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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features


  • No Improvements.


3.1.Web Interface

  • 59966 - DR9363- When a document is suspended or activated in the Integrated Management System->Document Activities-> Document Suspension menu, the error of misspelling the transaction type information in the transaction type column in the Integrated Management System -> Document operations -> Reports -> Advanced Document monitoring report has been fixed.

  • 60081 - DR9384- System Infrastructure Definitions -> BSID -> Configuration Settings -> Transfers -> Customer Supplier transfer menu, the error that the city code field does not accept 10 characters during the transfer and the error that 10 characters of data cannot be entered in the city code field during the definition made from the System infrastructure Definitions-> BSID-> Definitions-> City definition menu has been corrected.

  • 60443 - DR9475-If a document in the 'Documents Awaiting Opinion' task is opened with the Opinion edit button in the Integrated Management System->Document management->Reports->Draft Document Report list and a new opinionator is added, the related task appears on the new opinionator screen, but the error of not being able to view the document on the task has been fixed.

  • 60621 - DR9495- System Infrastructure Definitions -> BSID->Definitions -> In the position definition menu, the error that the position code can be redefined with the lowercase or uppercase letter of a previously defined code has been fixed.

  • 62046 - DR9698- Left Menu -> System Infrastructure Definitions -> Risk -> Automatic Action -> New button, it is enabled to open an action in the desired status with the "Status to be opened" field.

  • 62158 - The error of not listing the open work order in the devices to be processed task has been corrected.

  • 62722 - DR9851- The error that the action list and action search tab names on the Integrated Management System - >Management Review -> Schedule Report page were not updated according to the application language has been fixed.

  • 63377 - My Pending Jobs - >When we add an additional document in the selected document in the Saved Documents, save and continue and enter the additional document, the error of assigning the wrong character to the Training Responsible field has been solved. The person who prepared and revised the document has been assigned.

  • 63048 - Integrated Management System-> Audit Activities -> Pending Audits The error of extra scroll on the page has been resolved.

  • 63056 - "Integrated Management System -> Audit Activities -> Audit Activities -> Pending Audits -> Audit Execution" page Improvement in an audit with questions to be answered on a single page in the Answers tab: The "Action, CAPA" fields are now automatically moved to the bottom at the default size of 150% on the laptop.

  • 63457 - When we want to suspend a document on the Integrated Management System - >Document Activities-> Document Suspension page, it has been ensured that the cancelled documents do not come to the list.

  • 56690 - DR9286- When an additional document is added to a document that is in draft status in the Stored Documents task, the issue where the reviser field appears empty when the document is opened by pressing the associated document button on the additional document tab after pressing the save continue button has been corrected.

  • 60082 - DR9395- When the External Customer Complaint module is selected as a module on the System infrastructure definitions-> BSID-> Configuration Settings-> Language settings page, the error that the lblHeader_FileUpload field among the fields appears in Turkish although it has a language equivalent has been fixed.

  • 62489 - DR9818- From the System Infrastructure Definitions module parameters, the error of not being able to send mail according to the number of delayed jobs if the parameter 52 'Delay Mails should be sent as a single mail' is yes has been corrected.

  • 60982 - DR9565- The error of not being able to log in with the SMS code sent after entering the username and password information on the login screen if the parameter value of 'How to use two- step verification on the web (S: SMS, M: Email)' parameter 212 from the System Infrastructure Definitions module parameters is S has been fixed.

4.Mobile Updates


  • No Android Updates


  • No IOS Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • The web version should be updated with package
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