Device Module - Work order closure role requests
When the work order is closed, there is a closure confirmation in the Device module, the closure approval can be made in a single person, it is done sequentially.
Sample methods that can be designed;
Single approver user for closure: For example, when the process manager says send for closure in all closed work orders, the user you will have selected for approval will fall into the closure approval.
Sequential approver for closing: For example, closed work orders are closed in the event that they are approved by going to y approver after x approves them, respectively,
Shutdown approval according to the workplace: For example, if the calibration place is X, it goes to user A, and if the calibration place is Y, it goes to user B,
Closure confirmation to the user group determined by the transaction type: For example, the X transaction type goes only to the A user group,
Or closure approval only to the user group: Approval to the specified user group,
For the preparation of your closure approval, you can request a closure approval role by contacting the Support team via BSS and detailing the role.