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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features.


  • No Improvements.


3.1.Web Interface

  • 42950 - Fixed the issue by removing filtering with special character on lblQPARAM1 and lblQPARAM2 fields on the grid on the LBLQPARAM1 and lblQPARAM2 fields on the Device List page, although filtering with related fields does not return the correct result.

  • 45614 - Added timeout period for e-signature.

  • 45976 - Fixed an issue where adding or removing additional files during the control module finding copy operation was saved.

  • 46355 - Audit module 42. (Will there be a check on authority through the responsible groups?) resolved an issue where the audit plan page opens when the parameter value is Yes.

  • 46446 - DR7031-Issue addressed by detailing rejection for rejected Döf, Dms, and IMS, and forwarding a delay notification to the person who opened it in case of rejection.

  • 46543 - DR7058-Fixed the bug received during excel transfer template download on risk modules.

  • 46660 - DR7093-Fixed an issue where after completing a contact's inspection record, clicking the save and continue button could not redirect us to the contact list page.

  • 46662 - DR7096-EYS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - After the person to be examined is selected, the new button is pressed - The problem of clicking the save button more than once after the INTRODUCTION TO WORK EXAMINATION is selected and the person's inspection procedures are completed has been solved.

  • 46719 - DR7126-2nd in inspection module (Should the Department Officer be automatically assigned to the Inspected Unit Officer?) parameter and 67. (Select from users whose competency is marked on the Audits screen in the relevant management system?) When the parameter values are Yes, the error of not selecting lead auditor on the audit detail plan page has been resolved.

  • 46726 - DR7127-IMS - Recommendation - Reports - On the Recommendation Status page, if there is a recommendation that uses a formula in the scoring stage, the error of multiplexing this recommendation report has been fixed.

  • 46804 - DR7158-SAT - Document Operations - When attempting to change the document code on the Multiple Document Code Changer page, it would give an error in document codes after the record in the first line. Fixed.

  • 46865 - DR7162 - Site Detection Management - Site Inspection - When downloading with the report button on the Checklist page, there is a döf record on the corresponding audit that has not been closed. An error was coming in while downloading a report on this control. The bug has been fixed by correcting the related situation.

  • 47129 - DR7280-IMS -OHS Risk -Risk Assessment Form Identification->Unwanted fields on the grid on the details page have been removed.

  • 47130 - DR7292-FMEA Risk Assessment - Error received when selecting on the field defined "Process, Subject" on the Risk Assessment Form definition screen has been fixed.

  • 47707 - The values of parameters DR7487-126 (Should it be compulsory to use uppercase and lowercase letters in password control?) and 127 (Should it be compulsory to use special characters and numbers in password control?) gave an error in the use of Turkish characters in the password in cases of Yes or No. Fixed.

  • 47481 - Fixed the problem of clicking the save button multiple times on the EYS - On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection - Job Application Examination and Guest Patient Registration pages.

  • 47132 - DR7307-Document module provides correct display of parametric fields (List, Personnel, Query, Text, etc.).

  • 47495 - The scroll below on the LMS - Document Operations - Control Pending Document List and Document Usage List pages has been added to the grid as in other report pages.

  • 47828 - Fixed an issue where personnel type parametric fields were not shown before the document used with Word template was published.

4.Mobile Updates

  • 37442 - Android - IOS - Left Menu - Suggestion System - The error of selecting disabled selections in the Earnings Category on the suggestion definition page has been fixed.


  • No Android Updates


  • No iOS Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version should be updated with the package.