG17250-YA25093-127th in audit module. (Show parametric fields added in personnel identification in reports and filters?) When the parameter value is "Yes", the parametric fields added on the personnel identification page are filtered on the pages specified in the note section and brought to Excel. Pages where parametric fields on the personnel identification page are developed in the audit module; Audit history information Common Audit Report Open audits report

  • 30508 - YG17251-Are the parametric fields added in the personnel identification shown in the reports and filters? ", when the parameter "Yes" is selected, the parametric fields added in the Personnel Identification are brought to the relevant report filters and excels.

  • 31369 - DR1393-When defining the Risk Detail Form, when adding controls in the Controls tab, if the desired control is not available in the pool, the Add New Control to Pool button is defined so that the control can be defined without leaving the page.

  • 31709 - DR1546-SAT - BSAT - Document Operations - Workplace information has been added in the Person to Read selection field on the Create Document Distribution Mails page. The Select All option looks at parameter 250 from the SAT parameters. This parameter can be changed to display the Select All button.

  • 31406 - DR1226-If the parameter 381 added to the document module is yes, only the documents authorized on the document are listed in the relevant document field on the döf action definition screen.

  • 31382 - DR1311-EYS - Document Operations - Quality Records - Registration When the document is selected on the page and a new quality record is wanted to be opened, it is requested to add query-type parametric fields defined in the language settings and available in many modules. On demand, query-type parametric fields have been added to the IMS - Document Operations - Quality Records new quality record page.

  • 31881 - DR1214-EYS - Contractor Work Permit Tracking - Added Working Time (Hours) and Process Types columns on the Supplier Personnel Report page.

  • 31729 - On the DR1470-Revision Request page, it is requested to appear the user who returned the revision request and the transaction date. Upon request, any document can be selected from the IMS - Document Operations - Document View page, and the user and the date of the transaction for the revision are shown in the Revision Request tab in the selected document.

  • 31696 - Added auditor identification function for DR1552-Audit module "function designer". The fields added here can be viewed during the auditor selection when making the audit plan.

  • 31717 - DR1481-SAT - Recommendation - Reasons for Rejection page, two options were made for the field of Eligibility Status: Pre-Assessment and Expert Evaluation. By default, pre-evaluation and expert evaluation areas are coming. Of course, it can be changed if desired. If two fields are left blank in order not to cause errors in the system, they are automatically marked in two fields and recorded.

  • 32000 - DR1615-EYS - Recommendation System - Reports - On the Annual Recommendation Follow-up List page, a Bring Quitters checkbox has been added.

  • 31998 - DR1646-Site Inspection > Reports > Added action and closing date of the DÖF record to the Site Inspection Report.

  • 38735 - DR4246-Index created to improve the performance of the database by increasing the execution speed of database queries.


  • 34798 - DR2546 - My Pending Work - Meetings I Am Responsible For - Start Meeting - Joined If the status is marked Start Meeting - When we press the new button on the decision tab, the "Decision" field has been increased to 2000 characters on the page that appears.

  • 34801 - DR2549-SAT - Device Management System - Requested to increase the Action Location Code field up to 20 characters on the Action Locations page. The Action Location ID field has been increased to 50 characters.

  • 35101 - DR2772-EYS - Document Operations - Document Cancellation Page failed to enter more than 1000 characters of data in the reason for cancellation field when initiating a document cancellation. The character limit of the field has been increased to 2000.

  • 35220 - In DR1441-Risk Modules, when we view the selected risk in the risk details, the clickability has been removed if there is no data in the measure so that when clicking on the measure information field entered on the pop-up screen, there is no data in the measure so that there is no blank data on the screen that opens.

  • 32452 - DR1909-Documents attached to multiple and single fields of documents in risk forms come in the form of links and can be viewed on pop-ups opened by clicking accordingly.

  • 32536 - DR1926-EYS - On-the-Job Periodic Inspection - When a patient was selected on the Examination Follow-up page and a New Examination was created, the Chronic Disease and Allergy information was requested to be written as Red-Bold. Arrangements are made upon request and the desired fields are arranged according to the patient information to be written in Red -Bold.

  • 32540 - DR1825-On the Sub-Action Planning page, on the filtering screen, the "Filter sub-actions?" check box can be connected to the parameter "Should sub-actions come listed on the items page?" according to customer demand, so that it can be automatically checked according to the parameter value.

  • 32813 - DR1955-EYS - On-the-Job Periodic Inspection - On the Examination Follow-up page, a patient is selected and the "Blood Pressure Monitoring" button is clicked. The Large Blood Pressure and Small Blood Pressure fields of the patient on the opened page are set to be editable from the SAT - BSAT - Language Settings page.

  • 32969 - DR2115-DÖF detailed root cause analysis parameter Yes while the cause and cause analysis used to show the detailed breakdowns with a --> sign in the bottom.

  • 31359 - In DR1441-Risk Modules, when we View Selected Risk in the risk details, the Precaution Information section entered on the screen that opens is clicked. If there is no data in the measure to avoid empty data on the screen that opens, the clickability has been removed.

  • 38614 - SAT - Device Management System - On the Device Maintenance page, select Update Process Type Information and select Add. When wishing to add a transaction type for any device selected from the list, the Last Transaction Date could be entered before the Last Transaction Date of the selected device. The bug has been fixed so that the Future Transaction Date cannot be entered before the Transaction Last Date.

  • 38306 - EYS - Document Operations - Selecting any document from the Document View page and navigating to the document page with the View Document option requests to create a new Revision Request from the Revision Request tab. When the required fields were filled in and the Save button was clicked, an error was obtained. The error has been fixed and a new Revision Request can be created.

  • 31992 - DR1579-In the stages of document preparation, document revision and transfer to the system, the language files of that document are added with the document. When the language file is added to the document, "The file has been successfully transferred" and when it is removed, "The file has been successfully removed." warnings are received. However, pressing the Delete button in a language option without a language file did not receive any warning. The bug has been fixed and pressing the Delete button in a language option without a language file will give the warning "There is no file for the relevant language".

  • 35361 - Added GetEarningsCategory method to DR2976-SuggestionService.asmx service. The Active parameter should be null for all records, A for Active records, and P for Passive records. All parametric columns in the KDYS280 table were added to the existing Suggestion model to perform an insert operation.

  • 35389 - DR2902-IMS - Audit Activity - On the Pending Audits / Unplanned Audits page, the <SORU_ILGILI_DOKUMANLAR> and <SORU_ILGILI_DOKUMANLAR_REVNO> tags can be used in the audit report generated in the reports tab.

  • 36454 - DR3543-IMS - Audit Activity - Reports - Common Audit Report page, the <DENETIM_NOTLAR> tag has been added for the export to excel operation.

  • 31882 - DR1333-SAT - BSAT - Definitions - Department Description page has been moved to tree breakdown view. When Excel is imported (if the report format is not defined) a list will be given according to the tree breakdown. The schematic show button has not been added due to lack of components.

  • 35644 - DR2840-When selecting in the position-type fields on the Document Preparation and Document Revision pages, the name and surname of the personnel and the position description did not come up. The error was corrected and the position of the personnel whose position was selected in the position-type fields on the Document Preparation and Document Revision pages were provided with Position Holder (Name Surname) and Position Description information as position information. During the document preparation stages (Pre-Control, Control, Opinion and Approval), this information was also provided.

  • After the development of pbida 38948 - 22397, if parameter 59 is yes, it warns that you must identify the root causes before planning action and the action phase could not be started. The bug has been fixed.

  • 38986 - Parameter value control 382 in document cancellation process has been introduced. When a document is canceled, the status of the revision training detail plans for that document is also canceled. By providing approved/unapproved controls in the document folder setting. Training detail plan cancellation was made.

  • 31380 - DR1316-SAT - Audit Activity - On the Define Audit page, the information added to the fields "Related Management Systems, Related Departments, Related Processes, Related Documents" is displayed in the other information tab/tab on the audit execution page.

  • 35896 - DR3535-The tags of these fields have been added so that the name data of the departments that will do the work in the actions and to which the responsible persons are connected can be obtained through the web service and the data is brought in the relevant report.


3.1.Web Interface

  • 34528 - DR2311-COGLU2- 347 - Removing the Approvers(lblDOC_ONAYLY) field from the language settings on the Document Information tab on the Document View page would remove only the name of the field, leaving the text portion on the screen. Fixed.

  • 34806 - DR2552-On the Document Viewing page, when pressing the Print Controlled Copy button, the symbol of the print button was displayed as a view button in the popup that popup. Fixed.

  • 38047 - DR4647-When the user was given a power of attorney, modules other than the delegated module also appeared on the menu screen. In addition, when the System Infrastructure Definitions were not given as a proxy, the module menu, help and favorite screens did not open. Fixed.

  • 38165 - IMS - Survey Operations - Suppose we publish a survey survey on the page Preparing Internal Questionnaire. Then, when we publish the survey without adding any users, the mail does not go again correctly because it is published to the users. However, when we added users later, the problem of sending e-mails to all users again when we tried to publish was solved. When creating a survey, individual participants and group participants are added to the process of separately publishing control. So let's say we add person X as a participant and publish the poll. Then let's add an EU group and publish it again. Since there is user X in the EU group, the re-release mail is sent to user X. Since the software team has been contacted technically no action will be taken, the user who is in the Group should not be added as a participant separately.

  • 38190 - IMS - Survey Procedures - On the Survey Analysis Chart page, the sql error that occurred when we pressed the "Create Chart Report" button after filling in the required fields (Survey Type: Option Distributions) has been solved.

  • 38222 - Should parametric fields added in personnel identification be shown in reports and filters? according to the parameter, the parametric fields defined in personnel identification for reports in the IMS - Document - Reports section, Reports should appear as a single column in Excel templates, while the defined fields were shown as double columns in Excel. The error was fixed and the multiplexing of parametric fields was prevented.

  • 38263 - When the "Approval Status Report" excel document in the IMS - Device Management System - Reports section was downloaded, the parametric fields defined in the personnel identification appeared as double columns in excel. The bug has been fixed and parametric fields are displayed as a single column.

  • 38265 - SAT -> Document Operations -> Selecting a document on the Document Link page and attempting to create a link would redirect to an error page caused by the path of the logo file. Fixed.

  • 38270 - IMS - Audit Activity - Reports - Joint Audit Report page, searching with parametric fields on the Personnel Identification page (Parameter 127 "Show parametric fields added in personnel identification in reports and filters?" should be Yes). After searching the common control report page, columns come to the datagrid. However, as seen when we export to Excel without selecting the control from the list, it refreshes the page while bringing the error record and then when we press the search button again, it performs multiplexing for parametric areas in the columns. The parametric field multiplexing error has been corrected.

  • 38286 - Fixed the process of incorrectly registering the Trainer in the training details opened from the document module.

  • 38288 - IMS - Document Operations - On the Document Preparation page, when we select another user in the Training Officer field and send it to the next stage. Fixed the bug of assigning the position code of the Document owner to the position code of the last selected employee in the Training officer field.

  • 38295 - An error was received when selecting any document from the IMS - Document Operations - Document Vision page and attempting to create a new revision request from the Revision Request tab on the selected document. The error has been fixed and a revision request has been created.

  • 38312 - Fixed an issue where when we perform a Document Cancellation Process, it should have been canceled automatically in the registration in the Training Detail Plan, but the cancellation did not occur. When the Document Revision process is done, it automatically creates one more training detail on the Training detail plan page, so when we cancel the document, it only cancels the Last Training detail revision. This is how the structure is set up. 38347 - On the main training planning page, the update button in the viewing button has been removed. If the training detail plan status is only in "On Approval", the update button is set to appear on the display process page.

  • 38381 - IMS - Training Planning - Training Plan - Training detail plan Suppose we send the opening confirmation. First of all, on the Sub-module definition page, Sub-Module Definition = "Training Detail Opening Approval"" is continued without checking the checkbox ""If the Approver is the Initiator, the approval should not be passed". When this happens, it auto-confirms when both the initiator and the person going to the approval are the same person. However, in the popup, there is a message that ""The approval to open the training detail has been sent to the following people."" When the approver and initiator are the same person, the popup message is removed and the pole opening confirmation is performed and the training detail plan status is drawn to the plan. The answer from the software team; When both the approver and the initiator are the same person, the message needs analysis, and if the approval is never used, analysis is needed. Improvements were made in this way because no transactions were written in the analysis.

  • 38389 - On the IMS - Training Planning - Training Plan - Training Detail Plan page, if the detail plan status is in the Opening approval and the Approver is the person, he will be able to see the On / Off confirmation buttons in the viewing page. In addition, when non-approvers view the record on the Training detail planning page, they can only view the update button, they cannot view the on/off confirmation buttons. The approver should not be able to change the Status field on the page that is navigated to by the update button on the viewing page. For this reason, the relevant field has been revised to read only. The approver should not be able to send the registration back on/off for confirmation on the page navigated to by the update button on the viewing page. For this reason, the Go to Opening Approval, Go to Closing Approval checkboxes have been removed from the relevant page.

  • 38390 - On the IMS - Risk - Reports - Corrective and Preventive Actions Report page, entering a string value in the revision no field gives an error. The problem was solved by preventing entering a string value in the corresponding field.

  • 38393 - If parameter value 189 was defined, the corresponding root cause field selected on the action was not mandatory. Added obligation status by parameter.

  • 38400 - In the DÖF record action field, you get the error "Column 'KAPATMA_DPARAM1' does not belong to table Table1." The bug has been fixed.

  • 38417 - On the IMS - Training Planning - Training Plan - Training Detail Plan page, the status is set to display the Close Confirmation checkbox as active when we try to update the planned detail plan. On the update page, the activation of the Allow for Opening Confirmation checkbox is not checked. After the reason is approved, we can update it. If the checbox is active to go to the boot confirmation, it will be sent for approval in the process of updating it again and again. The Go to Opening Approval and Close Approval checkboxes have been removed from the update page from the training viewing process.

  • 38486 - The document contained in the risk forms, the documents attached to the multiple and single fields must come in the form of links and accordingly be viewed by clicking. The document added to the single document field could not be displayed. Fixed the relevant situation.

  • 38541 - SAT - Recommendation - On the Defining Expert/Leader page, when we wanted to define a new expert/leader, it was not possible to add a Passive record. The inactive record insertion process bug has been resolved.

  • 38591 - Fixed an issue where data was not displayed in the compute resource field on the DÖF, time-dimensional chart display.

  • 38340 - DR4703-When the document contained in the record is uploaded to the system and opened and displayed on the IMS - Document Operations - Document Vision page, there are no gaps or slippages in the tables within the document. The same scenario is displayed smoothly in the system during the document creation stages (Pre-Control, Control, Opinion and Approval stages).

  • 38686 - Parametric properties defined in Personnel Identification according to the parameter Should parametric fields added in personnel identification be shown in reports and filters? The error was fixed and the multiplexing of parametric fields was prevented.

  • 38547 - SAT - Internal Audit - Control Question Pool and SAT - Audit Activity - Question Pool pages would fill in the option fields and then take action to remove any error message (for example, leaving the required field blank and saving it), then correct the error and delete the option field that appeared full when saved. Fixed.

  • 38581 - My Pending Transactions -> Fields for questions on audit in Internal Audits Pending Closure Approval were modifiable/readable. Fields have been made readable only.

  • 38341 - DR4704-When a document was uploaded to the system, the pages of the document would scroll when the document uploaded to the system was opened on the Document Vision page and viewed in the View Document tab. The problem is corrected and the document uploaded to the system does not slip away.

  • 31377 - DR1353-EYS - Recommendation System - On the points spending page, the problem of listing employees who have left their jobs has been eliminated.

  • 35465 - DR3519-When the attached document is uploaded to the system, there is no shift in the boxes in the document display screen or when the document is downloaded and opened.

  • 35209 - DR3444-When the document in the registry was uploaded to the system, the boxes in the document were displayed as blank. The error was fixed and the box boxes were empty in the document uploaded to the system.

  • 38946 - IMS - Document Operations - In the excel dumps of the reports in the Reports section, the names of the parametric fields came as column headings, but the data of the fields were not listed. The problem has been fixed and the parametric fields defined in the Personnel identification are listed in the excel documents on the report pages.

  • 32250 - DR1680-Fixed the bug that fails to clear root cause information on the registry maintenance screen.

  • 35726 - DR3688-When the document in the registry was uploaded to the system, the boxes in the document appeared incorrectly. When the document is uploaded to the system and the document is opened from the EYS - Document Operations - Document Vision page, the boxes in the document appear. The bug has been fixed.

  • 36634 - DR4032-When attempting to download additional files for device certificates and work orders in the device module with the DR4032-BSMS Explorer, the download would be canceled due to character errors in the file name. Fixed the transfer so that the bad files are printed to the clipboard and the other files continue to be transferred.

  • 37866 - DR4557-When the document in the register was loaded into the system, shifts appeared in the arrows between the boxes in the document. When the document is uploaded to the system and the document is opened from the IMS - Document Operations - Document Vision page, the problem of shifting the arrows between the boxes in the document has been fixed.

  • 38272 - When the parametric fields added in personnel identification were shown in reports and filters? parameter yes, when the excel documents of the reports in the IMS - Device Management System - Reports section were downloaded, the parametric fields defined in the personnel identification appeared as double columns in excel. The bug has been fixed and parametric fields have been made to appear as a single column in excel.

  • 38587 - SAT - Device Management System - On the Device Maintenance page, select Update Process Type Information and select Add. When wishing to add a transaction type for any device selected from the list, the Last Transaction date could be entered before the Last Transaction Date, the Future Transaction date for the selected device. The bug has been fixed so that the Future Transaction Date cannot be entered before the Transaction Last Date.

  • 39052 - SAT - Internal Audit - Control Question Pool and SAT - Audit Activity - Question Pool pages in the Update and Copy operations would fill in the option field and perform an operation that would produce any error message (for example, leaving the required field blank and saving), then correct the error and delete the options when saved. Fixed.

  • 38749 - Function Designer created for the Auditor Identification page. The parametric fields we have created here have been provided with parametric fields in the auditor selection grid while creating the audit plan.

  • 38764 - EYS - Training Planning - Training Plan - When we perform training in the training detail plan that is desired to be sent for closure approval, it is ensured that it is sent to closure approval.

  • 35899 - DR3254-DÖF general report provides for the ranking of the DÖFs by DÖF number.

  • 38765 - IMS - Survey Operations - On the Survey Analysis Charts page, when we selected X minus by Survey Filter Type, the chart would return blank data. Bug fixed.

  • 38959 - Fixed the bug of adding active root cause to sub-breakdown if the main breakdown is passive on the DÖF-Root cause identification screen.

  • 39013 - My Pending Work - Expert Review Pending Proposals task has changed the "Approval Date" column to "Planned End Date".

  • 39016 - "Update, Approval, Reject" operations have been removed from the training detail viewing page. My pending work - I will give the approval of the opening of the tutorials task by entering the training detail into the update process after the error that occurred when we made the approval process has been solved.

  • 35902 - DR3280-Requirement control of the desired list type areas on the risk module has been provided.

  • 31379 - DR1324-Let's add multiple levels of user positions in the document approval matrix. Suppose we make the user position inactive after the user approves the document or before approving it. Since the user position is inactive, the issue of affecting the document at the end of the document or at the end of the document has been resolved.

  • 39176 - IMS - Document Operations - Reports - Problems on the Document Review List page have been fixed and the Parametric fields defined in the Personnel Identification have been listed and have been shown to appear in the excel document.

  • 36767 - Survey Participant Chart Report xml generated.

  • 37364 - Document file upload bug with .odt extension in document module resolved with aspose cells version upgrade.

  • 39288 - Eliminated parametric field multiplexing in IMS - Document Operations - Reports - Document Summary List. Readability and column equality were ensured in EYS - Document Operations - Reports - Document Matrix Report columns. In addition, in the excel taken from the Document Status Report, it was ensured that personnel type parametric fields could be included in the report.

  • 39061 - SAT - Internal Audit - Control On the Question Pool page, 2 options were created in the process of creating, updating and copying new questions, and the first option was migrated and then added again and wanted to be saved, which led to the error page. Fixed.

  • 39077 - On the IMS - Internal Audit - Audit Universe page, the audit universe environment department is selected and (from the parameters 1. What environment will the Control Universe consist of? Enter D for Department and S for Process List.) it would give an error when attempting to create an audit. Fixed.

  • 39135 - IMS - Personal Protective Equipment - PPE On the vision page, the space character could not be used in the PPE Name field in the filter section. Fixed.

  • 39134 - My Pending Work - I Will Give Approval to Open The error that appeared when we wanted to cancel a training detail in the Trainings task has been resolved.

  • 39250 - Eliminated the problem of getting an error when entering a comma value for Revision No on the IMS - OHS Risk Assessment - Reports - Corrective and Preventive Actions Report page.

  • 39179 - My Pending Work - Clicking the Deny button on the work permit in the Internal Work Permits List Pending Open Approval would open the cancellation form and behave as if the cancellation had been completed when continued. Fixed.

  • 39138 - My Pending Work - I Will Give Closure Confirmation Fixed bugs that occurred when we wanted to cancel a training detail in the Trainings task.

  • 39271 - EYS - Training Planning - Training Plan - Training detail plan is activated if the "Let It Go to Opening Approval" checkbox button is selected in the operations.

  • 39154 - When we were preparing or revising documents, it was multiplexing when it should have created a record on the training detail page. The multiplexing error has been fixed.

  • 39248 - Added grid selection control and error message to the update, delete and send for cancellation confirmation buttons on the IMS - Legal Permission and Document Identification page.

  • 39247 - Fixed the problem of not being able to enter a value in the "Action No" field on the filtering tab on the IMS - Legal Legislation - Action Report page and provided filtering by "Action No".

  • 39149 - Login page button errors fixed. (If the error persists, it is necessary to clear the cache and refresh the QDMS again.)

  • 39150 - Unable to plot for "X Axis = Action Type" on the IMS - Action - Reports - Time Dimension analysis menu. The corresponding bug has been corrected for this situation and the graph drawing problem has been eliminated.

  • 38736 - Contractor Work Permit Tracking - Contractor Personnel Pool - When it was desired to create a contractor personnel from the Contractor Personnel page, when the registration process was completed without adding documents, the notification "Contractor personnel approved" came up but was not listed in the grid. Fixed.

  • 39809 - SAT - BSAT - Definitions - On the Workplace Contract Definition page, there was an error on the oracle side in the listing query. Fixed.

  • 39755 - Parameter : 123 - When the product is selected as the action type, the list of workplaces linked to the product comes depending on the parameter Should the workplaces come by product? (Yes). When the product selection changes, the problem is fixed by clearing the workplace field and allowing the selection to be made again.

  • 39910 - Apart from the module authorization granted from the proxy definition page, the user could access frequently used pages, and even if the user did not have authorization in the document module, the document could be operated from the quick document search area. Fixed.

  • 39746 - Fixed the graphing error based on the "Y Axis = Budget" selection on the action time dimension analysis page.

  • 39924 - IMS - Document Operations - Reports - System Document Reference List page, when data was entered into the parametric fields defined in the Personnel Definition on the filter tab and the Search button was clicked, an error appeared on the screen. The problem has been fixed and the data is listed when the data is entered into the parametric fields on the Filter tab and the search button is clicked. The error was also tested in the SQL environment and no errors were encountered.

  • 39931 - IMS - Device Management System - Reports - Approval Status Report On the Filter tab on the page, fill in the Approval Start Date field to search. Then, when data was entered into the parametric fields defined in the Personnel Identification in the Filter tab and the Search button was clicked, an error appeared on the screen. When the problem is fixed, data is entered in the Approval Start Date field and parametric fields and the Search button is clicked, the data is listed in the grid.

  • 39848 - Fixed an issue where table-type fields were blank in the filter tab in the pop-up opened for product selection.

4.Mobile Updates


  • 38652 - On iOS and Android, when scanning the QR and navigating to the document, the document would give a QRCodeLogo.png error in the vision tab. Fixed.


  • 38652 - On iOS and Android, when scanning the QR and navigating to the document, the document would give a QRCodeLogo.png error in the vision tab. Fixed.

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version should be updated with the package.