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2.2 Document Archive menu and 2.3 Data View menu

#2.2 Document Archive menu and 2.3 Data View menu

2.2 Document Archive Menu

If only the form screen of the processes is desired to be displayed from the archive, Document Archive is used. The document archive menu is used to create a report of the processes and to view, modify and search the form.

The process of creating a document archive has the same steps as the archive, unlike the ID field, which is that it must be a global document number, i.e. a form ID number. The global document number can be fetched from the ID field in the DOCUMENTS table or from the Form ID field in another database table. In Figure 40, the Form ID value, the ID value, returned as a column in the query created for the archive in field 2, is selected.

The Document View field is the view with which the document will be displayed. Text is a field. It takes three different types of values;

Static : The view can be set with a fixed view. Not Assigned : The View value is entered from the menu manager. Bound : The view value is retrieved from a field of text type returned from the query. Depending on the returned data, the display of the document can be changed.

2.3 Data View Menu

It is used to view the report of the processes. The process of creating a document archive has the same steps as the archive, and unlike viewing the form and making changes to the form.