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6. Form Data API

The Form Data API provides access and update to the data of eBA Forms without the need for database connections and queries. This section describes with examples of properties and methods used to access fields, tables, and lists of forms through the eBAForm object using the FormDataAPI.

6.1. eBAForm

The eBAForm object contains all the objects on the form. This allows changes to be made to objects.

6.1.1. Properties


Definition: The name information is the name of the form object that is dropped. Type: System.String Declaration: public string Form{ get; }


Definition: The id of the form object that is opened. Type: System.Integer Declaration: public int Id { get; }

• CreatorUserID

Definition: The id of the user who created the form. Type: System.String Declaration: public string CreatorUserID { get; set; }


Definition: The approval type information of the person who will approve the form. Type: eBAFormData.ApproverType Declaration: public eBAFormData.ApproverType Creator { get; set; }

• CreateDate

Definition: The creation date of the opened form. Type: System.DateTime Declaration: public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }

• DocumentId

Definition: It is the form id information created according to the format specified in the flow design. Type: System.String Declaration: public string DocumentId { get; set; }

• DocumentPath

Definition: It is the location path information of the document to which the opened form belongs. Type: System.String Declaration: public string DocumentPath { get; }

• DocumentVersion

Definition: It is the version information of the document to which the opened form belongs. Type: System.Integer Declaration: public int DocumentVersion { get; set; }

• Deleted

Definition: Information about whether the form that is opened is a deleted form. Type: System.Boolean Declaration: public bool Deleted { get; set; }

• OwnerDocumentId

Definition: The id information of the parent document assigned during the flow design. Type: System.Integer Declaration: public int OwnerDocumentId { get; set; }

• OwnerProcessId

Definition: It is the id information of the process to which the parent document assigned during the flow design belongs. Type: System.Integer Declaration: public int OwnerProcessId { get; set; }

• Process

Definition: The name of the process to which the opened form belongs. Type: System.String Declaration: public string Process { get; }

• UserId

Definition: The id of the user who created the form. Type: System.String Declaration: public string UserId { get; set; }

• Status

Definition: The current status of the document. Type: System.Integer Declaration: public int Status { get; set; }

• ReadOnly

Definition: Information about whether the form that is opened is read-only or not. Type: System.Boolean Declaration: public bool ReadOnly { get; set; }

• ProfileOwner

Definition: The path of the opened form in the document management system. Type: System.String Declaration: public string ProfileOwner { get; set; }

• Fields

Definition: A list of objects on a form. Type: eBAFormData.FormFieldCollection Declaration: public eBAFormData.FormFieldCollection Fields { get; }

Example: How to access fields eBAFormData.eBAForm form = new eBAFormData.eBAForm(71);

string firstName = form. Fields["txtFirstName"]. AsString; string lastName = form. Fields["txtLastName"]. AsString; DateTime birthday = form. Fields["txtBirthDay"]. AsDateTime; RadioButton int male = form. Fields["rbMale"]. AsInteger; The RadioButton will return 1 if it is selected, 0 if it is not

CheckBox int english = form. Fields["cbEnglish"]. AsInteger;

Example: How to modify fields eBAFormData.eBAForm form = new eBAFormData.eBAForm(71);

form. Fields["txtFirstName"]. AsString = "George Michael"; form. Fields["cbEnglish"]. AsInteger = 1;

We call the update method for the changes to take effect. form. Update();

• CheckLists

Definition: A list of objects of type checklist on a form. Type: eBAFormData.CheckListCollection Declaration: public eBAFormData.CheckListCollection CheckLists { get; }


Definition: A list of columns of objects on a form in the database. Type: eBAFormData.ColumnCollection Declaration: public eBAFormData.ColumnCollection Columns { get; }

• Details

Definition: A list of objects of the details type on a form. Type: eBAFormData.FormDetailsCollection Declaration: public eBAFormData.FormDetailsCollection Details { get; }

How to access a form in the details object, how to modify it? eBAFormData.eBAForm form = new eBAFormData.eBAForm(71); foreach(var row in dtlExperiences.Rows) { eBAForm modalForm = row. Form; string companyName = modalForm.Fields["txtCompanyName"]. AsString; modalForm.Fields["txtCompanyName"]. AsString = companyName + "_"; modalForm.Update(); }

How to delete a row from details object?

dtlExperiences.Rows[dtlExperiences.Rows.Count-1]. Form.Deleted = true; dtlExperiences.Rows[dtlExperiences.Rows.Count-1]. Form.Update(); dtlExperiences.Rows[dtlExperiences.Rows.Count-1]. Delete(); form. Update();

How to add a new row to the details object? WorkflowDocument doc = workflowManager.CreateDocument("Project1", "Form2"); if(doc != null) { eBAForm modalForm = new eBAForm(doc. DocumentId); modalForm.Fields["txtCompanyName"]. AsString = "Bimser"; modalForm.Fields["txtStartDate"]. AsDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1); modalForm.Fields["txtLeaveDate"]. AsDateTime = DateTime.Now; modalForm.Update(); dtlExperiences.Rows.Add(doc. DocumentId);
} Form.Update();

• DetailsGrid

Definition: A list of detail table-type objects on a form. Type: eBAFormData.FormDatailsGridCollection Declaration: public eBAFormData.FormDatailsGridCollection DetailsGrid { get; }

How to access and modify the data contained in the detail table object eBAFormData.eBAForm form = new eBAFormData.eBAForm(71);

FormDetailsGrid dtlEducation = frm. DetailsGrids["dtlEducation"]; foreach(var row in dtlEducation.Rows) { string level = row["listLevel"]. AsString; string schoolName = row["txtSchoolName"]. AsString; double grade = row["txtGrade"]. IsNull ? 0 : (double)row["txtGrade"]. Value; row["txtGrade"]. Value = grade + 1; } form. Update();

How to add a new row to the detail table or delete an existing row? eBAFormData.eBAForm form = new eBAFormData.eBAForm(71);

FormDetailsGrid dtlEducation = frm. DetailsGrids["dtlEducation"]; if(dtlEducation.Rows.Count == 0){ dtlEducation.Rows.Add(); } else { dtlEducation.Rows[dtlEducation.Rows.Count-1]. Delete(); } form. Update();

• Lists

Definition: A list of list-type objects on a form. Type: eBAFormData.FormListCollection Declaration: public eBAFormData.FormListCollection Lists { get; }

Accessing list objects and modifying data in the list object: foreach (var item in frm. Lists["listHobbies"]. Rows) { string h += item. Text + " " + item. Value + "-"; item. Text = item. Text + "x"; }

• Tables

Definition: A list of table-type objects on a form. Type: eBAFormData.FormTableCollection Declaration: public eBAFormData.FormTableCollection Tables { get; }

6.1.2. Methods

• eBAForm(int)

Description: Fetches the eBA form with the specified id. Parameters: id: Specifies the id of the form to be fetched. Return type: eBAForm

eBAFormData.eBAForm form = new eBAFormData.eBAForm(71);

• eBAForm(int, string, string)

Description: Returns the form with the specified parameters. Parameters: id: Specifies the id of the form to be fetched. process: Specifies the process to which the form to be brought belongs to. form: Specifies the type of form to be brought. Return type: eBAForm eBAFormData.eBAForm form = new eBAFormData.eBAForm(71, "Project1", "Form1");

• Update()

Definition: Used so that changes made to the form can take effect.

eBAFormData.eBAForm form = new eBAFormData.eBAForm(71); Operations on a form form. Update();