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1. In-House Writing

To enable users to create Internal Correspondence, in the EBYSmenu, under Internal Correspondence, click Letter Clicking on the Create menu opens an internal correspondence form. Entering data into the form shown on the screen A data entry form can be opened by clicking on a field such as Subject, Distribution, Security, etc.

In the window that opens, under the Subject tab, select the Subject and Standard File Plan of the document to be created information.

The subject information of the document is entered by filling in the information in the region marked 1.

On the Security tab, the confidentiality and priority of the document are determined.

To add Relevance to the document, click the Add Relevance (field 1) button under the Interests heading. In the window that opens, by pressing the Select Interest button registered in the system to select the interest registered in the system The documents appear in a new panel.

Documents that can be selected as Interest according to the selected date range are listed on the grid. Filtering by searching within documents in the Search zone can be realized. Selection by clicking on the article to be added from the listed articles Made.

After the selection of the interest document, the article to be shown interest on the document in the Interest Identification panel is being created. By clicking the OK button in the panel, the interest is added to the article. To be indicated as interest If the text is not defined in the system, manually remove the document information by unticking the option "Related document is registered in the system" entry can also be provided.

To add an attachment on the document, click the "Create Attachment" button on the Attachments tab.

In the Multiple Attachments Identification form, the type of document to insert is selected from the Type field. Listed in the field The options are "Electronic Document", "Physical Object" and "External Reference". Electronic Document as a Type When selected, if the file to be added is to be selected from the computer, click the "Add from My Computer" button, If it is to be added from Document Management, click the "Add from Document Management" button. Insertion It is necessary to press the OK button in the window to complete the operation.

To add a deployment, click the Add Send To button on the Deployments tab.

If you want to add a Volume distribution in the window that opens, in the field number 1, select the Unitoption. Marked. The location to be deployed is selected from the Unit Subunit fields (field 3), the selected If the unit is desired to be the addressee unit, the option "Let This Record Be the Business Partner to be Displayed in the Document" (2 numbered field). Is it as Requirement or Information of the type of distribution to be made to the selected volume will be selected from the "Deployment Type" field (field number 4).

If you want to add a distribution in the Person format window that opens, in the number 1 field, select Contactoption Marked. The person to be distributed is selected from the Contact field (field number 3), the selected person is the addressee If desired, the option "Let This Record Be the Business Partner to be Displayed in the Document" (field number 2) should be checked. Whether the type of distribution to be made to the selected person will occur as Requirement or Information "Distribution Type" (4 numbered field.

To add the body of the article; On the Body tab, the text is written by clicking on the marked area.

To add people to approve; Under the Approvers tab, click Approvers of the Document Click the Add button in the table.

In the window that opens; The signature type must be selected in the field marked with the number 1. Number 2 After selecting the signer from the field, click the OK button in the window.

If the "On Behalf of" option is selected in the Signature Type field, the window will open "Processed on Behalf of" and "Act on Behalf of By" information is required.

If the person to contact for detailed information about the document is different from the user who created the document, click the Information tab of the Add Detailed Information Contact button and the contact can be selected in the window that opens.

After making the selection, click the OK button in the window.

To preview the created text, tap the Preview Document (field number 1) button, previously To prepare the document by selecting and modifying a saved template, click Select Template (2 numbered field) button. If the prepared document is to be saved as a template, the Template Registration is performed by clicking the Save as (field number 3) button.

After the preparation of the document, the desired operation is to be performed by clicking on one of the marked fields Selected. To send the text for E-signature, click the Send to E-signature button, if you want it to be sent for handwritten signature The Send to Wet Signature button is clicked.

If tracking an outgoing conversation is desired, users can click Outgoing in the Internal Correspondence menu He can follow up from the reports under My Correspondence. According to the operation performed by the user, the relevant report By clicking on it, the detail report about the document can be examined. Likewise, from the My Incoming Correspondence menu As required, follow-up can also be made for incoming documents as information, etc.

In a letter sent by the user who created the text with the Send to e-Signature button, as a signer The selected person clicks the e-sign button to sign the article and the electronic signature process begins. Return If desired, click the Return button.

2.Creating External Writing

To enable users to create an External Correspondence, in the EBYSmenu, select the External Correspondence ''>''' He needs to click on the Create Text menu. To enter data into the form shown on the screen, Subject, Clicking on a field such as Distribution, Security, etc. opens the data entry panel.

In the window that opens, under the Subject tab, select the Subject and Standard File Plan of the document to be created information.

The subject information requested to be written to the document and the Standard File Plan (SDP) to be hosted, Subject tab, which is written through the filling in the information in the region marked.

On the Security tab, the confidentiality and priority of the document are determined.

To add Relevance to the document, click the Add Relevance (field 1) button under the Interests heading. In the window that opens, by pressing the Select Interest button registered in the system to select the interest registered in the system The documents will be displayed in a new window on the right.

Documents that can be selected as Interest according to the selected date range are listed on the grid. Filtering by searching within documents in the Search zone can be realized. Selection by clicking on the article to be added from the listed articles Made.

After selecting the document, the text on the document to be shown of interest in the Relevance Identification panel is being created. By clicking the OK button in the panel, the interest is added to the article. To be indicated as interest If the text is not defined in the system, manually remove the document information by unticking the option "Related document is registered in the system" entry can also be provided.

To add an attachment on the document, click the "Create Attachment" button on the Attachments tab.

The Type field selects the type of document to insert. The options to be listed in the field are "Electronic Document", They are "Physical Object" and "External Reference". When the type Electronic Document is selected, the file to be attached If it will be selected from the computer, it will be added to the "Add from My Computer" button, and if it will be added from Document Management, The "Add from Document Management" button is clicked. To complete the adding process, click It is necessary to press the OK button.

To add a deployment, click the Add Send To button on the Deployments tab.

If you want to add a distribution in the form of Institution in the window that opens, the Institution option in the field number 1 Marked. The place to be distributed is selected from the Institution field (field number 2), the addressee unit of the selected unit If it is desired to be , the option "Let This Record Be the Business Partner to be Displayed in the Document" should be checked. Deployment If the institution to be performed is not registered in the system, the red plus sign next to the institution field (number 3) field) can be added from the panel to be opened by pressing with the fara pointer. Writing the institution information in field 4 Then, the type of submission to this institution should be selected from the "Shipping*" field (field number 4). Requirement or Informational is selected from the "Deployment Type" field (field number 5).

If you want to add a deployment in the form of Person in the Deployment Definition window, in the marked field Person option is checked. Once the details of the person to be distributed have been filled in on the form, Submission* field must also select the Submission type. If the person is asked to be the addressee, click "To be Displayed in the Document" Let This Record Be the Addressee" option must be checked. Distribution to the selected person, Requirement or Information is selected from the "Deployment Type" field.

In the Deployment definition window, if you want to add a deployment as Legal Entity, in the marked field The option for Legal Entity is checked. The information of the legal entity to be distributed, after being filled in on the form then the Submission type must also be selected in the Submission*field.

If the legal entity to be selected is not listed, click on the Red plus sign on the form to select New A record can be added. In the window that opens, after entering the information of the legal entity to be added, click OK By pressing the (OK) button, the new record is added.

To add the body of the article; On the Body tab, the text is written by clicking on the marked area.

To add people to approve; Under the Approvers tab, click Approvers of the Document Click the Add button in the table.

In the window that opens; The signature type must be selected in the field marked with the number 1. Number 2 After selecting the signer from the field, click the OK button in the window

If the "On Behalf of" option is selected in the Signature Type field, the window will open "Processed on Behalf of" and "Act on Behalf of By" information is required.

If the person to contact for detailed information about the document is different from the person who created the document, click Detailed Information The person can be selected by clicking the Add Person button and selecting the person in the window that opens.

After making the selection, click the OK button in the window.

To preview the created text, tap the Preview Document (field number 1) button, previously To prepare the document by selecting and modifying a saved template, click Select Template (2 numbered field) button. If the prepared document is to be saved as a template, the Template Registration is performed by clicking the Save as (field number 3) button.

After the preparation of the document, the desired operation is to be performed by clicking on one of the marked fields Selected. To send the text for E-signature, click the Send to E-signature button, if you want it to be sent for handwritten signature The Send to Wet Signature button is clicked.

If an outgoing conversation is desired to be tracked, users can click Outgoing in the External Correspondencemenu He can follow up from the reports under My Correspondence. According to the operation performed by the user, the relevant report By clicking on it, the detail report about the document can be examined. Likewise, from the My Incoming Correspondence menu As required, follow-up can also be made for incoming documents as information, etc.

In a letter sent by the user who created the text with the Send to e-Signature button, as a signer The selected person clicks the e-sign button to sign the article and the electronic signature process begins. If it is requested to be returned, click the Return button.

3.Create Incoming Document Record

On the eBA Login page, under the EBYS menu, under the Incoming Document Record breakdown, click A new process is started by clicking on the Document Registration menu.

In Figure 53, the Way to Arrival is selected from field 1 and the Institution is selected from field number 2. In field number 3 The Institution Information from which the document came from and the Security information of the document are filled in the field number 4. This information Then, in the Document Information section in the field number 5, the information of the incoming document is entered.

A sample entry of the incoming document is indicated in Figures 55 and 56.

Deploy from the User to Approve Deployment * field in the Deployments section marked as the selection of the user to approve is performed.

If the deployment is to be made for more than one person, in the User Who Will Approve the Deployment field, click Direct Distribution is selected and the relevant units are added from the Distribution Groups area. After the unit selection is made, In the rows added to the table, the operation (Requirement, Information, Coordination) to be performed by each row should be selected. This as well as the Add Unit to Distribution, Add People to Distribution buttons at the top of the form can be added. Saving the persons/units added to the distribution line with the Save Distributions button to select the previously saved distribution list in subsequent processes. EYP Save button on the Ribbon Bar with Events and Deployments, KEP By manually uploading the files with the EYP extension to the system, the incoming document registration form is automatically is used to be filled in.

After the Incoming Document Form is filled out, click Submit in the field marked as Send the form button is clicked.

In the figure, click on the Approvals tab (field 1) and select the marked External Correspondence Incoming Document Remittance Form process. In the window that opens, the incoming documents are listed. Marked flow most recently sent incoming documents form. It is displayed by clicking on the corresponding form.

The Ship button is clicked to transfer an incoming document form pending user approval. Other actions that the user can take are "Required, Return, Create External Correspondence, Internal Correspondence Create" can be performed by clicking on the event buttons. • Required Done: It is used to indicate that the user has done the transactions related to the document. • Return: Used for the user to return the document. • Create External Correspondence: Click to create external correspondence over incoming documents. • Create Internal Correspondence: It is used to create an internal correspondence over incoming documents.

In the User Selection Form to be Remitted window that opens when the document is wanted to be shipped, you can directly distribution can be made by selecting the person or unit. Instead of selecting frequently used deployments over and over again Deployments can be saved with the Save button.

For transfers to be made to the person, by clicking on the Select User button (field number 1), Select the person to be transferred from the user list in the window and click the OK button in the window After pressing, the contact is added to the table on the remittance screen. Is it in the form of Requirement of Remittance or Information by selecting one of the options in the Requirement and Information columns (field 3 and 4) is being adjusted. To complete the transfer, click the OK button on the window.

For transfers to be made to the unit, select a unit by clicking the Add Unit button (field number 1) window opens. Selecting the unit to be sent (field 2) and pressing the OK button (3 numbered field) is added to the table on the remittance screen of the selected unit. Is it in the form of Requirement of Remittance or Information by selecting one of the options in the Requirement and Information columns (field 3 and 4) is being adjusted.

Click the OK button on the window to complete the transfer.

To keep track of incoming correspondence, under the External Correspondence menu, click My Incoming Correspondence menu. Click on the documents menu to be followed in the marked area. On the relevant form The incoming document registration form is displayed and the workflow history can be viewed.

3.1 Document Embezzlement Process

Document Embezzlement Process in the approvals of the person filling out the form with the submission of the incoming document process is started automatically, the initiated process is in the user's Approvals window Document Embezzlement Process Appears. The process is continued by clicking on the relevant flow.

When the flow is displayed, two user events, Ship and Deliver with Carrier exists. If the documents are to be delivered to the personnel in the institution, Submit is the eBA non-user If the documents will be moved with the personnel, the Send with Carrier event is clicked. Embezzlement Submission Form to select the user to whom the document will be delivered when clicking Submit Opens. First, select the Department to Be Delivered, and then select the User to Deliver and click the OK button.

In the flow history, with the Deliver event, it appears that the document is waiting for user approval. User When it views the paperwork, it has three events: Deliver it, Send with Carrier, and Pickup. If the user has received the document, he clicks on the Received event.

When the user clicks on the Received event, the flow is waiting for the process to be approved again. In the process pending approval, the user may hand over the document to other personnel with the Deliver Delivery, with the Carrier Submit eBA users who can transport paperwork through non-staff or with the Remove to File event add the document to the file plan and finish the flow.

Clicking on the Send with Carrier event opens the Carrier Embezzlement Form.

From the field marked with Figure 1, the user within the institution who will deliver the document is selected. From field number 2 After selecting the person who will carry the document, typing the password of the selected user in the field number 3, click the OK button is clicked. Note: You can review the Document Carrier and Password Identification section for carrier and carrier password definitions.

The document appears in the user's confirmation to be delivered after it has been sent.

If the user has checked out the document when viewing the form, they click the Checked Out event. After the Pickup confirmation, the user is sent the flow back to him. Submit User Documents may deliver to other staff with Shipment by Carrier, eBA non-user staff or add the document to the file plan with the Remove to File event.

Click the Remove to File button to add the received document to the file plan.

Pressing the Remove to File event will write the file information to which the document is attached The Location form opens.

In the Document Location Information form, in the Location field, the location of the document is in the Cabin / Cash register field which cabinet it is in and which folder it has been added to in the Folder field is selected and OK button is clicked.

As in the flow history, the embezzlement process is finished with the Removed File status.

3.1.1 Document Bearer and Password Identification

Document under System Parameters to be able to select the document carrier in the Document Embezzlement Process carriers need to be introduced to the system. In Figure 30, System Parameters/Embezzlement/Document The Carrier Identification menu is clicked. In the form that opens, the carriers added in the Document Carriers table Appears. The new document carrier user is selected by clicking the Add button. Record the actions taken Click the Save Changes button.

Define password for added carriers System Parameters / Embezzlement Operations / Carrier This is done under the Passwords menu. For carriers added to the system by clicking the Add button in the form that opens password is defined.

In the figure number 1, the user to define the password is selected. To be produced in the number 2 field After typing the number of passwords requested, click the Generate Password button.

Passwords generated into the Current Passwords table after pressing the Generate Password button is added, click the OK button to save the action done

Click the Cancel button to delete current passwords and define a new password. Revoked passwords Revoked Passwords and used passwords are listed in the Passwords Used table. Password used can not be used again