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Organization Maintenance

User, position, department and title definitions each have an activity status. When these definitions of users are active, they can be defined, used and played in many parts of the system as live data.

However, when any of these definitions are deactivated, it means that this record will no longer be actively active in the system. In this case, the inactivation of a previously active record that has been used in many parts of the system and is still in use will cause warnings to be received in the system that the record will no longer be available.

In such a case, in order not to receive "record passive" warnings, all processes in the system will have to be checked and individual arrangements will have to be made by looking for the record that was active in the past but is now inactive. Of course, this will be a process that takes a long time and is far from executable.

In such a scenario, the Organization Maintenance area is used to prevent errors by identifying from a single place.

The way the field of organization maintenance works is generally to identify the id of the newly arrived active record rather than the id of the inactive information. Thus, if the system encounters a passive record during its operation, it checks this area before issuing the "record passive" warning and continues its operations on it if there is a new active record defined in the passive record. By defining from a single place, it is ensured that the operation continues without falling into error.

This field is accessed in the interface from the "Organization Maintenance" field under the "Human Resources" section. Organization maintenance, as subheadings;


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Organization Maintenance


Best Practice

  • In order to avoid errors in the processes, the system administrator should perform maintenance of the inactive record