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9. Holiday Manager Menu

It is the menu used to define special or public holidays in the system.

On this screen, a new holiday definition can be added, an existing record can be deleted or edited. When the Add New button is clicked, the screen where the holiday information will be entered opens.

 Holiday Type: In this field, it is selected whether the holiday definition is general or specific.

When the Private option is selected, the user selection field will be visible from which user this custom permission is defined.  Holiday Start: The holiday start date is selected  Work Start: The start date of the work is selected. This information is entered and then the tatik record is added to the system by pressing the Save button.

Note: To make the Holiday Manager banner visible in System Manager; From the Authentication Manager section, the "managerHolidayManagement" privilege under the "System Manager" privileges should be added to the Admin role definition under the Roles heading. After this privilege is added, the Holiday Manager banner will be visible when System Manager is closed and reopened with the Admin user.