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How to Define the Status Menu?

System Infrastructure Definitions > Related Risk Module > Status Menu Definition come to the menu called.

In this menu, you can define a new menu by pressing the new button. You can select the relevant statuses in the corresponding menu to display the relevant statuses. If all statuses will be displayed in this menu, you can select all statuses.

After this process; A menu will be formed > the name you give > the Risk Module Related to the IMS. In the resulting menu, you can view the records for the status you selected.

Note: In the Status Menu Definition menu, after defining the relevant menu, you need to define the authorization to the relevant authorization groups which users you want to see this menu.

User menu authorizations on the QDMS application are provided through the authorization group matching with the user group to which they are connected.

You can check and find the value opposite the user group to which the user is connected through the System infrastructure definitions>Bsat>Definitions>User privileges definition menu, to which the user is connected.

System infrastructure definitions>Bsat>Definitions>You can define the relevant menu with the ">" button after selecting the authorization group to which it is connected through the authorization group definition menu and clicking the change button at the top right.

After adding and saving the menu, we kindly ask you to press ctrl+f5 on the My Jobs Pending Jobs page of the QDMS application.