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8. Scheduled Task Menu

In the system, the area where automatic process triggering can be scheduled is the Schedule Task area. The Scheduled Task menu is used to define a new scheduled job, to edit existing planned jobs.

In Figure 68, the Scheduled Task menu is clicked. In this menu, new jobs can be defined, existing jobs can be edited, or jobs can be deleted. With the Add New button, the new scheduled task is added.

 Description: The description of the task to be added is written.  Task Type: The type of record is determined. A flow can be started with the "ProcessStart" option in this field, or a flow started with the "ProcessContinue" option can be resumed from the specified step. If Stream initiation is selected, as in the image above, the name of the stream and the fixed parameters to be sent to the stream from outside can be entered. If the flow continuation option is selected, the screen will open where the process id, request id, flow object and parameters can be entered.  Schedule Type: It can be ensured that the defined work is run in one-time, daily, weekly, monthly periods. The properties of these periods can be edited in the Repeat Parameter section.  Enable: If this option is checked, the task is active. If you want to be made inactive, the option is unchecked.  Start Date: It is the area where the start date of the flood is determined.  Expire Date: If the defined task is to be canceled after a certain period of time, the expire date and time are specified in this field. If the task is not intended to expire, the Never option remains selected.  Process Name: Whichever process is being created for the task, the process name is written in this field.  Process Parameters: In this field, the parameter values to be sent to the process to be started or resumed are written. Here the parameter name is written in the Name field and the parameter value is written in the Value field. The parameter name typed in the Name field must match the name of the variable object added to the flow portion of the relevant process.

Figure 70 lists the tasks that were added in field 1. Field number 2; Click Add New to add a new task, Delete to delete the selected task, Edit to make changes to the task, and Delete All Passive Flows to delete all passive tasks. Each time the Schedule Task service is triggered in the system, the task is run with the given parameters by checking the start date and time of the task defined in this field.