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Edit Device Identification Grid/Fetch Certificate Code

SAT > Device Management > Process Type Identification menu. Make a note of the "code" of the type of operation you frequently use, which is defined in this menu.


SAT > BSAT > Configuration Settings > Parameters > Device module parameters;

In the "Default operation type code" parameter value, write the code of the operation type you noted.

You will then see the latest, upcoming transaction date, and certificate number on the Device Identification screen.

The point you need to pay attention to here is;

The operation type code that you typed in the parameter value; The "Filter" tab on the Device Identification screen will automatically come up as a default filter. Fields such as last transaction date, future transaction date, certificate number are the fields that are defined on the transaction types. And more than one operation type can be defined on one device. For this reason, you need to specify which operation type you are searching by from the "Process Type" field in the "Filter" tab. In other words, when filtering, you need to specify which type of operation you are searching by so that the relevant information can be printed on the fields added to the gray.