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Regarding the Use of Web Service to Open a Customer Complaint Record

QDMS Customer Complaints You can reach our web service by typing the Qdms login link /QDMSNET/MSWs/Main.asmx. An example would be "http://qdmsv523.bimser.local/QDMSNET/MSWs/Main.asmx". You can use the NewContent method to create a new MS record. The minimum fields you need to submit to create a new döf record are MKOD(Customer code), COMPLAINTG(Complaint Opened), SISTEMEKT(Complaint Opening Date), ICDIS(Internal Customer, External Customer Complaint). If you are using QDMS version 5.23, these versions have Service authentication for security reasons and receive tokens using the ServiceAuth method. You can request all documents related to Web service from the support team. The procedures to be performed for service authentication will be communicated in the relevant documents.