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What is a Review?

In the 2nd tab of the Folder Identification, there is a Review to Review and Review period setting for each folder. The system reduces documents to review according to this setting.

Who it will drop is determined from parameter 5 of SAT > Config > Parameters > Filter > Document Module Parameters. Here, Responsible, Prepared or Revised can be selected. One or all of them can be assigned tasks. When the review period determined based on the last approval date or the last review date of the document comes, the system starts to send e-mails to the people in parameter 5 and assigns tasks to their pending work.

Example: If the period of the last revised weaving on 13.06.2020 is 12 months, it falls to review from 13.06.2021. If this document is only reviewed on 15.06.2021 without revision and no revision is made until the next revision date, then the period starts to run from 15.06.2021.