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Frequently Asked Questions


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<details> <summary>Do you have a demo address where we can access the QDMS application?</summary> <p> Our QDMS application has a "demo" system. It can be accessed from the following address, with any browser. You can request demo login information from the sales manager. Address: </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does the application run in the console or browser?</summary> <p> The application is web-based and works in all browsers. No additional programs will be installed on your computer. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does the QDMS application have cloud support?</summary> <p> Currently, the QDMS application can be installed in a cloud environment provided by our customer. Installation in the cloud environment provided by Bimser will be made in a short time. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How does QDMS benefit my organization? What will it bring to my organization?</summary> <p> It ensures that the quality philosophy is spread throughout the organization. It makes quality not only the subject of the quality department. In addition, it brings to the organization: Process-based approach, management in accordance with standards, rapid adaptation to corporate culture, providing corporate memory, improved traceability. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do we have the option to rent the app?</summary> <p> Yes, we have a rental option. With the rental option, you also do not pay maintenance money. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What standards can we manage with QDMS? What are the modules we need to take for standards? </summary> <p> See our solution map. Or contact our sales manager. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do we have licenses? Or is it a timed purchase? </summary> <p> You have two different licensing options as perpetual and term-based. In perpetual licensing, you can use the license without any time limit by paying the licensing fee at once. The warranty period for this type of licensing is 1 year. After 1 year, our customers can continue to receive support by making a Maintenance and Version Update Agreement if they wish. In the case of Term Licensing, our customers pay the license fee for as long as they continue to use the solution. At the end of the commitment period, he can stop using the solution at any time.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can modules be licensed individually? Or are all modules of the application licensed?</summary> <p> From the modules in the QDMS, the institution can only choose and make purchases according to its own needs.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do I need a user license?</summary> <p> A user license is required to use QDMS. The QDMS license fee covers the active user license only. Users can use all of the available QDMS modules. There is no need for a separate QDMS end user for newly acquired modules.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Which users are included in the license?</summary> <p> A license is requested for the users who will bring data into the system and will be in the infrastructural setup.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can users be automatically transferred from the system?</summary> <p> Yes, users can be transferred from systems automatically.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is Active Directory and/or LDAP integration available for HR information?</summary> <p> Active Directory and LDAP integration is available.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there user-based authorization?</summary> <p> User- or user-group based authorization is available in the application.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do the modules have integration with Outlook calendar?</summary> <p> Integration is available for specific modules.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can the holding and its subsidiaries use common QDMS?</summary> <p> Yes, it can.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>What are the disadvantages of the holding and its subsidiaries in case of using joint QDMS?</summary> <p> It is not a suitable use for group companies with different requirements and process needs. It is necessary to have a common methodology. Methodology changes cannot be made on an institutional basis.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>What are the advantages of the holding and its subsidiaries in case of using joint QDMS?</summary> <p> Group companies with common processes provide standardization under a single QDMS roof. The group companies thus ensure transparency.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can group companies perform different implementations / installations within a single QDMS?</summary> <p> It can be realized, but it is not recommended due to differences in the functioning and methodology in the processes of the institution.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does it work on Linux-based systems?</summary> <p> Our current version cannot run on Linux-based systems. We will be providing this feature in future versions of the application. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What databases does it work in?</summary> <p> MS SQL and Oracle </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How is access to the application provided?</summary> <p> Access can be provided via intranet, VPN, web according to the preference of our customers. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does it have a mobile app?</summary> <p> Yes, there is. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does the mobile app require a user license?</summary> <p> No additional user license is required. QDMS Mobile user license is defined as well as the user license of the QDMS application. If it will be more than your current license, an additional user license is required. This license will apply to both QDMS and QDMS Mobile. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What functions are available in the mobile app?</summary> <p> See the mobile app documentation. You can obtain it through Product Management or support system. </p> </details>

<details> Does the Apply SSI <summary>and the Ministry of Labor find it in the list of integrator companies?</summary> <p> Yes, it is in the list of integrator companies. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we automatically send health, education, risk records to the ministry?</summary> <p> Yes, since QDMS is an integrator application, this data can be sent automatically. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we cut e-prescriptions in practice?</summary> <p> Workplace physicians can give e-prescriptions within the on-the-job and periodic examination module. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do you have any examples of international projects?</summary> <p> We have project examples in many countries. You can get support from the Sales Manager to get detailed information. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there Mail integration?</summary> <p> Mail integration of the application is available. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there SMS integration?</summary> <p> It can be done through a provider that the customer has agreed with. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there a module-based user authorization?</summary> <p> User authorization is available on a module basis. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we upload our documents other than quality documents to QDMS?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. However, it is not suitable for the management of documents. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What is the average time to live of a QDMS application? How do you calculate this time?</summary> <p> Depending on the number of modules taken and the number of people who will work on the project, the duration of the live varies. You can get support from the Sales Manager for project duration samples. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we transfer training records from SAP to QDMS?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is bulk data transfer possible?</summary> <p> In some modules, bulk data transfer is performed. These modules are; document, device management, risk modules, event notification, training, legal legislation, audit. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How do you provide after-sales support?</summary> <p> It is provided through the Bimser Support System portal offered by Bimser to its customers. This service is provided free of charge within the warranty period. After the warranty period, there must be a "Maintenance Contract". </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can flows suitable for our institution be created in the modules?</summary> <p> Yes, it can. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can special fields be added to our institution?</summary> <p> Yes, it can be added. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How many admins can we manage QDMS?</summary> <p> The size of the institution varies according to the number of locations. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How many users do you recommend?</summary> <p> The size of the institution varies according to the number of locations. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does the application have integration capability?</summary> <p> QDMS has advanced integration capabilities. In general, personnel, customer, supplier, product integrations are made at the beginning of the project. Module-based integrations are decided when necessary by talking to the technical team. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What is the difference between QDMS Document Management and eBA Document Management?</summary> <p> QDMS system is a software where documents related to Management Systems are managed with a quality approach. Document types such as procedures, instructions, regulations are effectively managed within the system. Eba, on the other hand, is a suitable platform for the management of processes where the flow is more dynamic. The management of contracts, incoming and outgoing document management can be set up much easier. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Who owns the backups?</summary> <p> Backup operations are the customer's responsibility. When Bimser moves to its own cloud system, the planning of this business may change. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Who owns data security?</summary> <p> Data security operations are the customer's responsibility. When Bimser moves to its own cloud system, the planning of this business may change. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do you share source codes?</summary> <p> Source code is not shared. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can modules be licensed individually? Or are all modules of the application licensed?</summary> <p> From the modules included in QDMS, the institution can only choose and make purchases according to its own needs. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there a document where we can find answers to questions about using modules?</summary> <p> Yes, there is. You can request this document from the sales manager. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we prepare special / extra reports for our institution in QDMS application?</summary> <p> Institution-specific changes can be made on the existing reports in the application. New report requests must be entered as a request from the Bimser Support System. After being evaluated by the product management and if it is suitable for the software infrastructure, it can be brought to the system in later versions. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we revise the reports in the QDMS application specific to our institution?</summary> <p> Yes, it can be revised. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can legal regulations be automatically uploaded to the system / revised?</summary> <p> The legal legislation module does not automatically follow the legislation to which the institution is subject. This module covers the permissions that need to be obtained and revised for the compliance of the institution with the legal regulations and the actions to be taken for this. The legal regulations to which the institution is affiliated must be uploaded to the system by the user. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we define more than one methodology in the risk modules?</summary> <p> Multiple risk implementations in a single module are not recommended. Because the main prompts and module counterparts are different, complexity can occur. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What are quality records?</summary> <p> A record is generally a document that declares the results obtained or provides evidence of the activity performed. In management systems, this is mostly expressed in the form of quality records. In addition, quality records can be kept in computer environment as well as in paper environment. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there a Dashboard where we can monitor registration data?</summary> <p> There is a "Dashboard" solution where you can monitor registration data. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Which databases can we integrate with?</summary> <p> Data integration can be provided with all databases. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is it licensed as SQL Core?</summary> <p> Yes. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does Bimser own SQL licensing?</summary> <p> SQL licensing is owned by the customer. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does it work in SQL Express?</summary> <p> Yes, it can work. However, there are some limitations. These restrictions are; SQL Server Express edition can use a maximum of 1GB of RAM. Therefore, the application will not work with much performance. There is also a maximum limit of 10 GB on the database size. We can store the documents in the database and search according to the words in the documents with the full text search feature. If your files are over 10gb in size, you should keep the files in the file system instead of the database. In this case, the search feature according to the word in the document will not work. You can use it if you accept these limitations of the Express edition. We recommend the Standard version so that you can take full advantage of the features of the application. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we use a licensed SQL server in the enterprise?</summary> <p> Yes, it is available. </p> </details>