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Folder Deletion Warning

Reports--From the Draft Document Report, Document Summary List, and Canceled Document List, go to the filter section, select the folder you want to delete, and search. The folder you want to delete may contain a draft or canceled document. If there is a document in the cancellation, move this document to another folder with the SAT--Document Work--Move Document to Another Folder function. If there is a document in the draft, then you need to delete it or publish it and move it to another folder. You can then try to delete the folder again. If you still get the same warning, then select the relevant folder without defining a folder and move the folder by clicking the Move to another folder button in the upper right corner. You can then try to delete it again. Can you check it out again this way.

![](örSilinmekİstendiğindeÇ Warning-e0d06251-9e2a-498f-a9a2-43fc23466afc.png)