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Is the Plan Forwarded in the Audit Plan Publishing E-mail?

When the audit plan is published, the plan is sent by e-mail in the form of an additional file. As an additional file, the DENETIM_PLANI.xls template is sent. You can access and edit this template from the System Infrastructure Definitions > BSAT > Configuration Settings > Report Formats Edit menu.

If it is desired not to send additional files in publishing the audit plan, the "18- Should reports be sent as an e-mail attachment?" parameter should be updated to "No".

However, selecting "No" for this parameter does not only affect the part of publishing the audit plan. Audit closure prevents the submission of additional files in all reports published from the audit module, such as publishing an audit. Therefore, if no additional files are requested to be sent in any report from this parameter control module, "No" should be made.