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QDMS Document Management - Get Document File Extension List

You can get it > the Integrated Management System using the Document Summary List > Reports > Document Operations;

  1. Install the MasterSablon_TR template, which is the Template of the Document Summary List, SAT > BSAT > Konfg. Download the settings > Report Formats from the Edit menu.
  2. Save the document by using the tag in <DOC_FILE_NAME> an empty column as a tag in the template you downloaded.
  3. Restore the saved document with the "same file name" from the Report Formats Edit menu.
  4. After uploading, filter all documents from the Reports > Document Summary List and download the file with the export to excel button at the top right. In the file you downloaded, document extensions will be reflected in the column you use as a DOC_FILE_NAME. You can access the list by filtering according to the extension you want through this column. I wish you good work.