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Using a scored system in audit processes increases objectivity and transparency. This method converts audit results into numerical values, allowing for a clear and comparable assessment of performance. Scored audits help identify strengths and weaknesses, revealing areas for improvement and contributing to more efficient management of processes.

In order to perform a scored audit in the audit module, the questions to be asked in the audit must first be defined as scored. You can find detailed information about the scoring question definition process on the "AUDIT QUESTION DEFINITION" page. After the scored questions are defined in the system, the questions to be asked in the audit are determined and the relevant questions are added to a list of questions.

For this, first of all, the System Infrastructure Definitions > Audit Activities > Question List Definition page opens. On the page that opens, click on the "New" button. A name is determined for the relevant question List and the "Scored" field at the bottom of the page is marked.

![]( i%20Control%201-54aeb270-e603-4d98-b59e-8cf12e314cae.png)

The List ID field will be automatically filled in by the system. If your scored questions are optional and all values such as the place, order, structure, uppercase and lowercase match of the options in all the questions to be added to this question list are the same, then the relevant control can be answered on a single page. If it is requested to be answered on a single page, the "Answer Questions on a Single Page" option should be checked.

After the Question List is defined, the definition of the relevant question list is created by clicking the Save button. Then, questions should be added to this list of questions. For this, there is a relevant list of questions on the question list definition page and the "Questions" button is clicked. On the page that opens, the questions are added to the list by clicking the "New" button.

![]( i%20Control%202-33b9a775-bf5e-4e06-90cc-34d3800d8caa.png)

After clicking the New button, the questions that appear in the window that opens will be the questions that have been selected with points in the question pool. If a question you are looking for is not available on this screen, then it means that the defined question is defined as unscored and it must be defined as scored on the question pool page.

After the Question List is defined, the relevant audit definition must be made for your scored audit. For this, it is necessary to open the System Infrastructure Definitions > Audit Activities > Audit Definition page and click the "New" button. When defining the audit, the audit definition field is entered and the scored field must be marked at the bottom. After marking the scored field, the question list created for the scored audit must be selected from the relevant question lists field.

![]( i%20Control%203-0cc519e3-cd4a-4a63-85dc-6a51c1afbba4.png)

After the other fields for the control definition are filled in, the control definition is saved. Once the relevant audit definition is saved, it will be ready for planning. On the audit plans page, the audit definition defined by providing audit detail planning is added under the relevant audit plan and can be planned and carried out.