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3. Project Manager Menu

From the Project Manager menu, it is possible to list all the process projects in the eBA system, view the details of the project and delete unnecessary projects from the system.

In Figure 41, the Project Manager menu is clicked. In field 2, the processes that exist in the system are listed. To delete the created process from the system, after selecting the relevant process, Delete clicks the Properties button to open the properties window of the relevant process.

The Project Properties window contains information about the project. Some of this information is subject to change.

 Process Name: The project name.  Process Caption: The project title.  Process Creator: Specifies which user created the project.  Creation Date: The date the project was created.  Version: The number of the latest version of the project.  Type: Specifies the project type. Project types; Standard: A workflow process and a project type that has one or more forms. Workflow: A project type that hosts only one workflow process. Form: A project type that hosts one or more forms.  Flow: If it is a project with a workflow, the name of the workflow is specified.  Fast Approve: Indicates whether the quick approve feature is on or off. Quick approval allows operations such as direct approval or rejection without opening the workflow request, which is used on web screens.  Project Path: Specifies the path of the project file in the system.  Status: Indicates whether the project is available for use. If the project is intended to be deactivated, this option is removed.

 Show Flow Graph: Indicates the display of the workflow's graph in the section where the process workflow request is shown on the eBA web screen. If selected, the chart is visible to users.

 Show Flow View: Activated option to show flow states as bubbles in the web interface.

 Show In Web Approvals: Approvals of projects with this feature marked will be viewable by clicking on the approvals field in the web interface. Approvals for projects that do not have this feature selected are not shown in the check box.

 Delegable: It is the part of the project where it is set whether or not it can be assigned to a person by proxy.

 Show Messages: It is the feature in the web interface where it is set whether the message tab appears for this process or not.

 Role Type / Id: If the Delegable field is checked, it is selected from this field which people can receive the power of attorney.

 Project Color: When a color is selected from this area to the project, the box of approvals for the relevant project on the approvals page in the web interface will be colored with the color selected here.

 Project Ikon: It is the field where the selection is made to specify the icon for the project.

 Show Parent History: When this feature is enabled in substream projects, when the flow history of a process belonging to the substream is displayed in the web interface, the flow history steps of both the substream and the main flow that triggered the substream are displayed. While this feature is passive in a substream project, only the flow history steps of the substream are shown in the flow history of the substream.

 Description : If you want to enter the description text into the project, it can be written in this field.

 Allow Multiple Approve If Event Has a Reason: Multiple pending records can be selected on the Approvals screen and advanced with an event. By default, if the Reason field is active in this event, bulk action is not allowed. If you want to take multiple actions for events with an active reason area, this feature is activated.

 Allow Multiple Approve If Event Has an Event Form: This feature is activated if you want to take multiple actions for events with the event form option active.