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6. Organization Management Menu

From the Organization Management menu, users, positions, titles and departments used in eBA workflows can be viewed and edits can be made.
In Figure 47, the Organization Manager menu is clicked. Under the Users menu, you can view, add new users, and edit eBA users.

Field 2 will be visible if multiple company definitions exist in the system. Company selection is made from this area. If All is selected, all users are listed. The desired users can be searched by filtering from the fields in section 3. Click the Add New User button to add a new user. To make changes to the listed users, clicking on the relevant personnel opens the user properties window.

Figure 48 displays the user's information in the user properties window. After the change is made to the information to be changed, click the OK button to save it. You can view, add, and edit positions from the Position menu, titles from the Professions menu, departments from the Department menu in the same way.

6.1 User Groups

Users with the same feature can be easily managed by grouping them under a group. To include the user in a group, in Figure 49, click the User Groups menu. The company is selected from field number 2. Filtering can be done within the existing groups in section 3. Click the Add New Group button to add a new group.

In the window that opens, the properties of the group are defined in field number 1. The Select Users button is clicked to add the user to the group.

In Figure 51, after the user selection is made, the OK button is clicked.

Figure 52 shows the added group. To delete a group, click the Delete button next to that group. The user groups defined in this field can be used to reduce bulk approval to the people in that group during the workflow process steps, or to include multiple people in the same authorization groups when authorization is to be made in the system, and so on.

6.2 Property Definitions Menu

Optional new features can be added beyond the standard values of users, positions, titles, and departments in the organizational structure. These features make it easier to store organization-specific data.
The Properties menu defines the properties to be added. The features described herein are; user, department, title, position, and user groups can be selected as properties.

In Figure 53, the Properties menu opens. If there is no ExternalUsername in the Property Definitions, click the button in the field number 2.

In Figure 55, the User Properties menu opens. The Add New Feature button is clicked.

In Figure 56, in the window that opens, click on ExternalUsername from the Property Definitions list. This property is thus what the User Properties are added to.

Similarly, a position property defined in the Properties area is assigned as a position property by selecting it from the Property values listed by clicking the Position Properties field and clicking Add New Property. Property definitions for title, department, and user group are first made from the Properties area, and are selected from the list by saying Add New Property under the relevant heading.

6.3 Manager Keys Menu

If users in the organization have administrators belonging to different administrator profiles, all these administrator profile definitions are kept under this heading. In the event that no amir key is defined in the system, there is a default "default" amir definition. A person's default supervisor may be someone else, his technical supervisor may be someone else, and his or her operational supervisor may be someone else. If such a staff member has a supervisor definition in more than one profile, these supervisor profiles are defined under this heading as Manager Key.

These defined amir keys are listed as amir keys when assigning supervisor to user definitions in the Users menu, and a user in the system can be selected for each amir key.

6.4 Organization Maintenance Menu

The status of a staff member leaving a job, a closed department, a position that will no longer be used, or title definition records are taken from active to passive in the system. However, when a record that is previously active and used anywhere in the system, for example, defined in a workflow in progress, is taken to the passive, the system gives an error as "the record desired to be used is inactive" and stops the process. In such a case, the Organization Maintenance menu is used to avoid receiving errors and to define an active record in the system instead of the inactive record.

In Figure 57, the menu to change in field 1 is clicked. Company selection is made from field number 2. If there are any records of changes previously made in field number 4, they are listed. From field number 3, this list is searched. To add a new user change; In the ID field, the old user ID is written. Users can be selected by clicking on the icon next to the ID field. In the New ID field, the ID information of the new user is typed and the Add button is clicked. Thus, even if the inactive user is used in workflows, the system automatically drops the flow request to the new user defined in this field instead of giving an error when it reaches that step. In the same way, for departments, titles and positions that fall into inactivity, definitions can be added by writing the ID value of the inactive record in the ID section and the ID of the active record that will look at the location of that record in the New ID section.

6.5 Companies Menu

If there are multiple company definitions in the organization, in Figure 58, the Companies menu is clicked to add a new company. After clicking the Add New Company button, the company code is written in the Code field and the company name is written in the Description field. If the company information is to be transferred from external HR applications, the OK button is clicked after selecting the Transfer status as Active or Passive if it is not selected.

Note: The Companies and Company Admins headings appear if the organization has a multi-company structure. To activate the multi-company structure, open .exe eBAConfigurationEditor, point to the Advance tab and click on the HumanResources node. In the panel that opens on the side, the value of the key "MultiCompany" is set to true and the config is saved from the File field. The Companies and Company Admins headings will then be visible in System Manager. If there is no key named "MultiCompany" in the relevant section, you can add it manually and assign its value.

6.6 Company Admins

In Figure 59, the Company Admins menu is clicked to add the company administrators. Company selection is made from field number 2. By clicking the Select Users button, the administrators of the selected company are selected. The user who is defined as a company administrator will be able to manage the organizational structure of the company in which he or she is defined.

6.7 DM Permissions

In this field, User-based and DM-based authorizations given in the Document Management system can be listed. While the "User DM Permissions" option is selected in this field, when a user is selected from the User field and the "Set Filter" button is pressed, the permissions of that user on the folders and libraries in the DM are listed and this list can be exported to Excel with the "Export to Excel" button.

When the "DM User Permissions" option is selected in this field, the Document Management structure appears on the screen. In this structure, the information about who has what permission on a selected library or folder can be listed by pressing the "Show Permission List" button and this list can be exported to Excel with the "Export to Excel" button.