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1.4 SAP Connection Creation

#1.4 SAP Link Creation

After selecting SAP Connection to create SAP connection, in Figure 22, the connection name is typed in field 1, description is typed in field 2, and then click the Next button.

After selecting SAP Connection to create SAP connection, in Figure 22, the connection name is typed in field 1, description is typed in field 2, and then click the Next button.

1.4.1 SAP Query Creation

To add a query for the SAP connection, in Figure 24, after selecting the SAP connection, click on the New Query icon in field 2. The query name is written in the Query Name field, the name of the SAP function in the Function field, and the parameters are written in the Export Parameters field if the parameter is to be sent to the query. Click the Select button to select the table name to return from the function.

In Figure 25, the Execute button is clicked after typing an example parameter value in the Parameter field to execute the function. After selecting the relevant table from the Table area, click the OK button.

In Figure 26, click the Save and Compile button to save and run the query.