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4. Flow Manager Menu

In the Flow Management menu, it is possible to list the workflows created, review the details of the listed workflows and make changes to the workflow.

In Figure 43, the Flow Manager menu is clicked. The desired flows are listed by filtering from the fields in section 2.

In Figure 44, the Filter key is pressed after typing the flow number in the Process ID field to bring up the process whose flow number is known. Double-clicking the incoming stream displays the flow. The Properties tab displays the properties for the feed.

Figure 45 displays the step in which the flow is and the flow chart on the Steps tab. If you want to withdraw the flow to any step, click on the Rollback to step icon in field 3 after selecting the corresponding step. Note: There are two reasons why the Rollback button may not appear active even though the step from the flow steps that the flow is intended to undo has been selected. First, the flow reversal action may not be activated in the system. Secondly, the flow that is intended to be undone may be a finished flow. 1) To activate the flow reversal action in the system; The eBAConfigurationEditor opens .exe the Advance tab. Here the Rollback node under the Workflow node is clicked. If the value of the "Enable" key is false in the adjacent parameters, true is written and the change is saved under the File section.

2) If the Rollback feature is active in the system but the Rollback button does not appear to be active because the flow to be undone is a finished flow, the eBAConfigurationEditor is opened again .exe and the Advance tab is reached. Here the Rollback node under the Workflow node is clicked. In the following parameters, the value of the "PeriodForFinishedWorkflows" key is arranged again on a daily basis according to how many days ago the flow to be retrieved is a finished flow and the change is saved under the File section. If the Enable and PeriodForFinishedWorkflows keys are not available under the Rollback node, you can manually add them and assign their values. After editing these values in the config and saving the settings under File in the upper left corner, the System Manager screen is closed if it is open, the eBA services are restarted, and System Manager can be reopened to retry the unstreaming process.

Figure 46 shows the code written on the flow side of the process on the Codes tab. This section is used to make changes to initialized flows on the code side. After the change is made, the flow is compiled with the Compile button. In this way, the change made on the code side is valid only in the relevant process.