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Product Name: QDMS Version Information:

1. Highlights / New Features

System Infrastructure Definitions Module

  • 43844 - Detailed information has been provided in the warning given when the ‘Department, Position and User Group’ used in the Process Owner, Process Responsible, Process Resources, Visio Import, Organisation Units, Process Organisation Units, Resources, Input Output fields in Ennsemble is desired to be deleted.
  • 49552-DR7920 - System Infrastructure Definitions- Bimser System Infrastructure Definitions -Configuration Settings-Constants screen ‘10-Group Rule List’ on the ‘NOT LIKE’ value has been added. The relevant selection is also seen in the combobox on the User Group Rule creation screen. It was ensured that users who do not pass the word not similar determined with this value are added to the relevant group after HR transfer.
  • 51117-DR8301 - System Infrastructure Definitions module parameters, if parameter 279 number 52 is ‘Yes’, the types to be sent as delay mail excel. 1: Delays, 2: Superiors, 3: Managers, 4: Supervisor from Role, 5: ‘Tasks to be completed today (If more than one, write separated by commas)’ parameter has been added. In order for the related parameter to work, parameter 52 must be ‘Yes’ first. In parameter 79, it has been ensured that it is sent as excel to the selected people.
  • 56354-DR9253 - In the process of removing authorisation by transferring from right to left on the Authorisation Groups Identification page, it has been ensured that all sub-menu authorisations connected to the menu selected as the upper breakdown are also removed by transferring to the left.
  • 66212-DR10484 - It has been ensured that languages other than the default language in the application of the Item Number Transfer template are added to the template during template download. When the template is uploaded to the system, if the language equivalents of the relevant article number description field are filled in the template, the language equivalents are also added to the application.
  • 74769-DR11659 - By working to support the xlsx extension for all xls extension templates in the application, the default report formats were found as xlsx.
  • 80941-DR12168 - It has been ensured that the user who is given the 'Resigned' status on the Personnel Definition page can be removed from the user groups he/she is affiliated with and his/her admin status can be removed from the modules he/she is an admin of. In addition, it has been ensured that only active modules and personnel can be listed/selected on the admin definition page.
  • 89859-DR12657 - System Infrastructure Definitions - Bimser System Infrastructure Definitions - Reports - Announcement Reading Report was added to the system. With this report, reporting of announcements read by users was provided. Filtering can be done on the report according to "Code, Publication Date, Reading Date, Personnel, Workplace, Title, Department and User Group"
  • 51117-DR8301 - "Types of delay mails to be sent as Excel if parameters 279 and 52 are 'Yes' in the System Infrastructure Definitions module. 1: Delays, 2: Superiors, 3: Managers, 4: Role Coming Supervisor, 5: Tasks to be Completed Today (If more than one, separate with a comma)" was added. In order for the relevant parameter to work, parameter 52 must first be 'Yes'. It was ensured that it will be sent as Excel to the selected people in parameter 79.
  • 120658-DR14571 - A check box "Send mail?" has been added to the new announcement creation page. When creating a new announcement, if the check box is checked, an email about the announcement is sent to the users who will receive the announcement. If the check box is not checked, no email is distributed to the users and the announcement is displayed as an informational text when they log in to the application.

Document Management Module

  • 39881-DR3796 - The ‘List of Documents in Other Languages’ report was created under the ‘Reports’ menu in order to see how many documents in other languages are in the system in the Document Management module. According to the current version of the document, the status of the documents of the language equivalents are listed on the grid as ‘present / absent’ and can be taken as a report.
  • 47652-DR7433 - Document Management parameters 84 ‘Should an annotation be entered when approving a document?’ and 85 ‘Is the approval description a mandatory field?’ are enabled to enter the approval description on the pop-up if the values of the parameters are ‘Yes’. It was ensured that the same situation occurs when digital signature and electronic signature are on.
  • 49025-DR7830 - In order to add the revision start date to the grid in the ‘Document Revision Request List’ report and display it in the report, the value of the ‘REVBASTAR’ column added to the ‘grdDocumanRevisionList’ grid via ‘System Infrastructure Definitions-Bimser System Infrastructure Definitions-Configuration Settings-Language Settings-Document Operations-Tables’ must be full. When this column is filled by the user, it was ensured that the revision start date information is displayed in the grid and brought to the report.
  • 50034-DR8050 - ‘Status’ field has been added to the filter tab on the folder definition page. Folders can be listed by selecting ‘Active’, ‘Inactive’ on the status field. The default value is ‘Active’, if it is selected empty, all records are listed. With the ‘Export to Excel’ button, it was enabled to get a report according to the selected value.
  • 50035-DR8062 - <URUNLER> short code is enabled to be used in the document and on the cover. If parameter 417 ‘Should the products be written underneath?’ is ‘No’, the products are listed side by side, if ‘Yes’, the products are not listed underneath. It has been ensured that the relevant shortcode is replece in publishing stages, printing and different visual formats.
  • 50538-DR8127 - Short codes <ON_KONTROL_BITIS_TARIHI>, <KONTROL_BITIS_TARIHI> were created to be used in the document summary list report.
  • 51053-DR7422 - In the language settings, the ‘GOZDEN_GECIRECEK’ column value was added to the ‘grdDocumentOzetRaporu’ table as empty. In case the value is full, depending on the parameter 5 ‘To whom should the document review mails be sent?’, the reviewer field in the Document Summary List has been enabled.
  • 51119-DR8130 - ‘Revision Status’ filter has been added to the Document Summary List report. When the value of the ‘Revision Status’ field is selected as ‘In Progress’, the documents whose revision has started but not completed are listed. When ‘Not In Progress’ is selected, documents that are not in revision status are listed.
  • 51318-DR8332 - In System Infrastructure Definitions-Bimser System Infrastructure Definitions-Configuration Settings-Language Settings menu, ‘lblDGorusVeren’, ‘lblDGorus’ and ‘lblDGorusDate’ labels have been added. The data belonging to these labels were brought to the document using the <GORUSLER> tag. In order to specify how the opinions given on the document will be displayed, parameter 416 ‘Opinions should be written underneath’ has been created.
  • 51326-DR8370 - In the Integrated Management System-Document Management-Reports-Document Summary List report, it was enabled to print document type information with <DOC_TYPE> tag.
  • 51694-DR8499 - <REFERANS_DOKUMANLAR_LINK> shortcode has been added in Document Management module. When this short code is used in the document, a link has been created to direct the reference documents to the document view page, if any. These links have been added as hyper links.
  • 52150-DR8622 - In order to change the order of the tabs on the pages such as Integrated Management System-Document Management-Document Preparation and Document Viewing, parameters number 418-‘Document Preparation Tabs Order’ and number 419-‘Document Viewing Tabs Order’ have been added. In the parameter value, the name of the tab on the relevant page should be written in the ‘Code’ section and the sequence number should be written in the ‘Value’ section.
  • 52158-DR8620 - Depending on the authorisations given in the folder; If the check box field ‘Authorisation, Distribution, Approval, Controlled Copy Matrix cannot be changed’ is checked, these tabs can be hidden during document preparation / revision and transfer to the system. For this, parameter 420 ‘Tabs marked not to be changed in the folder should not be displayed in preparation/revision’ has been added. If the parameter value is ‘Yes’, the tabs selected ‘not to be changed’ are not visible except for record maintenance..
  • 52970-DR8755 - A label with id ‘lblLinkOldRevision’ has been added under the Headings tab of Language Settings. Its value comes as empty. If this label value is full, a checkbox is opened on the link retrieval page. If the check box is selected, when the link retrieval or unauthorised link retrieval buttons are clicked, the ‘Select Revision’ page is opened with a pop-up and the revision selection is made. The link was also generated according to the selected revision no information.
  • 53009-DR8651 - In Document Management module, parameters 426 ‘Should the published version be shown in document preparation?’ and 425 ‘Should the approver be able to see the original document?’ have been added. If the value of parameter 426 is ‘No’, the ‘view published version’ button is hidden in the ‘new, control, pre-control, control, stored’ stages. If the value of parameter 425 is ‘No’, the button where the original document is downloaded is hidden in the ‘opinion, returning from opinion, pre-control, control, approval rejection, approval, control rejection, pre-control rejection’ stages.
  • 53088-DR8752 - The shortcut <ONAY_DURUMU_POZISYON> has been added to document and folder matrix reports. With this shortcode, the position information of the users in the approval matrix is printed.
  • 56094-DR7547 - Folder Matrix Report, ‘GOZGECPOZ’, and ‘GOZGECPERIYOT’ columns have been added under grdKlasorMatrixReport under tables in language settings in order to display the folder reviewer information and review period information. When the fields are full, the relevant columns come to the input of the report. These two columns have also been added to the report, it can be used as a tag.
  • 56528-DR9265 - A folder column has been added to the Advanced Document Tracking Report. In this column, the folder code kept for deleted documents was checked. If it is still available in the system, it was printed as ‘folder code-folder name’. If deleted in the folder, only ‘code’ information was printed. For undeleted records, this column was made available as ‘folder code-folder name’.
  • 59854-DR9331 - The rotate feature has been added for the viewer used in document viewing.
  • 60383-DR9470- Position code change, document code change, folder code change and device code change operations have been logged.
  • 60429-DR9471 - 424-The parameter ‘Should the document printing authorisation also be valid for old versions?’ has been added. If the parameter value is ‘Yes’, it has been ensured that printing and cover printing buttons can be used for users with printing authorisation other than module administrators in old revisions.
  • 61488-DR9627 - It has been ensured that no file name control is performed when adding files from any language field in the Document Record Maintenance menu and no warning is received.
  • 64966-DR10253 - ‘Send document attachment’ check box has been added to the Document Publishing and Revision Publishing e-mails in the Document Management module E-mail settings. If this check box is selected, if the document can be converted to pdf, the document file is sent as pdf, and the document file is sent as an attachment file in the mail. If the supplier / customer is also selected as a role, it has been ensured that the document related to these selections is sent as an attachment file in the mail.
  • 69657-DR11091 - In order to change the file extension of the document during the document revision process, parameter 415 ‘File extension can be changed during revision’ was added. If the parameter value is ‘Yes’, it is allowed to change the file extension of the revised document in the system. Depending on this parameter, if the name of the revised document to be uploaded is incorrect / different, it has been ensured that the extension name is not written as an error message, only the error related to the document name is displayed.
  • 70336-DR6488 - When custom mail is used in the Document Management module, it has been ensured that the approval order in the approval mails is displayed correctly on the mail.
  • 76438-DR11883 - On the Document Authorisations Edit page, it has been enabled to filter by adding the Preparer and Reviser fields as multiple selection in the filter tab.
  • 50538-DR8127 - Shortcodes <ON_KONTROL_BITIS_TARIHI>, <KONTROL_BITIS_TARIHI> were created to be used in the document summary list report.
  • 52150-DR8622 - The parameters ‘418-Document preparation tabs order’ and ‘419-Document viewing tabs order’ have been added in order to change the order of the tabs on the pages such as document preparation and viewing. In the parameter value, the name of the tab on the relevant page should be written in the ‘Code’ section and the sequence number should be written in the ‘Value’ section. Below are the name values of the tabs and the text of the tab for document preparation and viewing pages.
  • 69657-DR11091 - The parameter ‘415- File extension can be changed during revision’ was added in order to change the file extension of the document during the document revision process. If the parameter value is ‘Yes’, it is allowed to change the file extension of the revised document in the system. Depending on this parameter, if the name of the revised document to be uploaded is incorrect / different, the extension name is not written as an error message, only the error related to the document name is provided.
  • 70336-DR6488 - When custom mail is used in the Document Management module, it has been ensured that the approval order in approval mails is displayed correctly on the mail.

Name and text values of Document Preparation tabs; DOCUMENT_INFORMATION => Document Information REVISION_INFORMATION => Revision Information OTHER_INFORMATION => Other Information PARAMETRIC_FIELDS => Parametric Fields ADDITIONAL_DOCUMENTS => Additional Documents AUTHORIZATION_MATRIX => Authorization Matrix DISTRIBUTION_MATRIX => Distribution Matrix APPROVAL_MATRIX => Approval Matrix OPINION_MATRIX=> Opinion Matrix CONTROLLED_COPY => Controlled Copy PLACE_OF_USE => Place of Use PROCESSES => Processes AUDIT_QUESTIONSI => Audit Questions ADDITIONAL_FILES => Additional Files EDUCATION => Education PRODUCT => Product SURVEY => Survey MESSAGES => Messages NOT RELEVANT TO ME => Not Relevant to Me tabDocumentViewFormat => Document View Format HISTORY => History DOCUMENT => Document

Name and text values of display tabs; OPINION_MATRIX => Opinion Matrix CONTROLLED_COPY => Controlled Copy DOCUMENT_VIEWING => Document Viewing DOCUMENT_INFORMATION => Document Information ADDITIONAL_DOCUMENTS => Additional Documents PARAMETRIC_INFORMATION => Parametric Information REVISION_INFORMATION => Revision Information DISTRIBUTION_MATRIX => Distribution Matrix APPROVAL_MATRIX => Approval Matrix OPINION_MATRIX=> Opinion Matrix PLACE_OF_USE => Place of Use REFERENCE_DOCUMENTS => Reference Documents PROCESSES => Processes AUDIT_QUESTIONSI => Audit Questions ADDITIONAL_FILES => Additional Files REVISION_REQUEST => Revision Request PRODUCT => Product REVIEW_LIST => Review List TRAINING_PARTICIPANTS => Training Participants QUALITY_RECORDS => Quality Records MESSAGES => Messages HISTORY => History NOT RELEVANT TO ME => Not Relevant to Me

  • 97450-DR13212 - 123 ‘If there is an Undefined Code in the Authorisation Distribution Matrix during Document Preparation/Revision, allow to continue anyway’ parameter is selected as ‘Yes’, ‘Continue without ignoring the undefined code information’ check box has been added to the page in order to continue without ignoring the undefined codes received during the document preparation/revision phase.
  • 109202-DR14282 - For Document Management module, lblColourPrinting, ‘lblDublexPrinting’, ‘lblPaperSize’ labels have been added to the titles tab from language settings. When the controlled copy and print buttons are pressed, the relevant fields are displayed on the pop-up. When ‘lblPaperSize’ field is added, A3,A4,A5 format selection is enabled. ‘lblDublexPrinting’ consists of 2 options as yes/no. In case of yes, it is enabled to print back to front. ‘lblColourPrinting’ consists of 2 options as yes/no. When yes, coloured printout is printed, when no, colourless printout is printed
  • 109205-DR14345 - In the Document Management module, parameters 422 ‘Should the cover page also be printed in controlled printing?’ and 423 ‘Should the cover page also be printed in uncontrolled printing?’ have been added. In order to use the related feature, the value of parameter 117 ‘Display PrintDialog at first startup if printing is PDF’ must be ‘No’. If the value of parameters 422 and 423 is ‘Yes’, it is ensured that the cover page is also printed and downloaded in controlled and uncontrolled printing processes.
  • 109207-DR14344 - 239th message was added as empty for document module in language settings. When the value of this message is full, it has been ensured that the value of the message is given as a warning before logging during controlled or uncontrolled (if the popup parameter is yes in uncontrolled) printing. This message is also printed on the page where the additional files are sent to the printer in bulk. If show document exe is used in the Document Management module, when the print buttons are pressed, the warning message that the logs will be kept even if the printing is cancelled as written in the message content has been displayed. At this stage, the log will be kept and directed to show document exe
  • 114537-DR14278 - 428 ‘Get the processes of the document with sql function’ parameter has been added. When the parameter value is ‘No’, it is ensured that the results are obtained by sending a request to the ensemble, not with the sql function. It has been enabled to bring data in the form of the name (code) of the process tag in the cancellation approval times report, document summary list reports.
  • 97452-DR13214 - ‘Section, Subsection, Folder, Subfolder’ filters have been added to the filter tab in the ‘Document Revision Request List’ report under the Reports menu in the Document Management module.
  • 126659-DR15282 - In the Document Management module, it was enabled to print query type parametric fields to the Document Status Report using _ACK short codes.
  • 126800-DR15163 - In the Document Management module, it has been enabled to use the digital signature when the I read/understood button is pressed in the document reading task. For this; If the Folder Identification-Folder Settings-Read Confirmation field is selected as ‘Get Read Confirmation’, the ‘Use Digital Signature’ option has been added next to the field. If parameter 421 ‘Should digital signature be used in document read confirmation?’ is ‘Yes’ or if digital signature is selected after selecting ‘Get Read Confirmation’ in the folder, when the ‘I have read the document, I accept’ option is clicked, it is enabled to get read confirmation for the document reading task by entering the user password with the digital signature feature.
  • 129120-DR15422 - In the delay notification (notification) mails sent to supervisors and module managers in the document module, it was ensured that the document codes in the record code field come with a link.
  • 152694-DR16631 - When the rejected document task is delayed depending on the parameter 370 ‘Rejected Document waiting time (days)’; The problem that the delay of rejected documents does not appear in the Integrated Management System-Management Review-Delayed Tasks-Document Management menu has been corrected and the delay data is shown as ‘Stored Document Notification, Rejected Document Notification, Document Revision Request Notification, Document Preparation Request Notification, Quality Records Needing Approval, Rejected Quality Record Notification, Controlled Copy Delivery Task, Controlled Copy Collection Delivery Task, Review Postponement Records Requiring Approval, Rejected Quality Record Notification, Revision Requests Pending Approval, Documents Pending Review Conformity Approval, Documents Pending Review Routing Approval’ tasks.

Corrective and Preventive Actions Module

  • 50704-DR8254 - When adding a list item to a list type field in the language settings, Turkish characters cannot be used in the ID field.
  • 82470-DR12281 - In the CAPA module, parameter number 203 "Should the department manager with the nonconformity be appointed as the team leader?" was added. When this parameter value was selected as "Yes", the manager of the department with the nonconformity was appointed as the team leader.

Action Management Module

  • 45495-DR6765 - Action Percentage Definition page has been added as a multiple selection Action Source selection field. If one or more action sources are selected in the percentage, the percentage is displayed only in action items connected to selected action sources. If there is no action source selection in the percentage, percentages will continue to be displayed in all action items.
  • 49087-DR3374 - Action Routing Report has been added to the system, which includes columns for action code, description, action responsible, previous user of the action, new user of the action who will be directed, person directing the action, responsible department, routing note, routing date, action status and end dates of the action before and after routing, and lists the action items that have been directed.
  • 50029-DR1947 - <ILISKILI_DOKUMAN> tag was added to Action Items Details (Action Item Report). When the tag is in the report and the document is selected on the action, it is provided as Document code-Document name.
  • 50038-DR8059 - During action closure approval, the action can be delayed by the approver while the action is being rejected. The action end date can be viewed and changed by the approver on the Action Rejection screen. If the 'lblYENIBITISTARIHI' label added to the language settings is filled, a new date selection screen field is added between the End Date field and Rejection Reason fields while the closure approval rejection process is being performed. The relevant field can be made mandatory if desired. When this field is filled, the end date can be postponed by the action closure approver. If the date field is not filled in, the action end date is not changed and the system continues to work as it did before.
  • 52938-DR8707 - Tag support has been provided to bring the name and surname information of the persons who will do the periodic actions and who are selected as responsible for the periodic actions to the item detail report in the Action module. <P_YAPACAK> - Periodic Doer Registry <PERIYODIK_YAPACAK> - Periodic Name and Surname <P_SORUMLU> - Periodic Responsible Registry <PERIYODIK_SORUMLU> - Periodic Responsible Name and Surname
  • 59665-DR9293 - Action Management module added parameter number 163 "Action items rejected during closure approval should only be included in the Rejected Actions task?" When the parameter value is 'Yes', action items rejected during closure approval are not included in the Action List and Actions to be Performed Under Your Responsibility tasks, but are only listed in the Rejected Actions task.
  • 59873-DR9221 - Action Source Definition page added fields "Show indicator area in action plan?" and "Show indicator area in action item?" If the relevant fields are actively selected, indicator area is shown in main action planning/action item pages."Fields to be Mandatory in Action Plan" and "Fields to be Mandatory in Action Item" titles were added to the Action Source Definition page. "Fields to be Mandatory in Action Plan" is also added to the "To be Informed, The requirements of the "Workplace, Process, Management System and Related Documents" fields can be determined. In the "Fields That Will Be Mandatory in the Action Item", the mandatory fields of "To Be Informed, Workplace, Process, Management System, Article No, Select Document and Product" in the item can be determined.
  • 59942-DR9320 - Added parameter number 164 "Should module administrators be informed when users who will perform the work and are responsible for the work leave the job?" to the Action Management module. When the parameter value is 'Yes', if the users who will perform the work and are responsible for the action item leave the job, an information e-mail is sent to the module administrators about the person leaving the job. The information e-mail is sent by creating a message body with the code 'MSG.10.33'. The information e-mail covers all action items except for the "Closed" and "Canceled" statuses.
  • 68352-DR10809 - Added "Action Source" filter to the "Action List Awaiting Approval" report in the Action Management module.
  • 83946-DR12056 - System Infrastructure Definitions- Action- Action Performer menu was added to 'New System Entrant' field. After selecting the "New System Entrant" user, the action items whose system entrant information is desired to be changed are selected and the 'Change' button is clicked, and the selected action items are changed with the personnel selected in the 'New System Entrant' field as the system entrant user.
  • 115847-DR14509 - In the Action Management module, in the "Approval process cannot be started with a Passive User. Please transfer x approval authority" warning message, in addition to the name and surname information of the user to whom the approval transfer is to be made, the registry number of the approving person is also written in parentheses.
  • 124026-DR14918 - "Main Action Definition" has been added to tasks in my pending jobs for the Action Management module. In order for the "Main Action Definition" to be used in tasks; In the Language Settings-Action Management menu, the language equivalents of the "Description13" column must be entered for the "Action List Awaiting Opening Approval, Action List Awaiting Closing Approval, Actions to be Performed under Your Responsibility, Rejected Actions, Actions Awaiting Delay Approval and Actions Rejected by the Person Who Will Do the Work".

Customer Complaints Module

  • 49544-DR7923 - Integrated Management System-Customer Complaints-Complaint Transactions page has been provided with Workplace information on the grid. In order to display this information on the grid, the tr value must be entered in the “ISYERI_ADI” field in the grd_ms table in the language settings
  • 51837-DR6111 - System Infrastructure Definitions-Customer Complaints-Complaint Category Definition page has been added with "Varsayılan Ekip", "Varsayılan Ekip Lideri" fields. In order to use these fields, the “lblVarsayılanEkip”, “lblVarsayılanEkipLideri” fields in the Language settings must be filled in as text. Thus, the team leader and team selection process based on the Complaint Category has been enabled.
  • 52954-DR8737 - When fields added as parametric fields in the Customer Complaints module are used in custom mail, the MPARAM1_ACK tag has been enabled to work. Similarly, the <EKIP> tag has been enabled to work.
  • 56252-DR9117 - Event Evaluation Report has been added to Customer Complaints modules. Customer Complaints 204 numbered “Customer Complaint Event Evaluation Report Template File” parameter has been created. In the event evaluation report, <ETKINLIK_DEGERLENDIRENLER><ETKINLIK_DEGERLENDIRME_TARIHI> and <ETKINLIK_DEGERLENDIRME_SORU1> (score of the first question), and <ETKINLIK_DEGERLENDIRME_SORU2> have been made to display the scores of questions up to 20.
  • 64312-DR9746 - CAPA and Customer Complaints modules have been made sure that only the date is sent if the time in the custom mail is 00:00:0 for date type parametric fields.
  • 67927-DR10878 - "DOSYALAR_KAP" short code for additional files used in the "Closing" tab in the Customer Complaints module has been made to work in single reports.
  • 71106-DR11232 - GetMSDataTableWithParameters service has been added to Customer Complaints Web Service (MSWS). .In order to use this, risk matrix parameter number 103 must be yes. Here, a variable called msType has been added to specify whether it is internal or external. I or D must be sent to the variable. Querying according to parametric field has been made possible in the GetMSDataTableWithParameters method. GetDOFDataTableWithParameters service has been added to DOF Web Service (DOFWS). In order to use this, risk matrix parameter number 140 must be yes. Querying according to parametric fields has been enabled in the GetDOFDataTableWithParameters method.
  • 124129 DR15095 - The " Değerlendirme Tarihi " and " Değerlendiren " fields under the Evaluation title on the page opened with the record maintenance function in the External Customer Complaint module have been updated with record maintenance.The data updated with record maintenance is now displayed on the display screen and in the relevant reports in their current form.

Audit Activities Module

  • 50024-DR8067 - The tags SGIREN,SGIRISTARIHI,SONDEGISIKLIKYAPAN,SONDEGISIKLIKTARIHI have been added to the DENETIM_PLANI.xls report template. By clicking the "Export to Excel" button on the audit plans (DenetimPlanlari.aspx) page, the information about the audits that entered the system, the date they were entered into the system, the last change made and the last change date can be printed on the report.
  • 51132-DR8277 - A title has been added to the FINDING_SAYISI column in the grd_DenetimTarihcesi_Denetimler grid in the language settings. The number of findings can be displayed on the "Detailed History Information" report page and transferred to the report.
  • 51538-DR8445 - A copy feature has been added to the System Infrastructure Definitions-Audit Activities-Question List Definition screen. This feature has enabled the copying of question lists and related questions.
  • 51692-DR8477 - (*) sign was added in front of the question to show the mandatory questions on the audit execution screen. <SORU_ZORUNLU> tag was added to the detail plan and audit report.
  • 64632-DR10096 - A multi-select finding type field has been added to the System Infrastructure Definitions-Audit Activities-Audit Type Definition screen. This field is not mandatory. If the audit type is associated with the finding type, only the finding types associated with the audit type are provided during the audit execution phase, both through the question and the finding. This development has also been made for the mobile application.
  • 72051-DR11320 - On the audit findings report page, filtering with multiple selections has been enabled in the "Related Item Number", "Workplace", "Department", "Process", "Document" selections.
  • 74780-DR11593 - With the <DENETIM_KODU>, <DENETIM_TANIMI> value written to the "Action content format" parameter number 39 among the audit parameters, audit code and audit definition information was provided in the action definition and CAPA nonconformity detail.
  • 127931-DR15171 - In the Audit Planning module, if the parameter number 134 "Should action source be selected based on audit plan?" is yes, if the action source is selected in the audit plan, this action source is used in the actions created in the audits in the audit plan. If it is left blank or if parameter number 134 is no, the action source entered in parameter number 56 is used.

Training Management Module

  • 50028-DR8089 - In order to be able to report the person's senior position code, senior position definition and the person to whom the senior position is affiliated in the Personnel Based Participation Report, the short codes <UST_POZ_KODU> - Senior Position Code, <UST_POZ_TANIM>- Senior Position Definition, <UST_POZ_KISI> - Senior Position Person were created and used in the relevant report.
  • 51675-DR8346 - Education Planning-Reports-Education Based Summary Report has been converted into a template, and the parametric fields defined and used in the system for the Integrated Management System-Education Planning-Education Definition page have been replaced. The report templates to be used have been added as attachments, and must be loaded into the system from the System Infrastructure Definitions-Bimser System Infrastructure Definitions-Configuration Settings-Report Formats Editing menu before use, and the short codes that can be used are located in Sheet2.
  • 59848-DR9329 - In case of using custom mail in the training module, <EGITIM_SORUMLUSU> tag has been developed to replace the training responsible person on the custom mail.
  • 66260-DR10502 - In the Training Planning module, the passing score of the training should also be included in the "Staff Based Detailed Report". The passing score of the training was added to the column in front of the participant score.
  • 80945-DR12170 - The start and end times of the training detail were obtained from the “baslangicTarihi” and “bitisTarihi” parameters of the “EgitimDetayPlaniOlustur” method in the Training Module web service. If time information is sent within the relevant parameters, the start and end times of the training detail to be defined were created with the sent times.
  • 89390-DR12543 - The default value of the "Request Type" field on the "Training Request" page in the Training Planning module has been taken from the training request types field on the constants page.
  • 114610-DR14318 - Parameter number 95 “Can training be planned for personnel who are not employed?” has been added to the Training Planning module. If the parameter value is “Yes”, personnel who are not employed can be added as participants to the training. The “Add Personnel to Start Employment” button has been made visible on the “Select Personnel” screen opened with the “Add Participant” button on the Training Planning-Details-Participants page. With this button, new personnel can be registered on the “Job Application Examination-Add Personnel” screen.

Device Management System Module

  • 40526 - Dashboard operation was enabled within the scope of Device Management.
  • 49027-DR7611 - An option has been added to the device status definition page as ‘No Tasks in Pending Jobs’. If this option is checked, it has been ensured that no task is created by filtering in pending jobs queries for related devices.
  • 49993-DR8092 - Previous date selection was prevented in the future transaction date filter in the planned transactions report.
  • 61357-DR9607 - System Infrastructure Definitions - Bimser System Infrastructure Definitions - Configuration Settings - Transfers - Device Transfer menu, it has been ensured that the language equivalents of the device names can be transferred to the application with the template in bulk.
  • 76708-DR11797 - ‘Selection Blocked?’ option has been added on the Device Category Definition page. If this option is selected, it is ensured that this category cannot be selected during device identification, and a warning is given on the screen when it is desired to be selected.

Survey Operations Module

  • 73338-DR11581 - In the language settings, the GECERLILIK_TARIHI_BIT column has been added so that the grid column title will be empty. When a title is entered in this field, the end date of the surveys can now be displayed in the grid on the internal survey form preparation, external survey form preparation, and standard survey form preparation pages.

Suggestion System Module

  • 56417-DR9260 - On the My Suggestions, Suggestion Tracking, Suggestion Status Report and Suggestion Report pages, users who are not module admins are no longer able to view draft records added to the system by other people, but are only able to view their own drafts and receive reports.
  • 104763-DR13541 - Parameter number 170 "Do not reflect scores of unclosed suggestions in reports" has been added to the suggestion module. If this parameter value is "No", the scores of unclosed suggestions will be displayed in reports.

OHS Risk Assessment Module

  • 49006-DR7500 - When the parameter number 122 "Will the situation be used?" is active in the Risk Assessment module, the options "Activate All Details" and "Deactivate All Details" have been added to the main form. These options cannot be selected at the same time. If the "Deactivate All Details" option is activated, all detailed risks related to the main form will not be displayed on the detail form.
  • 49029-DR7726 - A multiple selection function has been added to the risk details page for module admins. With this feature, risk multiple deletion can only be done by module admins.
  • 50631-DR8228-Multiple selection "RDF Code", "RDFD Code" fields have been added to the filter area on the "Risk Comparison Graph" and "Risk Revision Comparison Graph" pages.
  • 51687-DR8478 - A multi-select product filter has been added to the selection page on the Document type field in the risk modules.
  • 66267-DR10466 - In the risk modules, an improvement was made to print the values of the "multi-selection tree list" and "tree query" type parametric fields together with their parents in the General Risk List, Resources, Risk Assessment Details, Risk Control Matrix pages. By using the <ALANX_ACK> tag, it was ensured that the field can be printed together with all its parents in the form of ">" in the report.
  • 71103-DR11268 - <ONAY_BASLANGIC_TARIHI> and <ONAY_BITIS_TARIHI> tags have been added to the custom mail for reminder mail in Risk Assessment modules.
  • 71188-DR11277 - In the OHS risk assessment module, the registration number in the opened/revised column on the risk details page has been changed depending on the parameter number 238 "Should the registration number be shown in the opened/revised column?"
  • 74774-DR11650 - Parameter number 241 "Show history in asset (resource) definition?" has been added to the Risk Assessment module. If the parameter value is "Yes", the history tab is displayed for the asset opened with the update button on the asset definition page and the changes in the parametric fields added to the asset definition page are displayed.
  • 74948-DR11682 - Parameter number 240 "Types of measures to be taken (Action: A, CAPA :D)" has been added to the Risk Assessment module. The default value of the parameter is A,D.
  • 75427-DR11655 - Parameter number 239 "Statuses for which source field will be used" has been added to the Risk Assessment module. When parameter number 22 "Should status be used?" is set to "Yes", source selection can be made for status codes written to parameter number 239. It has been ensured that source fields (source type, source group, source) are not displayed for statuses not defined in parameter number 239.
  • 80145-DR12093 - In the Risk Assessment module, the button icons were changed by selecting images for the buttons defined on the page opened with "Buttons" for "Risk Assessment Form Definition" and "Risk Assessment Details" on the function designer.
  • 83885-DR12366 - In the Risk Assessment module, if the button type is reject, the button in the approval note field is now displayed as reject.
  • 86720-DR12500 - The following corrections were made to the grid under the Risk Detail View-Approvers heading: The width of the columns in the same format was ensured to be the same (start date and approval date); The widths of the data in the Status-Approver-Status columns were adjusted to prevent the text in the row from being crowded; The width of the Description column was adjusted; The two empty columns at the end of the grid were removed.
  • 91567-DR12758 - CAPA and action were defined in the Precautions tab. The action was carried out and closed. CAPA was rejected by selecting cancel. It was confirmed that the risk form passed to the status written in parameter number 126.
  • 91878-DR12789 - In the Risk Assessment module, single selection type fields added from the Function Designer page are now displayed as multiple selections in the risk assessment details filter tab.
  • 91567-DR12758 - For a CAPA opened in the Precautions tab in the risk transactions in the Risk Assessment module, when the CAPA rejection is cancelled, it is now transferred to the status specified in parameter number 126 "The status the record will go to after the measures are completed".
  • 109198-DR14257 - In the risk modules, the option "Do not check the mandatory fields" has been added to the System Infrastructure Definitions-OHS Risk Assessment-Function Designer-Button Definition screen, which appears when the button type is empty. If this option is actively selected, the mandatory fields are not checked when saving the risk detail form.
  • 109199-DR14256 - The "Cancel Revision" option, which appears when the reject option is selected as the button type on the System Infrastructure Definitions - OHS Risk Assessment - Button Definition screen in the risk modules, has been made to work independently of the "Will Revision Be Used?" parameter numbered 80. If cancel revision is selected and the reject button is clicked, if the revision is used, the revision in the approval is deleted and the risk record returns to the previous revision number. If revision is not used and cancel revision is selected, the risk record is deleted.
  • 149053- DR16319 - In case the fields calculated with Excel or SQL formulas on the field definition page are used on the "Resource Group Definition, Resource Definition, Risk Assessment Form Definition, Risk Assessment Detail, Measure Definition, Control Definition" pages, these calculated fields are now able to work automatically with new record and update operations.

Incident Notification Module

  • 50109-DR8121 - Risk viewing pages have been provided with the Get link button so that users with risk viewing authority can view the risk record.

On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection Module

  • 40531 - Dashboard operation has been enabled within the scope of On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection module.
  • 49549-DR7881 - Check Date field was displayed as a separate option in the result tab of the examination screen.
  • 49551-DR7882 - Integrated Management System-Examination Tracking-Main Tab, it has been enabled to make a selection by double clicking on the disease in the pop-up for disease diagnosis.
  • 49548-DR7883 - It has been ensured that the facility codes used for workers and civil servants appear automatically when the name is entered while searching for the patient and prescription writing is made accordingly. For this, user groups that provide the distinction between civil servants and labourers should be created in the system. ‘68-Facility code role id’ parameter has been added. Role id is written to the parameter value. <DOCTOR_SICIL> and <HASTA_SICIL> tags are used in the role.
  • 51446-DR8392 - The description field of the drugs in the Examination Tracking prescription tab was enabled to be displayed on the prescription during the prescription printing phase.
  • 70343-DR11120 - ‘Important’ switch field has been added to the physical / psychological examination and tests tabs when performing an examination in the On-the-Job and Periodic examination module. When the ‘Important’ field is checked, the descriptions written about the physical / psychological examination and tests are displayed in red and bold on the “MuayeneOzgecmisGoruntule” page.
  • 47384-DR5139 - Quick Recipe function added. In order to use this feature; Quick Recipe named examination type must be defined. The ID information of the relevant examination type must be defined in the newly created parameter number 69 "Quick Recipe Examination Type ID". When the Quick Recipe menu is clicked, the relevant examination can be opened directly without selecting any examination type and personnel. A quick prescription is created by selecting the user. The relevant examination can be listed and displayed from the CV field.
  • 51683-DR8422 - When the "Include other personnel" field is checked on the filter tab of the entry examination completion page, it is now possible to list personnel who have left the job. In this way, when the personnel who left is found and opened with the "Change" button, the person's new record is selected from the registered personnel list and the examination records are transferred to the current record.
  • 67919-DR10874 - In the On-the-Job and Periodic Inspection module, it has been ensured that short date information is displayed in the date type fields on the EK-2 form, and time information is not displayed.

Board Meeting Module

  • 49026 -DR7804 - According to the participant ranking made in the ‘Participants’ tab in the meeting template, it was ensured that the participants in the ‘Meeting Report’ taken from the Integrated Management System - Board Meeting - Meetings page come in order.

Field Detection Management Module

  • 40533 - Dashboard operation was provided within the scope of Field Audit.

Internal Permit Tracking Module

  • 59713-DR9110 - Internal Work Permit module, the personnel who will do work added to the form under the "Personnel Who Can Work" menu can be displayed and their working hours can be set and updated.

Contractor Work Permit Tracking Module

  • 56311-DR9226 - In the Contractor Work Permit module, parameter number 45 "Personnel or equipment selection should be mandatory for all work types" has been added. If the parameter value is "Yes", personnel/equipment selection is mandatory according to all work types selected in the work permit form. If the parameter value is "No", the necessity check is not performed, but a warning is displayed as "There are work types with no established relationship. Do you want to continue?"
  • 141815-DR15963 - The Contractor Work Permit module has been added with the parameter numbered 46, “Do not wait for approval from the supplier for inappropriate personnel in the OHS approval”. The parameter works in relation to the parameter numbered 17, “Should Contractor Personnel Selection be made by the Contractor?”. If the parameter value is 'Yes', OHS approval can be given even if the personnel is not selected as 'Suitable' during the OHS Approval. If there is any personnel that is not 'Suitable' after the OHS approval is given, an information e-mail is sent to the supplier stating that the personnel is inappropriate.

Emergency Situations Module

  • 66269-DR10408 - The "Record Maintenance" feature has been developed for drill records with the status of "Completed" and "Approved" in the Integrated Management System-Emergency Plans-Drill tab. The Record Maintenance button is only visible to module admins. With the Record Maintenance feature, the fields "Drill Name, Emergency Type, Drill Location, Drill Date, Drill Time, Used Equipment, Drill Team, Drill Scenario" have been edited and saved. It has been ensured that the status of drills with record maintenance is not changed.

Personal Protective Equipment Module

  • 49930-DR8066 - In the management system column on the Personal Protective Equipment definition and Personal Protective Equipment viewing pages, the code and description of the management system are now displayed as SISTEM_KODU - ACIKLAMA
  • 70204-DR11124 - Two columns were added next to each Personal Protective Equipment in the Personal Protective Equipment Mandatory Report, "Is It Given?" and "Expiration Date". The "Expiration Date" information was printed on the report as "Last Control Date".

Internal Audit Module

  • 124876- DR15084- A delete button was added to the audit universe page and the delete button was made visible only to module administrators on the audit plans page. The process was carried out by giving a warning saying "All related audits will be deleted, do you approve?"

Change Management Module

  • 64954-DR10090 - The fields "Do Not Show Email Notification Description" (checkbox) and "Email Publishing Message" (textbox) have been added to the status definition page. When the "Do Not Show Email Notification Description" option is checked, the notification message is not shown in outgoing e-mail statuses. When the "Do Not Show Email Notification Description" option is not checked, if the "Email Publishing Message" field is full, the message written in the field is shown in risk transactions status changes.
  • 65936-DR10293 - "Show in Filter" check box has been added under "Show in Grid" check box on Function Designer page in Risk modules. "Show in Filter" check box has been made selected by default. This field has been listed on the filter screen for the fields it is selected.

Strategic Planning Module

  • 49564-DR7903 - In the Strategic Planning Summary Reports, the indicator description field has been provided with a description of the actual value of the last data entered for the relevant indicator on the ensemble data entry screen.

Card Declaration Module

  • 69996-DR11131 - In the Card Notification module, it has been enabled to display the name-surname information, approval date-time and the description information entered for approval under the title of ‘Users Approved for Opening’ on the display page.

2. Mobile Updates

Document Management Module

  • 44439-DR6513 - The parameter number 231 "Should the Approver select the person to return to on the Reject screen?" in the document parameters has been made available for use on mobile devices as well. The buttons "Reject - Send to Pre-Controller", "Reject - Send to Preparer/Reviser", "Reject - Send to Controller" have been added to the buttons of the document navigated from the Pending Tasks - Documents Awaiting Approval task. If the parameter number 76 "Should Pre-Control be Used in the Document?" in the document parameters is "No", the "Reject - Send to Pre-Controller" button does not appear.

3. Breaking Changes

  • The web version must be updated with the package.