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2.1 Process Archive Menu

#2.1 Process Archive Menu

If both flow and form screens of workflow processes are desired to be shown in the archive structure, Process Archive is created. To create a new process archive, click on the menu in field 1 and then click the Add New button.

In Figure 28, on the General tab, type the archive name in field 2 and the title to be displayed in the report in field 3. The Multilanguage Caption field lists all the languages defined on the system. The equivalents of the archive title text in other languages can be entered in this field and the archive title can be seen with multi-language support.

In Figure 29, the query created for the process archive is selected on the Integration Query tab.

Figure 30 contains a sample process archive query. You can organize the query according to its own process.
In the field number 2, the fields desired to be displayed in the report of the process, and in the field number 3, the form name is written. If the parameter is to be added to the query, it is added after the where statement as in the field number 4. How to add parameters to a query is described in 1.1.3 Adding a Query Parameter.

Figure 31 identifies the fields to display in the report on the Visible Colums tab. The icon in field 2 is used to add a new field, the icon in field 3 is used to exclude the selected field from the report, and the icons in field 4 and 5 are used to determine the order of the fields.

In Figure 32, after clicking the button to add a field, the OK button is clicked after selecting the desired field to be displayed in the window that opens.

In Figure 33, if the start and end date is present in the query prepared on the Date Filtering tab, the option in field 2 is checked. In the Start Date and Finish Date lists, one of the parameters existing in the query is selected. The types of parameters must be dates. The default values for these two dates can be given here. Date defaults can be Relative and Static.

If the default value type Relative is selected, it can be returned as many times as desired before or after today's date or day in months, days, years.

If the default value type Static is selected, a specific date must be selected from the calendar.

Note: The start date must be set to be a date earlier than the end date. In addition, if the archive list is initially wanted to be full and date filtering is used, default values should be given for these two dates.

Figure 34 shows the parameters of the selected query on the Query Parameters tab. Default values can be entered for these parameters. To give a default value, use the Default Value option is checked. The appropriate default value is entered for the parameter type. If a default value is entered, it can be specified whether the parameter appears or not. The default value is always used for invisible parameters. The default value can be a text information or one of the properties of the user's position information in the system. The default values provided by the system are listed by clicking on field number 3. The desired feature is selected from the screen that comes up;

  • LogonUser.ID : User code

  • LogonUser.Firstname : User's name

  • LogonUser.LastName : User's last name

  • LogonUser.Email : User's e-mail address

  • LogonUser.Status : User activity status (1 : Active, 0 : Passive)

  • LogonUser.Type : User type (0: Normal, 1:Custom, 2:System)

  • LogonUser.ImportStatus : Transfer status (0:Not transferred, 1:Transferred)

  • LogonUser.Birthdate : The user's date of birth.

  • LogonUser.EmployementStart : The date the user started working.

  • LogonUser.EmployementEnd : The date the user left the job.

  • LogonUser.Category : User's category (0:Blue collar, 1:White collar).

  • LogonUser.Sex : The gender of the user (0:Female, 1:Male).

  • LogonUser.ManagerUser.default : The position code of the user manager. For different administrator profiles, default is replaced with the corresponding profile name.

  • LogonUser.Department.ID : The department code of the user.

  • LogonUser.Department.Description : The name of the user's business unit.

  • LogonUser.Department.ManagerDepartmentID : The code of the executive department of the user's department.

  • LogonUser.Department.ManagerPositionID : The position code of the manager of the user's department.

  • LogonUser.Department.Status : The status of the user's business unit (1 : Active, 0 : Passive)

  • LogonUser.Department.Type : The type of the user's department (0: Normal, 1:Custom, 2:System)

  • LogonUser.Department.ImportStatus : The transfer status of the user's department (0:Not transferred, 1:Transferred)

  • LogonUser.Profession.ID : The user's title code.

  • LogonUser.Profession.Description : The user's title name.

  • LogonUser.Profession.Status : The status of the user's title (1 : Active, 0 : Passive)

  • LogonUser.Profession.Type : The type of the user's title (0: Normal, 1:Custom, 2:System)

  • LogonUser.Profession.ImportStatus : Transfer status of the user's title (0:Not transferred, 1:Transferred)

  • LogonUser. Groups. [GroupName] : If the user is not "1" in the group named "GroupName", it returns "0".

  • LogonUser.Custom. [PropertyName] : Returns the value of a property named PropertyName from the user's subsequently defined Custom Property properties.

Note: If you want the archive list to be full at the beginning, default values should be given for all query parameters.

Note: It is possible to fetch only the information that the person has filled in by using the position information of the person in the system as the default information. For example, by comparing the POSITION field in the DOCUMENTS table to the ID value in LogonUser, it is possible to list only the documents that the person has filled out.

Figure 35 filters on the fields returned from the query on the Field Filtering tab. Click the add button to add the field to the list to be filtered. In the window that opens, after selecting the field, click the OK button.

The filtering type and default value can be entered for the selected field filters. The type of filtration varies according to the type of area. Types of filtering by fields ;

  • For text fields;

Text : Searches according to the typed text. If From Begining is selected, only records that begin with the searched text arrive. If Contains is selected, records containing the searched text arrive.

List: In this case, the incoming data is grouped in and a list is created. If Contains is selected and one of the elements in this list is selected, records with that element appear. If Not Contains is selected, records without the selected element appear.

  • For numerical areas;
equal = : Records that are equal to the number entered are received. 
not equal ```<``````>``` : Records that do not equal the number entered are received.
less than ```<```: Records that are less than the number entered are received.
less than or equal ```<```= : Records that are less than and equal to the number entered are received.
Grammar than ```>```: Records that are greater than the number entered are received.
gramer than or equal ```>```= : Records that are greater than and equal to the number entered are received.
between: Comes the records between the entered values.
  • For date fields;

Date fields are filtered between two dates. A default value can be entered for date fields. Date defaults can be Relative and Static. If the default value type Relative is selected, it can be returned as many times as desired before or after today's date or day in months, days, years. If the default value type Static is selected, a specific date must be selected from the calendar.

Note: The start date must be set to be a date earlier than the end date.

In Figure 37, the option in field 2 is checked on the Full-Text Search tab to activate the search process in the document attached to the form. The fields that are requested to be searched from the field number 3 are marked.

  • Page Size: The list can specify the number of records on each page. If you want the list to be full at the beginning, Fill On Start must be selected. If the list is initially full, default values must be entered for the parameters on the Date Filtering and Query Parameters tab.

  • View Process As Request View : If the process to be opened from the archive is approved by the person who opened it, it opens this process as if it were opened from the confirmation screen on the web. In other words, the person who opens a form in his approval from the archive also sees the action buttons on the form and can take action.

  • If Not Available View As Process: Used to view the form without receiving an error when the "View Process As Request View" option cannot be provided.

  • Use Workflow Permission: If the feature is activated, it means that the person who opens the process from the archive will view the form with the privileges in the flow if he is in the flow.

  • ID : The process number (PROCESSID) column returned in the query is selected in this field. This field corresponds to a process number in the system. This field is usually the ID field in the LIVEFLOWS table or another database table field that returns the process number.

The selection field next to the ID selection is only used in Process Archive and is for RequestID selection. Not necessarily.

  • Open From Path : If you want to open the forms with the path information instead of the ID information, this field is activated and the column containing the path value is selected from the Path list, which returns from the query selected for the archive and contains the path value.

  • Status Icon: The status value of the process. It is one of the fields in the query. Text is a field, and a status icon appears in the list based on that field. This field information is available in the FLOWSTATUSES table. Optional to use.

  • Viewable: Specifies whether to display processes. There are four different types of display authorization:

True : All processes in the list can be displayed. False : The processes in the list cannot be displayed. Note Assigned : The display of the processes in the list will be specified in the menu manager. Bound: The display of processes in the list depends on one of the fields in the query. When a field is selected, a comparison is created with the appropriate operator. Only records for which this comparison is correct can be displayed. Others cannot be viewed. The value to be compared in this comparison may be one of the position information of the person in the system.

Note: With the Bound feature, it is possible to allow the person to view only the processes he / she has created. One of the fields returned from the query must have process creator information, and this field must be selected as a viewable and bound field, and Equal must be selected in the comparison and ID must be selected under LogonUser in the Value section.

  • Editable: It is the authorization to update the documents in the processes. Viewable can be set as the authorization.

  • Deletable: It is the deletion authority in processes. Viewable can be set as the authorization.

  • The area where the Show Event Buttons option is located is only used in Process Archive. It provides fast approve feature to the processes. It allows the relevant processes to perform the validation process as in the confirmations page by connecting their events to a second query that will fetch the Process and Request id information.

In Figure 39, the option in field 2 is checked on the Export tab to activate the Export to Excel button.